Hidden Wife : Best Husband

Chapter 349 - 349 - Can't Sleep

Soo Yin wiped the clear beads from her cheeks. Then turned to Aunt Xia who was sitting beside her.

 "I can't sleep, Auntie," Soo Yin said with quivering lips. How could she possibly sleep because she was currently thinking about Park Soo Hyun's condition.

 "Trust me, Mr. Park Soo Hyun will be fine," Aunt Xia said. To reduce the deep guilt in Soo Yin's heart.

"I hope so too, Auntie. I'm going to the hospital early tomorrow morning to see him," Soo Yin said. She faintly smiled as she could.

"You'd better go to bed so you can wake up early," Aunt Xia said in a soft and warm voice, like speaking to her own biological child.

 Soo Yin nodded her head slowly.

 "Auntie should rest too. Right now I'm fine and I will go to sleep," Soo Yin lied. Even though she had been trying to hold back the cold so that Aunt Xia wouldn't worry.

"Are you sure, Miss?" Aunt Xia again wanted to hold Soo Yin's hand but Soo Yin hurriedly hid it under the blanket.

Soo Yin nodded her head quickly. Aunt Xia had to leave the room because Soo Yin kept asking her to go rest.

After Aunt Xia came out, Soo Yin took another thick blanket to wrap around her. The heating was also on.

 Soo Yin dragged her feet to the table to find the fever medicine then drank it. But every time she was pensive, Park Soo Hyun's always smiling face was present in her mind.



The condition of the villa already looked deserted but Soo Yin's room lights were still on. Dae Hyun had parked his car in the yard but he was hesitant to get out. He rested his head on the back of the car seat for a moment. He tilted his head and closed his eyes tightly.

 Before getting out, Dae Hyun wanted to make sure that Soo Yin hadn't slept yet. He reached into his cell phone which was in his pocket.

 "How is Park Soo Hyun doing right now? Is he okay now?"

Not long after Dae Hyun called, his phone was answered very quickly by Soo Yin.

 Dae Hyun took a deep breath.

 "You haven't sleep, huh?" Dae Hyun said in a hoarse voice.

 "Of course I ... have," said Soo Yin stammered.

 "If you were sleeping why were you so quick to answer my call?"

 "I was just taking a shower when I heard my phone rings," Soo Yin said nervously. If he knew she wasn't sleeping, Dae Hyun would surely scold her.

"Very well."

Without another word, Dae Hyun hung up the phone and rushed to get our to meet Soo Yin. He was sure that Soo Yin couldn't sleep.

 With slow and calm steps, Dae Hyun climbed the stairs. Opening the door slightly, it turned out that Soo Yin was still sitting on the side of the bed. Bent both her knees, and used them to support her chin. Her body was wrapped in a thick blanket with a pale face.

 Soo Yin turned her head when she saw Dae Hyun's arrival. She hastily wiped her eyes with the back of her hand. Her eyes were red with swollen eyelids too.

 Dae Hyun closed the door then approached Soo Yin with his lips still tightly closed. Then he sat next to Soo Yin, until his wife shifted her body slightly in the middle to give Dae Hyun a place to sit.

"Why are you so stubborn?" Dae Hyun grabbed Soo Yin's chin and lifted her chin. He looked into his wife's teary eyes.

 "I'm already sleeping," Soo Yin replied, tried to smile even though the tears hadn't even dried from her cheeks.

"Don't torture yourself like this. Didn't I tell you not to blame yourself?" Dae Hyun said with a soft sigh.

"I can not sleep." Soo Yin rushed into Dae Hyun's arms.

 Dae Hyun can feel that Soo Yin's body was cold.

 "Do you have a fever?" Dae Hyun panicked and put the back of his hand on Soo Yin's forehead.

Soo Yin shook her head slowly even though a cold shot through her heart.

 Dae Hyun hugged her tightly while resting his chin on the top of Soo Yin's head. At a time like this it was impossible to take her to the hospital. Though he was sure that Soo Yin wouldn't mind.

"Why are you here? Shouldn't you be in the hospital by now?" Soo Yin lifted her face.

 "I i …." Dae Hyun's lips really felt immovable.

 Until the sound of the phone ringing broke the silence between them for a while.

 "What's the matter, mother?" Dae Hyun asked.

 "Why are you taking so long? Hurry up, Park Soo Hyun always calls Soo Yin's name." Mrs. Park sounded hoarse.

"Okay, Mother. We're on our way," Dae Hyun said as he hung up the phone.

"Actually how is Park Soo Hyun doing?" Soo Yin then straightened up after hearing Mrs. Park's sobs. If Park Soo Hyun was okay, there was no way she would cry like that.

"He's still unconscious. The doctor can't tell when he will wake up. The doctor only advised you to come there because he always calls your name." Dae Hyun closed his eyes for a moment. The night that should make no more time for Soo Yin and Park Soo Hyun to be together, was now the opposite.

"Well, let's go right now." Soo Yin hurriedly got up and looked for a thick coat in her wardrobe. Forgot about the condition of her body.

 "Come on," Soo Yin said when she was finished getting ready while Dae Hyun just kept quiet.

 "You haven't slept, Soo Yin. I don't want you to get sick." Dae Hyun looked bitterly at his little wife.

 "I'm fine. Park Soo Hyun is much more important now," Soo Yin said with tears that were starting to condense again but she tried to hold them back. She just wanted to make up for all her guilt.

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