Yang Qing let out another sigh as he exhaled the turbid air concentrated within his heart. He raised his head as he stared at the solitary moon hanging up above them surrounded by countless stars.

He couldn't help but wonder what his reaction would be if he left a place he called home for years and that had to abruptly leave the place.

"I did run away from the Yang Mountain hold back then to the unfamiliar Order.." muttered Yang Qing with a wry smile.

"But I had a choice in the matter at least.." he added as his gaze fell slightly on the statue before he turned and decided to take a walk around the branch in the hopes it would uplift his mood.

He knew the obsidian serpent had gotten off easy in comparison to what their fates would have been had they fallen to any other party that wasn't the Order and one could even argue if it was not for Xie Wen's grandparents, the situation would have ended similar to what would have happened had they killed a member of another organization, and that was their execution.

And more than likely it wouldn't stop just there for those organizations, as they would likely go ahead and slaughter any other party associated with the couple such as the fire adler bear and maybe even Meifeng, and any other spirit beast they were even remotely acquainted with.

All these would be done under the banner of killing the chickens to scare the monkeys or an ironical form of preserving peace by eliminating roots to avoid future trouble.

Yang Qing slowly walked around the footpaths leading around the various rivers and peaks around the branch with wine in hand as he sorted out his thoughts or made peace with them.

He had mixed feelings on the whole thing. He felt the couple had been dealt a bad hand that didn't stop giving. On the other hand he felt some relief that they got to keep their lives at least. Another part of him, which was why he kept sighing with every step he took was, had the sentence come as an immediate execution, even though he was relieved the couple kept their life, he would have been okay with their execution for some reason.

Yang Qing couldn't help but wonder if he had gotten slightly hard-hearted ever since the Ice Emerald Sect incident.

After a few steps and passionate swigs of wine, Yang Qing came to a stop before one of the ponds in the area and a wry smile appeared on his face.

"I guess I really am petty like they always say. The thought of being stolen from bothers me a lot.." muttered Yang Qing after he questioned his heart over and over during the walk on why he could easily accept the death of the couple.

"The sealing flying dagger of the celestial river of forgetfulness is terrifying as advertised. Its title as one of the four anchoring treasures of the Order isn't for show. Just its aura alone made me feel like I had the power of the entire galaxy in the palm of my hands, what about the real thing.." muttered Yang Qing as he looked at his stretched-out palm recalling the sensation he had when he activated the scroll.

The scroll with the sentence had been imbued with the aura of the sealing flying dagger of the celestial river of forgetfulness. 

The dagger had been made by a fragment born of the power of the Origin Dao that pervaded the Celestial Ocean which was the Ocean that separated the southern continent and the western continent. 

Just like the Millionsfold Treasure Ocean or the Bestial Churning Sea, the Celestial Ocean had its unique features just like the two. 

The Celestial Ocean went by other names such as the ocean of ancient voices and scenes, or the ocean of dreams and terror.

All who walked through it would feel like they had been transported to another realm. A dream-like realm with celestial lighting and voices that either boomed like thunder or were silent like faint whispers aimed at lulling an infant to sleep. 

He couldn't help but smile wryly to himself as he walked there like he was going to his own backyard.

Meifeng as always was ecstatic when she saw him, and she was just about to kickstart their regular routine before Yang Qing stopped her as he decided to break the news of the obsidian couple leaving the Deer Mountain Range to her.

"Adler is sure to be heartbroken about this.." said Meifeng with a worried gaze.

"Well, after he comes out of his seclusion, if he wants to see them I will leave you with a talisman that he can use to communicate with them. He can use it to meet up with them after if he wants.." Yang Qing said as he took out one of the Order issued communication talismans from his storage ring.

Meifeng's eyes widened as she slowly caressed the light green jade talisman filled with white runes that created a mesmerizing circle dance every time she slid her hand through its surface.

"Could I have one like this too?" she hesitantly asked.

"It's to call you after you leave.." she hurriedly added as her eyes darted in anxiousness that Yang Qing would reject her request.

"It's yours, I only said Adler can use it, but the owner of that talisman is you. It's why I brought it.." Yang Qing said with a light chuckle.

"It's mine! You're sure!" Meifeng said, her demeanor and tone unable to hide her excitement with the crescent moon moth circling around her as if mirroring her excitement.

"It is.." Yang Qing gently said as he went on to explain to her how to use it.

Afterward like always, the lazy green-haired youth, a shut-in tree, a bird, and two insects shared songs, dances, wine, and skewered octopus meat all through the night.

Yang Qing left when it was almost dawn, leaving Meifeng and the river melody skylark trying to outdo each other in who had the most flare and splendor when singing. 

Yang Qing couldn't help but laugh when he recalled that Meifeng never let go of the communication talisman all through the night. She even called Yang Qing over a dozen times with it just to confirm it was functional and to feed the excitement of owning a communication talisman.

"Maybe giving it to her was a mistake.." he muttered with a shake of his head as he took out his talisman to see Meifeng calling.

Lacking the heart to reject the call, Yang Qing picked up, and like the dozen times before, the call was just Meifeng rumbling in excitement that she had a communication talisman and how novel it was.

She even impatiently asked Yang Qing to rush to the branch so she could test the range of the talisman.

Yang Qing laughed in defeat as he made his way to the branch, however that laugh was frozen when he saw Luo Meili outside the branch with four people in tow who had different robes.

"Meili.." he hesitantly called out.

"Boss!.... Good, you're here. We have a case.." Luo Meili pleasantly said as she turned to greet him.

"Good.." Yang Qing answered with an awkward smile trying to mask the twitch in his eye.

Right about now, feeding Meifeng's communication talisman frenzy didn't seem so bad in comparison.

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