Power and Wealth

Chapter 1191: Xiao Dong’s injuries

Chapter 1191: Xiao Dong’s injuries

Next morning.

Zhen Shui County’s People Hospital.

It was almost summer, and the temperature had become warmer.

Flowers bloomed, birds chirping, and the sun is out. This is Dong Xuebing’s favorite season.

Dong Xuebing woke up early in the ward because of his phone. Ring… ring… ring…. He yawned and tried to move. It was painful, but he got his phone and turned on the speaker.


“Mayor Dong. It’s me, Xiao Yao.”

“Oh, Cui Er. What is it?”

“Sorry to disturb your rest. I did not want to call you so early, but you asked me to call you immediately when there’s news. So….”

“It’s fine. I was about to wake up too.”

“Ok. That Police Station Chief Leng Gang was suspended yesterday. He was upset with this decision and questioned the County’s leaders. However, he still got suspended. I don’t know what his Leaders said, but he ultimately admitted everything. The Commission for Discipline Inspection got involved, and I don’t know if they will investigate this incident thoroughly. The City Government was aware of this incident but did not take any action. The Finance Department Chief Wei Lin could resume his position after his suspension as it was an accident. Still, I heard it would not happen now.”

“Did the investigation state Wei Lin was involved in yesterday’s incident?”

“I don’t know, but he should be implicated. The neighboring County’s Party Secretary was summoned to the City Government for a talk.”

“What about the rest?”

“Nothing yet. Secretary Meng and Mayor Jiang did not pursue any further. I think they are putting an end to this incident.”

“Yes. This incident is over, and I am lazy to deal with them anymore.”

Dong Xuebing had vented his anger after beating up those villagers and scolding Leng Gang. There’s no point in pursuing this incident further after Leng Gang admitted to everything. The higher-ups will not be implicated and will not be investigated. After all, they worked in the County for years and have connections. He and Mayor Jiang knew not many people would be implicated as none of Zhen Shui County leaders were hurt.

This incident was concluded.

Dong Xuebing still has not recovered from his injuries and is not interested in continuing with them. However, he will settle the score with them in the future.

“How are you feeling, Xuebing?”

“I feel great today.”

“I will visit you later. Do you need anything? I can bring it to you when I visit.”

“No need. You accompanied me to the hospital until late at night and slept only a few hours. You should sleep a while more before work.”

Dong Xuebing ended the call and looked at the time.

The doctors and nurses had not come to check on him yet. He struggled to the windows. He opened the window and lit a cigarette sneakily. He had recovered the funds and completed his mission. This incident ended, and he doesn’t care about the aftermath. Those people can do whatever they want. He will deal with them when things happen. This has always been his way of dealing with his enemies.

The door opened.

A few doctors and nurses entered and saw Dong Xuebing smoking by the window. Some of them almost fainted from what they saw. “Ah, Mayor Dong!”

Dong Xuebing turned and smiled. “Oh, you all are here.”

A doctor said loudly. “You should not be smoking now!”

Dong Xuebing smiled. “It’s only a cigarette. I am only smoking one stick.”

Another female doctor added. “No… you are not allowed to smoke. Snub it now.”

“Smoking is prohibited in the hospital, and you are not allowed to smoke with your injuries.”

The doctors and nurses nagged at Dong Xuebing, and he put out the cigarette reluctantly.

Sigh…. It’s more comfortable to be at home.

Dong Xuebing did not want to be warded in the hospital because of the restriction.

Two people entered the ward.

The County Commission for Discipline Pu An, and the United Front Work Department Chief Jian Xiangrong, entered the ward with flowers and a fruit basket.

“We are here to visit, Mayor Dong.”

“How are you feeling?”

They put the flowers and fruits aside and asked.

Dong Xuebing turned and smiled. “I am fine.”

He took a step, and it was painful. He almost fell.

Two nurses caught him quickly and helped him to his bed. “Be careful.”

