Prime Originator

Chapter 233 - First In History

Chapter 233 - First In History

After successfully enduring the first tribulation lightning, the Elder Tree was charred in various parts of its body, and sections of its leaves were burnt to a crisp.

The large tribulation clouds above were not like any normal thunderstorm that occasionally strikes the earth with its single ray of lightning from time to time.

No, it was on a grander scale and clearly seeking to destroy. The World Tree Tribulation was almost like the Divine Damnation.

The formation of the tribulation clouds was like a whirlpool in the deep sea an empty void at its center. However, this empty void was like a portal, a gateway that summoned tribulation lightning from elsewhere.

The white flash blinding and its destructive force was unfathomable.

Those who manage to perceive the true form of the strike would know that it was not just a mere ray but a beam, a laser, it was an entire pillar of white lightning that came crashing down!

And an especially thick one at that!


Palace guards were awestruck with fear in the mix. Their senses tingled with the crackling sky from the remnants of scattered lightning streaking through the air.

None of them was as knowledgeable as Leon. They did not know about World Tree Tribulation, but they knew about the Transcendent Phenomenon. Transcendents would receive the world's baptism upon transcendence, but what about this?

At the very least, they did not believe that it was a baptism. No one could possibly survive!

They did not doubt that if it were them that stood under that pillar of white light, they would have been vaporized from existence.

"God damn… heaven is angry. How scary."

"Yeah… this is probably what heaven's smite would look like."

Everyone quickly nodded in accession with large gulps. This was a scene that would be etched into their hearts for the rest of their life.

"Look! The sky is preparing to strike again!" Someone noticed and pointed.

The center of the whirlpool of tribulation clouds began to glow with brightness. The World Tree Tribulation was not over.

Leon's attention did not linger on Lilith before it was drawn back to the Elder Tree. How would it survive the World Tree Tribulation?

In his heart, there was some faint hope and anticipation for its success.

It was true that with the knowledge he had inherited, he could produce countless improved energy conversion devices to power airships and cultivate his people among many other things he could do with the knowledge.

However, whether it is flawed or improved, artificial spirit energy was after all, still artificial spirit energy. It was not true spirit energy. There might still be problems or defects that even Arden himself did not discover before his passing.

The situation totally changes if there was a World Tree. It would start producing genuine spirit energy just like a Celestial Ruler revitalizing the planet.

Thus, if the Elder Tree succeeds, it would be the start of the golden age of divine practitioners on Gaia. All the citizens of the kingdom of Crawford will reap the benefits with their practiced breathing techniques.

As Leon was lost in his thoughts, the Elder Tree began to glow green and recover from the damages it sustained with the overflowing lifeforce it collected.

As if the Elder Tree had a lingering fear of the first strike, it also did not take the brunt of the upcoming second strike. Its long tree roots stretched and weaved together to form a protective layer above itself.

However, the World Tree Tribulation did not give it the time it needed to recover and prepare fully. In the next instance, another white flash was already upon it.


The second was noticeably more powerful than the last. Everyone had already shuffled some paces back but the wind pressure from the second clash sent them back several paces more.

Leon strained his eyes to peer through the brilliance of the tribulation lightning and faintly saw wisps of red energy dispelled from the Elder Tree's body as it was struck.

His eyes narrowed at this sight. This World Tree Tribulation seemed a bit different from the records in his memory, but this should not be a surprise.

The Vandelheim Star Realm in which Gaia was located, operated under similar but different sets of laws. Perhaps even the entire unknown starfield was the same.

Knowledge from the Divine Realm would not always be accurate.

The red wisps of energy appeared to be the flawed artificial spirit energy that the Elder Tree relied on to survive all these years.

At this moment, it looked like the tribulation lightning was purifying it from this impure energy.

Leon had to agree that being showered in the white tribulation lightning, the Elder Tree did look more holy despite the damages it was sustaining at the same time.

After the second strike faded into the darkness created by the dark tribulation clouds that blotted out the sun, everyone could see the shape of the Elder Tree.

It did not look like it would be able to take a third strike. It was scorched black in parts of its body and half of its lush green leaves were missing. Only the empty branches could be seen in these parts.

'It's not going to make it.'

Leon creased his brows. Although the tribulation clouds were taking longer to charge up its third attack like it was gathering up the last of its energy, it was still there. It has not dispersed yet.

The third strike will be the final strike. This was something everyone present could also guess.

The Elder Tree had a bigger window of time to recover with the overflowing lifeforce stored inside it, but it may not be enough.

The ascension of a World Tree benefited all life, but with his knowledge on the usage of spirit energy, humanity will stand to gain more from it.

