Hidden Wife : Best Husband

Chapter 359 - 359 - Don't Want To Go Anywhere

Dae Hyun drove his car in a moderate speed. It wasn't like a few days ago. Drove the car so slowly that it made Soo Yin grumble all the way. After a bit of arguing, they finally decided to go to Cheonggyecheon Stream because Soo Yin didn't want to watch a movie.

 "Honey, I want to know exactly where the accident happened?" Soo Yin asked. Asked about it several times but Dae Hyun wouldn't tell her with a reason that it was not important.

 "Why? Are you still curious?" Dae Hyun said.

 Soo Yin nodded her head, she just wanted to know if the place was so crowded that an accident was inevitable.

 Finally Dae Hyun complied with his wife's request. Past the street where the incident of that night took place. Dae Hyun also told a little of what he knew.

"What about the other victims?" Hearing Dae Hyun's story, Soo Yin's eyes heated up again.

 "They were hospitalized for several days before finally…." Dae Hyun didn't continue his speech because he was reminded of Park Soo Hyun's current deteriorating condition. Could have had the same fate as the other victims.

 Soo Yin lowered her head, lamenting all the guilt in her heart. If it weren't because of her, the accident would never have happened. Soo Yin kept cursing her stupidity of endangering others.

 "Honey, stop blaming yourself again." Dae Hyun reached out a hand to gently stroke Soo Yin's head. Felt sorry that he told her everything.

 "Tomorrow I want to go to the hospital. Take me there tomorrow before you leave for work." Soo Yin wiped her slightly dripping tears. Suddenly it occurred to her that something bad had happened to her brother-in-law.

 "Hmm," Dae Hyun said. If Park Soo Hyun's condition was still like yesterday he was not sure that he will invite his wife.

 "Let's just go home because I don't want to go anywhere." Soo Yin lost her spirit again this time.

 Dae Hyun massaged his temples as he kept thinking maybe there was something his little wife liked the most. So that it can make her spirit come back. If she was like that, it was impossible to take her to the hospital tomorrow. It was just going to make her even more stressful.

 "Don't you like romantic movies? It just so happens that tonight there will be a new movie. Are you sure you don't want to see it?" Dae Hyun persuaded, maybe Soo Yin changed her mind.

 "I don't want to watch it and don't want to go anywhere," said Soo Yin with a straight face.

Dae Hyun complied with his wife's request to turn around. He glanced at Soo Yin, her eyes were filled with tears. It hurt his heart to see Soo Yin continued to feel that guilt. Yet he also took part in it.

 Although there were no sobs, Dae Hyun was sure that his wife was going to cry again. Dae Hyun finally pulled his car to the side of the road to calm her down first.

 Dae Hyun grabbed her shoulder, then pulled her so that Soo Yin rested her head on his shoulder. He rubbed her gently without saying a word on his lips. Dae Hyun needed time to string the beautiful words that will calm her down. Not the other way around.

 "Honey …." Dae Hyun sighed heavily, afraid that what he said would make Soo Yin cry even more.

 "What if something happens to Park Soo Hyun? What should I do to make amends?" Every time she thought about the man who had not woken up, it made Soo Yin think badly.

 "You're innocent, I'm the one to blame. I also asked you to stall for time." Dae Hyun hugged Soo Yin's body who kept sobbing. She looked very shocked because there were victims who had died.

 Soo Yin didn't say anything else because of the fear she felt. If she can choose, let her lie down to replace Park Soo Hyun or become another victim.

Dae Hyun tried his best to calm her down. Until half an hour had passed that Soo Yin finally stopped her sobs. Dae Hyun's clothes even got wet.

 Now Dae Hyun was driving his car down the street again. Even though she was no longer crying, Soo Yin was still silent.

 Dae Hyun thought hard on how to make this night a little bit entertaining for his wife. Only one came to his mind at this point. Maybe going out with Jo Yeon Ho can comfort Soo Yin's heart.

 Before going to the UN Village, Dae Hyun first confirmed whether Aeri was at home or not to one of the servants he trusted. It turned out that tonight Aeri had gone to the hospital with Mrs. Park.

 Dae Hyun then turned his vehicle towards the UN Village.

 "Where are we going?" Soo Yin asked because they passed the road not to the way back to Pyeongchang-dong villa.

 "Don't you miss your son?" Dae Hyun asked.

 Soo Yin narrowed her eyes, her chaotic state of mind required her to think harder. It took a few moments before she remembered.

 "That's right, we haven't even seen each other for a long time," Soo Yin said. Remembering Jo Yeon Ho's cute and adorable face, the sadness that she had been felt these past few days had been slightly diverted.

"Let's take him out. He must be bored because he's always at home," Dae Hyun said. With Jo Yeon Ho as an excuse, his wife will not refuse.

 Soo Yin nodded her head without refuting. She forgot about wanting to go home.

 Not long after, they finally arrived at the UN Village's yard. As usual, Soo Yin chose not to get out of the car for fear that Aeri would suddenly appear. At the moment she refused to argue with anyone.

 In a short time, it turned out that Dae Hyun had succeeded in bringing out his son. Soo Yin then opened the car door to greet him.

 "Unnie, I miss you," Jo Yeon Ho said with a happy face.

 "Is it true?" Soo Yin pretended not to believe it. She then sat Jo Yeon Ho into her lap.

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