Dong Xuebing was slightly embarrassed. He cleared his throat, and his ribs hurt.

The ward was in a mess.

The doctors and nurses helped Dong Xuebing to his bed a few minutes later.

Dong Xuebing looked at them embarrassedly. “I had embarrassed myself, Secretary Pu, Chief Jian.”

Pu An and Jian Xiangrong exchanged looks. They did not believe Dong Xuebing could beat up almost twenty men with his injuries. But many people saw it and knew Mayor Jiang, Yan Yizhi, and the rest would not lie. They saw what happened now, and they took a deep breath. How did he do that with these injuries?

“Did you hurt yourself yesterday?” Pu An asked.

Dong Xuebing replied. “I don’t think so. I am not sure.”

Jian Xiangrong looked at a doctor. “How are his checkup results?”

A doctor took out a few X-rays. “I checked Mayor Dong yesterday and applied new casts. I compared the checkup result against the City Hospital’s results. His injuries remained the same and did not worsen.”

Two more people entered the ward again.

It was Mayor Jiang Fangfang and Deputy Mayor Lui Zhi.

“Did not get worse?” Lui Zhi was surprised when he heard it.

Dong Xuebing, Pu An, and Xiang Jianrong greeted Mayor Jiang immediately.

The doctor nodded and replied with a weird expression. “Mayor Dong’s right arm’s injuries also showed signs of recovery. The fracture in his forearm had healed.”

“Ah? He healed?”

“Yes. This is the x-ray result.”

“How did he recover so fast?”

“Err… we don’t know. Maybe Mayor Dong’s body is good.”

Dong Xuebing had used REVERSE on his right-hand yesterday when he beat up those villagers.

But the doctors do not know about his power.

Jiang Fangfang, Lui Zhi, Pu An, and the rest looked at Dong Xuebing. Jiang Xiangrong was speechless. He thought Dong Xuebing’s injuries would get worse after yesterday’s incident. He might even have moving difficulties in the future.

Dong Xuebing’s injuries healed instead of getting worse! What the hell is going on?

The doctors and nurses heard about yesterday’s incident. What is Dong Xuebing made of? He has a strong body.

It was a miracle to be unhurt from fighting against eighteen men. But his injuries healed!

Dong Xuebing asked. “Then discharge me.”

The doctors quickly refused. “You cannot leave the hospital now. Your injuries are serious, and we need to observe you further.”

Dong Xuebing said. “Other people recuperate at home when they suffer fractures. I did not hear of anyone hospitalized for months because of fractures.”

The doctor replied. “Those are patients who suffered a bone fracture. You suffer from multiple fractures and muscle pulls all over your body. We need to keep you under observation for at least a month.”

Dong Xuebing was speechless.

One month? He would die from boredom.

Dong Xuebing argued. “I know my body well. I will be discharged today.”

The doctor panicked. “No.”

Dong Xuebing ignored him. “It’s decided.”

“We are responsible for you. What if you….”

Dong Xuebing insisted on going home despite what the doctors said. He wants to smoke, drink, and rest at home.

The doctors could not argue with Dong Xuebing as the latter is the County's top leader. They looked at Jiang Fangfang. “Mayor Jiang, you should persuade Mayor Dong. His injuries are too severe and could get infected. He might be fine now, but no one knows if his injuries would change for the worse. It is safer for him to be treated at the hospital.

Jiang Fangfang looked at Dong Xuebing and thought for a while. She slowly said. “Arrange for Mayor Dong’s discharge since he doesn’t want to stay in the hospital.”

The doctor said. “Mayor Jiang, this….”

Pu An, Jian Xiangrong, and the rest did not say anything.

What can happen to Dong Xuebing, who showed signs of recovery after fighting against so many people with these injuries?

After yesterday's incident, everyone in the ward did not treat Mayor Dong as ordinary. It did not make a difference if he was warded or discharged.

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