Hitman x Wives

Chapter 58 58- KAI!!!

Chapter 58 Chapter 58- KAI!!!

Chapter 58- KAI!!!

The duo walked inside the dark tunnel silently, going down deeper into the unknown. Neither of them spoke or made a sound just to make sure they wouldn't alert anyone that could be inside.

Since they were trained to be hitmen, one of the things they had to master was how to walk without making a sound. Their steps are always quiet and precise making it extremely hard to hear any sounds coming from them. It was engraved into their very being even when they are walking normally during the day.

So, even now, the tunnel was still as quiet as ever.

'This is going under the house.' Kai concluded as he looked back at the entrance. They had been walking for 2 minutes or so now and the end was still not in sight.

However, what made Kai and Eva tense was the weird feeling of the tunnel. It was cold, humid, and dark as if they were walking inside a cave and not a man-made tunnel. In fact, if it wasn't for the fact that Kai could feel traces of Origin lingering in the tunnel that proves this tunnel was entered often by someone or some people, he would've thought it had been abandoned for tens of years.

Eventually, after an awfully long time, the stairs finally came to an end. Right in front of them, they could see a metal door, closely shut. It looked like the door to a bank safe albeit it was made out of Origin-injected steel that made it at least 10 times stronger than normal steel.

Eva and Kai looked at each other as they conversed with their eyes before Kai approached the door and then he looked at the door handle. There, a keypad with 9 digits on it was planted as a lock to the door.

Putting his hand near the keypad, Kai injected some of his Origin into it. A few seconds later, random numbers started appearing on the screen at an extremely fast pace. The boy had simply hacked the keypad into self-unlocking itself by trying all the possible codes until the right one is found.

Although this method would take some time, it was still the best way to unlock such doors without being noisy. Who knows what could be inside so Kai and Eva wanted to be quiet in their approach.

After that, Kai turned around and walked back to the stairs before he sat down on one of the steps casually.

Eva also sat down and rested her back on the wall as she looked around idly. Her careless attitude might make anyone believe that she wasn't taking the situation seriously. But, only she and Kai knew her senses were already covering the whole place. If an insect was to enter that area, she would be aware of it.

As she was looking around, her eyes fell on Kai's gun. Instantly, her face warmed up. A memory she was fond of passed through her head as her hand instinctively touched the revolver she had by her side.

That revolver was oddly enough something that Kai gave her personally. Although it was technically a gift, Eva saw it as such, and that only made it even more precious for her. In fact, it was her most precious belonging that she took care of almost every day.

'So he's still using that revolver… Fufufu! So he gave me a copy of something he cherishes.' Just the mere thought of having something in common with her beloved made her genuinely happy. Her thoughts told her that Kai had decided to give her something that he likes and that's alone more than enough to make her jump excitedly.

As Eva was having her happy thoughts, Kai stood up again when he noticed that the door was unlocked. Eva followed suit and the two walked toward the door before pushing it open.

Immediately, the inside was illuminated, revealing a gigantic lab so advanced that it made even Kai quite impressed.

The place was wholly made out of white tiles, even the walls, and was filled to the brim with experimental material of all kinds. Some that even Kai didn't know of. However, other than that, there wasn't any other presence inside the lab.

"That man had such a place under his house?" Eva murmured with a surprised expression.

"Considering how focused Trevor is on the field of medicine and SOA, it's not that far-fetched for him to create this place." Looking around the tables and the experimental material, Kai didn't see anything odd.

They were all mostly chemicals, uncompleted SOA inventions, and some other materials. However, none of it was something that he could link to the undead mystery. Which proved that Trevor indeed wasn't the one who created it.

'There is simply no way whoever gave Trevor that ability didn't leave a trace behind. He would've never expected that I would get into this matter myself.' Kai thought as he squinted his eyes.