He could not let it fail. He had to make some effort to assist it or he would regret it.

Leon threw his caution to the wind and began withdrawing all the healing pills of all tiers in his reserve and under the startled gazes of his surroundings.

Their eyes widened like saucers. Where did these pill bottles come from?!

From their perspective, Leon was pulling the pill bottles out of thin air. If it was not sorcery, then they do not know what it was.

Too lazy to be concerned about their thoughts and suspicions, Leon took his stance and began tossing the pill bottles over the 3000-yard distance to the Elder Tree with his lopsided—Ahem, strong right arm.

The Tree Spirit of the Elder Tree sensed the incoming projectiles from Leon and shot out with some of its shorter tree roots to smash the pill bottles before accurately impaling each pill before they fell to the ground.

Whether it succeeds in overcoming the World Tree Tribulation or not, Leon's assistance was most welcomed and will forever be remembered.

It was not bothered by the fact that Leon's group escaped its devouring lifeforce domain, an ability that comprised of wood and spatial laws.

As the saying went, a friend in need was a friend indeed.

Furthermore, the lifeforce and energy from their group of several hundred was an insignificant number compared to the millions upon tens of millions of ants it devoured.

Leon did not have much hope to gain from his actions, but a boost to its small chance of success was better than nothing.

All the medicinal essence was rung dry from the pills and absorbed into the Elder Tree's body, but it no longer had the time to enjoy the boosted recovery.

The third strike finally shot down with nerve-wracking and heart-stopping force.

If the first strike was compared to a force that could erase mortals from existence, then the third strike was a force that threatened to drill through their very planet!

Each consecutive strike was stronger than the last!

The Elder Tree's defense did not hold.

Everyone averted their eyes the moment the blinding light appeared. If they did not, they would have suffered.

They could only helplessly watch themselves get blown away once more.

Was this a warning from the heavens to never defy them?

At the end of the third strike, the dark tribulation clouds had finally used up the last of its energy and began to disperse as daylight returned to the region thereafter.

At the source of all the commotion, the Elder Tree laid dormant, completely scorched black with no area left unchecked. All its leaves were gone, and it looked no different to a dead tree.

"I-Is it finally over?"

A person questioned with doubt. The fearless experience had shocked them silly. The people began to share their opinions among themselves.

Leon looked silently at the blackened Elder Tree. Disappointment could be seen in his eyes, but he did not look away. He had not given up on it.


Everyone suddenly went quiet. It was as if they had just heard the beating of a heart, but they were not too sure.

Ba-dump… Ba-dump…

They heard it again. It was not their imagination.

They looked around, wondering which person among them had such a loud beating heart.

"Was it you?"

"No? How about you?"


"What about you?"

Questions flew around, but everyone shook their heads.

Their gazes soon landed on the blackened Elder Tree.

It would not be the Elder Tree, right? They have heard about the heart of the tree, but it wouldn't be an actual beating heart, would it?

With these doubts, they silently watched the dead-looking Elder Tree. Just as they were about to give up, a cracked appeared on its scorched blackened surface.


The crack began to pick up speed and spread to the rest of the Elder Tree's body before all the charred parts fell apart like broken shells.

A sparkling new surface was revealed underneath with a tinge of holiness as new leaves began to sprout from the empty branches.

The Elder Tree was alive. Not only was it alive, but it was also recovering and growing at an alarming rate just like a newborn planting sprouting from its seed! The limitless sunlight was aiding its rebirth and growth.

The ground rumbled as everyone looking down at the Elder Tree from ground level began to look up at it!

It went from big to bigger!

Palace guards gaped in shock. They started to rub their eyes like they were dreaming.

There was only so much someone can take in at once. The series of events had shocked them one after another and they began to question reality.

The Elder Tree, no, the World Tree did not stop until it reached a grand height of 10000fts and its entire body exuded awe-inspiring holiness.

Elder Evergreen and his fellow villagers could not help but prostrate themselves and worship it like they had just witnessed the birth of a divinity.

The tree spirit was lofty and proud of its success, but it felt like it owes all its achievement to Leon.

Without the sunlight, it would not have the hope to break through and without the medicinal pills, it would not have survived.

It had been awfully close to failing, but the healing pills no matter how insignificant it was, it provided just enough to protect the core of its being and kept its spirit alive.

If the spirit lived, then its body can be revived, but if its spirit is dead then no matter what method is used, the body cannot be revived.

Leon finally smiled.

Today, history was made and all are honored to have witnessed it… The first World Tree in Gaia was born this very day.

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