Prime Originator

Chapter 223 - How Is That Possible?

Chapter 223 - How Is That Possible?

"How do you want to die?"

These words spoken by Leon was the same as a death sentence for Zorbek. However, when it entered Zorbek's ears, he thought he heard the most ridiculous thing in the world.

Looking at the prince's stature, he was upright and unyielding, but it did not hide the paleness of his skin and noticeably thinner body.

Obviously, the prince did not have a good time while he was inside the inheritance building after taking his sword blow. He did not sense any cultivation from the prince and thought his poison was more devastating than he had anticipated.

Zorbek had smeared his sword with an odorless and colorless poison he had gotten from the Illusory Butterfly Sect before delivering his blow.

Because Leon's mind was separated from his body shortly after he had entered the inheritance building, he did not know this, but he was much closer to death than he had believed himself to be. While he was in the dreamscape, the poison was wreaking havoc all over his body.

Fortunately, he had a heaven-defying physique that gave him the fighting chance needed to survive the ordeal. All the current changes to his body was a result of the body protecting itself from the poison, otherwise, it would have healed itself from the sword wound more easily.

Even Leon was not fully aware of his own body's capability. If Leon had fully known what the Five Element Body was capable of, he would have also known he would not be left on the brink of death from a simple sword wound that did not strike any of his major arteries and vitals.

However, there was no what if. He had chosen to practice a technique that nobody has been able to practice. He had little information and no one to consult, not even his archaic artifact spirit. He could only rely on himself in discovering all the secrets that lie in his incomplete technique.

A greater mystery was surrounding the origins of the [Hegemon of Primal Chaos] technique.

By the time he had returned to his body, the poison was already resolved.

Zorbek picked himself off the ground and stared at Leon fearlessly before bursting into loud laughter.

"I bet that poison didn't feel good, huh!? You already lost your cultivation, yet you still dare come this close and put up a strong front with me?! I don't know whether you are brave or a fool, but thank you for the opportunity!"

The desire to escape and live could be seen in Zorbek's eyes as it flashed with a dangerous light. The surrounding palace guards all had changes in expression as they heard Zorbek's words.

That was true! They could not feel the prince's cultivation!

But even if the prince's cultivation was still present, the prince was still not Zorbek's match! What the hell were they thinking!?

"Be careful, Your Highness!"

The palace guards all cried out in alarm as they rushed forward, but it was too late. Zorbek had disappeared from his spot and grasped Leon's neck from behind with one hand and swerved them both around to face against the others.

"Stay back! Or else I can't guarantee that your prince's body would remain intact!" Zorbek threatened with a sword pointed at Leon's head with the other hand.

Madness could be seen spewing from his eyes. He would kill their prince if they don't let him escape and push him.


The palace guards all halted their steps cautiously, and Lilith also began showing a worried look. Although she never expressed it, she was indebted to Leon.

She had helped him out once, but it wasn't much compared to how much he helped her. She did not want to see anything happen to Leon, not to mention she needed him if she wanted to leave the Human Domain and return to her clan.

"What do you want, Zorbek!? What must we do for you to let his Highness go?" A palace guard said. Anything was open for negotiating so long as they can keep their prince alive and out of harm's way. If the prince dies, they all die.

Zorbek looked at the palace guard scornfully and mockingly said, "Yo~ You used to call me captain so respectfully, but now you call me by name."

"Respect? Do you deserve our respect!? We used to look up to you, yet you betrayed our trust and turned back on us! And on the kingdom!!! Have you no honor?! What happened to the oath we've all sworn to serve and protect!!!"

Another palace guard interjected agitatedly. He was much closer to their ex-captain as he had joined the palace guards around the same time as Zorbek. However, Zorbek was more talented than him and was able to join the honorable rank of captain of the palace guards.

Zorbek looked at this palace guard, whom he could consider an 'old friend' and sighed sentimentally. He may have chosen a different path, but he was still a human being, filled with emotions.

"The Illusory Butterfly Sect is much more powerful than you can imagine, and their forces runs very deep in this country. This country has no more future. It's not too late for you to join me, Thiago." Zorbek offered sincerely.

Thiago shook his head. He looked Zorbek in the eyes and said seriously, "Sworn to valor and have virtue in our hearts. I would rather die proudly on my feet than live my life ashamed."

