The stunning silence in the room kept its head above high as all three of them took some time for their heads to get at the fact that Azrail could walk the path of a death cultivator, soul cultivator, and now even the path of a mental cultivator. Not to mention his use of cultivating Qi and getting stronger. Now the only thing left for Azrail is to walk the path of a World Spirit master, and as those thoughts came to their minds, all three of them focused on Azrail at the same time.

Seeing this, he chuckled a bit, not hiding his feelings from Valencia, who quickly connected the dots. Her eyes lit up in wonder while Azrail just waved his hand, and world spirit energy started to swirl around his hand, thus the silence that was getting back on track just went into a deeper stunning silence.

Adria now seemingly getting more transparent, a situation of her soul being called up to heaven, while Nayan's eyes started to flutter with a lot of unconcealed greed, desire, and knowledge. He looked Azrail up and down so much that an unbiased spectator might have mistaken the desire brewing in Nayan.

"Um, master, please, just please, can I dissect you a bit and see what makes you tick?"

The answer to the question came in the format of extreme pain of the soul hitting Nayan all together at once.


He cried out as he buckled himself to the floor, while Azrail looked at him with calm eyes as he spoke.

"Don't go overboard with your authority."

While he looked calm, the words that flew from Azrail's mouth were cold. However, he quickly shook it off as he looked at Adria, looking at Azrail with a focused gaze as she asked.

"Just how did the cosmos, nay the heavens, allow for you to even exist?"

Her question had veiled intentions to it, and Azrail smiled at it, understanding the inner workings of her question. As one that had reached part of the peak and peeked at the summit, Adria should have a deeper understanding of the workings of the cosmos and the heavenly Law ruling around that keeps the order and chaos.

Certain things exist, but certain things that break all limits of the laws and restrictions must be removed from existence itself. Why else would the lightning descend on the crazy inventions of crazy world breaking orders all around?

When something that breaks the balance occurs, it's not a problem, it's something to be celebrated by the cosmos for its inhabitants rising to fight against fate itself. But even that narrow sight has a limit. After all, there are certain things that should never come to exist at all. The power that can simply tip the scale wholly to one can never be accepted. It's something that exists from time immemorial.

While everything looks like free will, there still exists some hidden chains all around the cosmic laws, ones set to work by the Heavenly Tree itself and executed by its dear child, the Heavens, one of the most inflexible yet the most flexible existence in all of existence itself, the big boss keeping eyes everywhere it can keep eyes on, especially with its own sub-children looking down on as heavens on each realm.

Azrail's existence of walking all the paths shouldn't ever be allowed because that's more than just breaking the laws, it's smashing through it and spitting on the face of the Heavenly Tree itself. The Heaven will never allow that unless it doesn't have a choice. The Heavenly Tree allows it, and there's a deeper ploy at play.

And Adria, who has dealt her whole life dealing with the Heavenly Rulers, felt it, a change in the flow of fate across the cosmos. The fascinating part is that the boy in front of her is at the center of it all, an enigma that the heavens itself seem not to smite as if it's supporting Azrail with all its powers as if he is a messiah to change.

While Adria's thoughts weren't all that wrong, it ain't all that right either. What she doesn't know is the fact that after Azrail had taken away the cube that controlled his mind, there was nothing more the Heaven would like than to send its biggest, worst thunderbolt at Azrail to wipe him from existence. But it wouldn't dare to do it.

Not when Death backs the boy up. If it was just a variant of Death across the multiverse, it wouldn't have been a problem. But it isn't, and that's the problem. Not even the Heavenly Tree, one that has seen too much and lived through pretty much everything and holds the balance of the cosmos, wouldn't dare dream of pissing off Death. As such all of the mighty players would only hold themselves back for now.

To take the back seat and gaze at Azrail as he keeps becoming a bigger and bigger monster, fearing to get in his way, at least until he has completed the final objective, once it's done, then things might take a very different unique turn.


"You guys all better?"

Azrail asked as the room finally calmed down to a more natural state, eyeing Nayan who was sitting quiescent on the floor, with the dynamics all coming back.

"Before we all lost focus, the main point was on making those workers fully loyal to us."

Azrail spoke, his words this time carrying a more contained power, to which Adria asked.

"How do you plan to execute it?"

To this, Azrail took a deep breath, the plan in his mind washing through his mind as he spoke.

"We will do it with a mix of my control over soul and mind, along with Adria's control over the fate lines and Nayan's specialization of tech."

"Then what about me?"

Valencia asked seemingly in a pouting tone, to which Azrail replied with a smile.

"The funny thing is, the thing we will be doing with a lot of work shall be achievable by you in a thought once you reach the peak of your powers. After all, there is no one more charming than my wife~"

The last of Azrail's words was charming, making Valencia chuckle a bit as she lightly hit Azrail's shoulder while saying.


The romantic mood blossomed between the two of them as the other centuries-old adults looked at this scene with dead eyes, the two of Nayan's and Adria's heads meeting, and for once those two seemed to be on the same thought line, and seeing the flirting increasing, Adria, the one not eternally a slave to Azrail, interrupted the scene as she asked.

"So you were saying?"

Seeing this, Azrail chuckled as he started to detail his plan.

"All of you must know the danger of a mental master, right?"

This sudden question by Azrail brought a somber atmosphere to the room, the path of a mental master being one of the most heinous yet dangerous paths to walk or come across. The ability to manipulate memories, control your mind, and make you do things without you even knowing that you are being controlled isn't a power that everyone appreciates.

In fact, there are few, very very few mental masters in the world, they have formed their own little group and are very hidden from the world. No one can access them, and only the mental masters themselves can get to the cause. The moment you have power over the mind, then that moment the powers of the world either sniff you out or make you a slave for themselves, another risky path to take.

That's why even in other factions, the path of mental control, even in the oldest and most powerful ones, is rare, and above that, the faction or group of the mental realm masters is extremely feared across the whole cosmos, the same level as the soul ones, yet even higher.

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