Prime Originator

Chapter 201 - Nothing To Teach

Chapter 201 - Nothing To Teach

Ugh… Let me think."

Heinrich rubbed his sore temples, before attempting to sort out his thoughts. If he had time, any problem could be resolved. However, the main problem was that his enemies did not give them this time. He could only shelve aside the other matters and focus on the major problems in front of them.

Up until now, they had suffered sneak attacks on their railways, buildings and even a few nobles had been assassinated. The enemy's movements were unpredictable, and their goals could not be determined.

Heinrich couldn't comprehend what the two sects wanted. Was it resources they were after? Secret techniques? Or rather the entire kingdom?

Heinrich was a conservative ruler and believed that if he could figure out what these sects wanted, they could negotiate a solution and avoid bloodshed. Human lives were precious, and they shouldn't be wasted on infighting.

Elizabeth shook her head as she vaguely understood what Heinrich was thinking. Her husband was too soft and gentle. It was also the reason why she fell in love with him. He was neither overbearing nor haughty and was very approachable.

During peaceful times, he would have been a great ruler, loved by the people, but now was not those times. What they needed now was not a soft ruler, but a decisive and ruthless one.

Those fools have simply forgotten the type of horrors and devastation the beast could bring upon them in pursuit of their own self-interest.

She glanced upon a sheet of reports on Heinrich's study table and picked them up for her own perusal.

"Are these the information provided by the three merchant associations?" She asked.

Heinrich threw a passing glance at the papers in his wife's hand and nodded, "En, including our own kingdom, those papers include all the suspicious movements founded and a record of ongoing activities within Durham and Valaran. They…"

"I know. I can read."

Heinrich immediately mummed when he saw his wife frowned. He looked at his wife cautiously with a questioning look that implied, 'If you know then why you asked?'

Elizabeth rolled her eyes when her husband failed to understand the meaning of her question.

"I'm asking if they can be trusted."

In the report, the merchant associations listed many border activities, including amassing large amounts of troops and supplies of rations, weapons, and equipment. This was a clear indication of war preparation.

If a full-blown war truly broke out between the three kingdoms; Crawford, Durham and Valaran, all sides were bound to suffer devastating losses that may take years, even decades to recuperate. There were no winners in a large-scale war except war merchant, who couldn't wait to exploit them.

Not only do they not suffer losses during the war, but they also gain immense profit and fuel the war by selling war supplies.

This was why Elizabeth doubted the authenticity of the information provided by merchants. They didn't want a war, but merchants do.

Although Elizabeth didn't believe the merchant associations had enough courage to blatantly sell them false information, they could be withholding important information in order to guide the direction in their favor to start a war.

"Ah… So that was what you meant." Heinrich finally understood and began to explain, "Naturally they cannot be fully trusted, but right now, our own intelligence network is still in its infancy stage. If we want to understand the state of Durham and Valaran, we have no choice but to rely on the widespread network of the merchants."

Seeing Elizabeth's frown, Heinrich continued, "Relax. Successful merchants put great emphasis on their trust to continue their business. They would not sell us false information nor mislead us so long as we provide them with sufficient benefits."

Elizabeth continued to frown, but she nodded to show she understood it well enough. Although she didn't like relying on people who haven't made their allegiance clear, they had no other choice. She issued a long sigh, before she said, "So what good plans to do you have, my dear husband?"

Heinrich felt a chill and his brain began overclocking, but he still could not come up with a good solution to deal with both the border matters and their son. Since that's the case then…

"Ahem, since you believe our son is very capable, we have to continue believing that he will be able to make it back to the surface on his own. However, the border situation cannot wait. If the other kingdoms truly decide to wage a war, we must be ready for it and this cannot be done without a strong leader at the helm of the border defense…"

As Heinrich said this, he sneakily peeked at his wife. Elizabeth seemed to have understood his meaning as she nodded with a heavy feeling. The soldiers won't be able to defend themselves in the face of truly strong awakeners. However, it was a different story if a Transcendent had their backs.

"I will go guard our eastern borders. I will also be taking Aria and Lynne with me. They had just recently finished consolidating their cultivation. If battle breaks out, I believe it will provide them with valuable experience. I can also teach them some sword arts while they are there with me." Elizabeth said.

"Haiz… I don't really want you to go but it seems we can only do that. Thankfully we still have Uncle Don to protect the Capital, while you are gone to guard the eastern borders." Heinrich sighed and said guiltily. "Oh right, what has Uncle Don been up to? He should still be in the Capital, right?"

"Senior Don… Ever since he came back from the underground, he's been washing himself three times a day and indulging himself in high-end food and drinks in the Upper Districts."

"Is that so…?" Heinrich was surprised. He assumed the Grandmaster Don would be in his usual pill room testing out 'new recipes', but it seems something had changed in the old man.

Although, he heard about the details briefly, he presumed that only those who have undergone the same experience would understand the old man's pains. Being trapped in the underground must've left him with an unforgettable experience.

Meanwhile, Don was hiding within his own room. He was not indulging himself like Elizabeth had mentioned. That may have been the case two days ago, but not anymore. He was now hiding from someone.

Two days ago, he had bumped into a brat, who claimed himself to be the prince's alchemy disciple.

Normally, he would have ignored the nonsense. After all, he held a very grand status. All sorts of people tried to meet him every day when he is in the Upper District. However, the brat managed to catch his attention with 'the prince's alchemy disciple.' With a few inquiries, he was able to validate this statement and allowed the brat to meet him.

He was curious why the brat wanted to meet him, but as it turns out, the brat wanted to learn alchemy from him. He was confused by this. With the prince as his master, why would the brat want to learn alchemy from him?

The answer soon dawned upon him when the brat asked excitedly, "Grandmaster Don is the number one alchemist in the kingdom. The prince was taught by you, right? Can I also receive some guidance from the Grandmaster?"

In order to save face and not betray those expectant eyes, he had shamelessly admitted it. However, that was also the start of his dilemma. He had thought that even if the brat was Leon's alchemy disciple, the brat shouldn't be that advanced in his alchemy attainments.

There should be plenty of areas in alchemy he could guide the brat, right? But no, he was gravely mistaken.

After Leon transmitted his knowledge to Reginald, his alchemy knowledge became on par with the grandmaster. He only needs to practice and absorb all that knowledge to be a qualified Tier-3 Grandmaster Alchemist.

Don had made the instinctive decision to escape when he realized he had nothing to teach the brat. Why would he stay and embarrass himself? However, the brat was like the bubblegum that sticks to one's shoes, annoying and hard to get rid of.

The brat wouldn't leave him be and followed him all the way back to the palace. The palace guards were aware of Reginald's status and did not bar his path. After all, he was rescued by them and had been staying in one of the guest courtyards for some time.

As such, it had led to the current situation of him hiding from the brat.

"Grandmaster Don, please open up! I truly wish to learn alchemy from you!" Reginald shouted from outside.

"Go away! The grandmaster is not here!" Don shouted back from inside his room.


Reginald was momentarily speechless.

"Please, Grandmaster Don, I know you're in there! I sincerely wish to learn from you! Aren't you my master's master? That would make me your grand disciple! Why won't you spare me some guidance in the way of alchemy?" Reginald persisted stubbornly.

Don flushed with embarrassment when he heard this. The evil we bring upon ourselves were the hardest to bear. He shouldn't have claim credit for other people's attainment in alchemy. That boy, Leon was a monster and even the disciple he teaches was a little monster. They were both abnormal!

"Fuck off! I have nothing to teach you!"

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