Zorbek was disappointed in Thiago's answer, but he soon chuckled coldly. "The hell's that? The chivalric code of Knights? Have you ever wondered why other kingdoms have knights, while ours don't? It's because our kingdom is a kingdom without honor to begin with!"

"Everyone worships the Hero King and hailed him a hero of all times, but how many know of the heinous crimes he committed? The unaccountable amount of royal blood on his hands, that Kingslayer?"

Everyone all had changes in expression. Some were angry and some were curious to understand what he meant, but Zorbek did not wait to be refuted as he continued, "Can't accept what I said the past king? Fine. Let's talk about the current royalties of our kingdom. How many lives had already been lost in the past decade and a half? Who should be responsible for these lives lost? The murderers? Definitely. But who is the biggest murderer? It's the royal family of course! Their neglect and incompetence kingdom management is what indirectly killed all the people who have died in the last 17 years! Do such incompetent rulers even deserve your loyalty and service!? Who can bring my wife and daughter back to life?!"

Zorbek's eyes glowed red and warm tears flowed down from his face. He had kept it in for far too long and burst, spewing about how tragic his wife and daughter's death were.

His wife and daughter were commoners who were both victims of the chaos in the capital and he had wallowed in despair after learning of their deaths. The people of the Illusory Butterfly Sect reached out to him shortly after.

Under their eloquent speech, instead of hating the man that was responsible for their deaths, he hated the royal family that allowed for it to happen!

Lilith creased her brows together and looked at him like she was looking at an idiot.

"The person… that killed your wife and daughter… did you ever find out who? Or did those people find out for you?" Lilith asked with a sneer.

"Of course, it was—"

Zorbek was about to answer when he suddenly froze with a pale face. The Illusory Butterfly Sect people were the people that found the murderer for him, but could they be trusted? Definitely not. They could have sowed the chaos and find a scapegoat just to get him on their side to do their bidding…

Zorbek almost turned insane that thought that he might have been helping his wife and daughter's real murderer all these years.

'I have to avenge them!'

Zorbek was already committed. He had to live and join their sect! Join their sect so he can tear it from inside out with his own hands!


The sound of sipping tea was heard at this moment as everyone's attention was slowly drawn to the old treant.

Elder Evergreen had pulled out Leon's teapot at a time unbeknownst to them and begun enjoying himself, a cup of tea without any concern.

"What the hell… how can you be drinking tea calmly at a time like this?" A palace guard grudgingly said.

Elder Evergreen turned to look at the palace guard. He didn't understand, but he could kind of guess. He shrugged his shoulders and nonchalantly said, "Your prince is not even fazed, so why should I be concerned?"

Zorbek became alarmed as he remembered that this old treant had already awoken. He faced the old treant vigilantly while dragging Leon's body in front before shaking. "Answer me! What hell did that treant just say!? You better not be asking it do anything funny, or I'll…"

Zorbek slowed his words to a complete stop as Leon's quiet snoring could be heard by everyone.


However, being shaken so violently, it was like an imaginary sleep bubble on Leon had popped, rousing him awake shortly after.

"Huh? Is it over? Sorry, the story was so boring, I couldn't help but fall asleep."

One could not blame Leon for this. He had been through a lot and hadn't had any sleep in the past three days as he was training wholeheartedly.

Besides, he didn't really care what others thought of the Hero King. He had already learned that the history of the founding of Crawford Kingdom might not be as beautiful as it appeared to be and didn't give a rat ass for this supposed 'ancestor' of his.

After saying his piece, Leon yawned right after.

As for what happened after, he didn't know. He had already fallen asleep by then. However, Zorbek viewed it as Leon's blatant disregard for his wife and daughter.

"Y-You bastard!"

Zorbek was enraged and lost his rationality. He just wants to flay Leon's skin alive! His sword was swung horizontally at Leon with full force!

"Your Highness!"


Lilith and everyone paled in alarm. Leon did not seem to have any intention of dodging as he yawned again with his right hand over his mouth.

Just as everyone was about to see a gory scene of Leon's right arm along with his head cleaved away from his body, their eyes widened in the next moment.


The sword stopped at Leon's skin and went no further. Underneath the skin of his right arm, blue runes began to shine brightly.

Zorbek's eyes widened unbelievably at Leon like he had just seen a ghost. No human could possibly stop a blade with the flesh.

"How is that… possible? W-What kind of monster are you?"

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