Daily life of a cultivation judge

Chapter 641 Fate of the couple (1)

Chapter 641 Fate of the couple (1)

The couple still had no idea who they had entangled with. Before they just assumed it was another one of those allies of the Deer Mountain Kingdom. 

Even if Yen Xu's abilities shocked them, especially with how effortlessly they were captured, they were not all that worried. The worst that could happen to them was dying and they had thought themselves long indifferent to life and death, especially with the death of their daughter, death looked like a welcomed relief to them.

And if they weren't killed, they figured at some point in time the fire adler bear may rescue them or some of the powerful spirit beasts who had long ventured out of the range could come back and rescue them when they heard that human domain experts were roaming their territory.

The couple may not know the exact number of spirit beasts that had reached the domain realm in the Deer Mountain Range, but they knew of two, one was the fire adler bear's master who was terrifying in her own might, and the other was the metal moon tornado lynx.

The Deer Mountain Range was considered a free-for-all, with no overlord in place. Even the fire adler bear's master, as powerful as she was never dared hold that title because there had been one spirit beast that had once conquered the whole range with his terrifying abilities but left soon after when he found no one capable of holding their own against him. 

It was heard that he had decided to venture into the green fog region to test his mettle against the spirit beasts that inhabited who were famed for their strength considering the forest had never been conquered by humans for as long as the green fog region has been there.

Even after he left, his seat as the undisputed overlord of the Deer Mountain Range remained, and other spirit beasts since then have tried to replicate his feats, but no one has been able to. Some even went to the extent of venturing into the Green Fog Region just as he did, which favored the Deer Mountain Kingdom because had those spirit beasts been around, the kingdom could have forgotten about gaining a foothold in the range.

The couple had been placing their bets on one of those spirit beasts coming back. Even though they were not as powerful as the lynx, they were much more powerful than them as a few had even been able to hold their own against the fire adler bear's master. 

If they came back, flattening the Deer Mountain Kingdom and the branch would not be an impossibility even if with someone like Yen Xu present.

However, that four-day trip made them thoroughly aware of how naive they had been in their thoughts. 

They thought Yen Xu was the most powerful figure at the branch, but then they met Fan Tao, a terrifying beast in human skin who killed spirit beasts that made their insides churn, as effortlessly as swatting a fly.

Then there were the inhabitants of that forest. Any one of them was capable of running roughshod on the Deer Mountain Range, let alone the owners of those catastrophic roars.

"I am Bai Zhen, this is my dao partner, Bai Su, and our daughter.." the elderly paused as a pained look appeared on his face.

"Our daughter was called Bai Qin.." he said with a low despotic tone.

Tears dripped from Bai Su's eyes as she leaned her head toward the elderly man called Bai Zhen.

"I know you know the fire adler bear.." said Yang Qing which drew shocked looks from the couple.

However, Yang Qing didn't stop there.

"I also know that your daughter had a purer bloodline of a flood dragon than you. I detected it at the battleground, and I know the fire adler bear had something to do with the evolution.

I saw the foundation circle he took her to..."

"The foundation circle is the places where he took her to refine her body.." added Yang Qing when he saw the confusion when he mentioned the foundation circle.

"Is Adler ..." Bai Zhen hesitantly asked with trepidation in his tone.

"He isn't dead nor have we captured him.." answered Yang Qing when he noticed the shakiness in Bai Zhen's voice and the hesitant, fearful, and guilt-ridden look in his eye.

"What I want to know is, how did your daughter achieve the evolution, and by the looks of it you too.

You don't seem to have gone through the same process as her, but somehow two evolutions happened.." asked Yang Qing.

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