The duel between the Charlamagnes and the Lavines had simply too many variables and changes for anyone to predict its course precisely and act upon it. Hell, the conflict itself was something that nobody predicted not to mention Kai's involvement in it. So, when this mysterious person handed Trevor that power, he was either experimenting on Trevor, assuming the fact that he loses against Markus which will make him use the undead power, of course. Or…

Reaching that point, Kai's eyes widened slightly as it clicked in his head. The realization made him feel like an idiot for a second! Of course, why did he not think of that? It was never intended as an experiment! It wasn't even an attempt from this mysterious person to see the effects of this power!

"Oi, Eva, I think there is somethi-" As he was about to tell Eva, Kai's senses suddenly heightened as he felt danger around him.

Instantly, without even thinking twice, his body moved like a flash as he dashed toward Eva before he scooped her up quickly and ran out of the door. A split second later, the whole lab exploded violently. Flames erupted everywhere as they burned everything and even reached the outside of the lab.

Kai's speed increased, jumping tens of steps in one leap. His eyes looked back at the explosion that was still following them at an ever-increasing speed.

Although his body could resist flames, staying inside them will eventually burn him. Especially these flames that reached extremely high temperatures.

Eventually, they reached the exit of the tunnel. The moment he stepped outside, Kai jumped to the side. A moment later, the flames barged out violently, destroying everything in its way.

"Tsk… They got us." Kai murmured with a slightly annoyed tone.

Luck wasn't on his side, the moment he realized what the mysterious individual's intentions were, the lab exploded, burning any possible leads Kai could find.

Now, even if this person left a trace behind, it was burned to ashes.

"K-Kai…" Eva, who was still being carried by Kai, looked at him with a slightly surprised expression. She was still recovering from what happened.

"Whoever did this, they aren't as simple as I expected. They have apparently predicted that someone might come here looking for evidence." He said as he put her down.

"Why would they think so? Wait, do you mean…"

Kai nodded his head when he noticed her eyes widen.

"They saw everything, including what happened to Trevor. They've been watching secretly and when they realized that we could come here, they quickly prepared to destroy the lab and burn us alongside it." Kai explained.

Although he still didn't understand how this person was able to avoid Kai's senses that basically covered the whole city but that was the only logical conclusion he could come up with.

The situation was completely turned into a chaotic mess. Nothing made sense and no questions were answered.

As Kai was trying to make sense of things, his eyes suddenly squinted as he felt a presence looking at him. Immediately, he approached the window and looked outside.

"Did you feel that?" He asked Eva.

"No, I didn't feel anything," Eva said confusedly.

Her senses were spread across the whole area but there weren't any out-of-the-ordinary things happening.

Kai was also not sure if what he felt was real or not. But, he could almost swear he sensed two eyes peering through the walls and looking straight at him. The weirder thing is, this sensation only lasted a split second before it vanished completely as if it was never there in the first place.

Sliding his hand through his hair, he turned around to walk back to Eva.



His vision blurred and the sounds around him started to quieten down, leaving only the sound of his heartbeats. All the strength in his body left him as if someone pulled it out of him. However, even though this was sudden, it wasn't the first time Kai felt this way.

'It's… happening again… Dammit, not now.' He thought as he tried to regain his composure. It was all too blurry, too vague to understand.

"Kai?" Eva, who finally noticed the odd behavior of her beloved, called his name gently.

The boy, however, didn't answer as he grabbed his face with one hand and rested the other on the desk for support. But, that didn't seem to help much as the next second, Kai's eyes widened as he started coughing.

The coughs were loud, accompanied by something that Eva would've never thought she would see come out of Kai… Blood. Kai had vomited huge amounts of it and stained the ground.

Then, the Black Phantom, the man who turned the underworld into his playground at some point in time, the hitman that reached a level no one could've expected before, fell down to the ground as his eyes closed forcefully.


[End of Volume 1]

(A//N: I know many of you have a million questions :) the story will have some elements of mystery but won't be that heavy or forced. The next arc will cover a lot of those questions and add another layer to the plot, hopefully. Anyway, I wanted to thank everyone for their support and hopefully you will still accompany the journey of Kai and his lovely (future) wives.)

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