Daily life of a cultivation judge

Chapter 630 Blood brewing in the clouds

Chapter 630 Blood brewing in the clouds

Yang Qing carefully sorted all he had read about the Blue Soul Flame Crow Syndicate and correlated it to the information he had gathered over the past few days.

After he heard from the Imperial Secretary that the King's grandfather had suffered some sort of relapse just as he was about to deal with his final injury, Yang Qing instantly assumed foul play considering his existing suspicions about the kingdom.

Part of his theory operated under the fact that there had to be someone from the Deer Mountain Kingdom working with the Blue Soul Flame Crow Syndicate to ambush the obsidian serpents' daughter.

However, that theory had a few holes in it such as what the collaborator from the Deer Mountain Kingdom stood to gain and the exacerbated injuries to the King's grandfather answered that question.

Had he read about the Blue Soul Flame Crow Syndicate before finding out about the grandfather's situation, then his suspicions of there being a traitor within the kingdom would have lessened.

The Blue Soul Flame Crow Syndicate was very thorough and meticulous in its conduct. They could have known about the daughter centuries in advance and may have been lying in wait for the perfect opportunity to harvest her.

But now the grandfather's sickness created a layer of suspicion of there being a traitor in the Deer Mountain Kingdom.

They stood to gain a lot from collaborating with the Blue Soul Flame Crow Syndicate, especially the nobles who had ambitions of usurping the throne of the Kingdom.

With the syndicate's help, they injured one of the most powerful cultivators in the kingdom, and as a bonus, they also got to set a trap and whittle down their forces.

The only thing they didn't plan was for the daughter to call for her parents on her deathbed and for them to be that powerful.

This was what made Yang Qing believe the Syndicate may have not known about the daughter for long because if they did, then they would have known she had parents who were both at the seventh stage of the palace realm.

Yang Qing had a frown on his face as he stood up.

"If there is indeed a traitor from the Deer Mountain Kingdom, is the throne really worth risking drawing the ire of the Order if they are caught?" muttered Yang Qing.

"Not unless they believe they won't be caught or that we would not be in a position to punish them even if we did find out they were involved.

But what would give them such confidence?" Yang Qing said as he held his chin before his eyes lit up.

"The increasing attacks.." he ominously said with a somber expression.

He couldn't help but stare at the clouds above him peacefully floating about but within it, he could somehow smell the rain of blood brewing within them.

"I hope it's me just overthinking.." Yang Qing said as he dismissively shook his head.

Everything he had was purely conjecture with not enough meat and the bones were still weak to make anything out of them.

Yang Qing decided to pay a visit to the locations Meifeng had mentioned. It was the areas the fire adler bear took the obsidian serpent's daughter to when she was young.

Yang Qing passed by the kitchen as was customary before he made his way to administrator Mo Gualing's office to inform him of his departure.

Luo Meili and Su Jinjing were still not back from the branch post and from what he heard from Mo Gualing, they would be staying there for a bit because of a potential case. A few people had passed by the branch post and the two were following up on their claims.

Yang Qing couldn't help but wince when he heard that. With how his luck had been over the past month, every potential case sent shivers down his spine.

Not willing to give the matter further thought he picked up Haishi and Bolin and made his way to the mentioned locations.

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