Prime Originator

Chapter 244 - Brigadier-General Dales

Chapter 244 - Brigadier-General Dales

The battlefield at the outer rim of Azure Verdant Plains ended in a way no one expected. The sect members of both the Illusory Butterfly Sect and Bloodfiend Sect was dazed as they could not believe what happened.

The Grand Elder of Bloodfiend Sect, a fabled Transcendent had ultimately fled for his life only to be mercilessly chased and cut down in the end.

Perhaps, if the Blood Transcendent wasn't afflicted by the defects of the blood cultivation and had a stronger mentality, he would have been able to put up a bigger fight than dying like a pathetic dog.

Sword Master… The Queen was definitely a Sword Master! That was the explanation they could come up with for that unrivaled attack power!

Before Awakeners became mainstream, the path of the sword was the ultimate pursuit of strength.

However, it was easy to become one with the sword, but to produce sword intent was an enigma that baffled many even before the Cataclysm.

They knew it existed because few legendary figures have achieved it throughout history and their techniques were left behind for future generations, but none were ever successful.

The way of the sword was so profound it had become its own unique law, but the way of the sword was different for everyone.

The techniques the Sword Masters passed down was not to be replicated but to help others gain insight into their own sword intent.

Alas, none had ever realized it and believed the sword's path was too difficult, leading to its eventual decline for the more favored awakener's path.

The fate of the sect members was decided the moment the Blood Transcendent fell. Elizabeth took her time to clean up the battlefield as these evil cultivators resigned to their fates. It was useless to outrun a Transcendent.

After the sect members were all slaughtered, Elizabeth was at a loss when she looked at the surrendered soldiers that stuck around. What to do with them?

Aria and Lynne arrived shortly and paled at the bloody scene. The battle at the Tri-bridge paled in comparison to the death toll here. So, this is what the brutality of war is like? How terrible!

On the big battlefield stained by blood, there were many dead bodies amongst both surviving Crawford soldiers and enemy soldiers, but neither side was fighting.

Was the battle already over? Who won?

Soon, they found the Queen and made their over.


"How come you're both here?" Elizabeth smiled with surprise.

"We heard the news and rushed back as quickly as we could to help, but…" Looking at the battlefield, it seems their help was not needed here.

The World Tree's appearance was unexpected, but the news of the Eastfell Region was most likely intended to draw them away. Thus, they had rushed back to the Queen instead of the Eastfell Region.

They were strong but they were only two inexperienced girls. It was better to finish the battle at Azure Verdant Plains then rush to support Eastfell Region.

Elizabeth nodded with approval when she heard their response. She was beginning to like these two daughters-in-law of her more and more.

Although an official wedding had yet to be held, she had already viewed them as her actual daughters-in-law. She was a traditional woman who views a woman's chastity as sacred.

Since that lascivious son of hers had already done the deed with them that should only be done in the nuptial chamber, she had already viewed them as husband and wives from then onwards.

How did she know they already did it? Well, rumors tend to fly in the Royal Palace. Even if she closed one ear, she would still hear with the other.

"You're both very thoughtful and your assistance is very timely. I suspect there is another enemy Transcendent leading an army through the cover of Extreme Misty Forest. They must be stopped, but the reinforcement sent to Eastfell Region lacks experts and will not be able to stop those evil sect cultivators hidden there. Are you both willing to head over there and assist them while I head north?"

Aria and Lynne looked at each other and decisively nodded, "Yes!"

"Great!" Elizabeth smiled. "I will assign a commander and some troops for you both to lead, but before that… What should we do with these surrendered soldiers?"

Their gazes all shifted to the Durham and Valaran soldiers at the scene. Many had fled but when they heard the Blood Transcendent was slain, they began making their way back to the battlefield.

They had nowhere else to go. They could not go back to their home kingdom. The sect had their eyes stretched everywhere there. They would be killed, but their families might not be spared. They were helpless and could only turn to the Queen for help.

"Your Majesty, we are willing to follow you. Please liberate the Durham Kingdom and save our families!" The Durham soldier stepped forward and pleaded.

Watching their actions, the Valaran soldiers also stepped forward and pleaded, "Your Majesty, we are also willing to follow you. Please liberate the Valaran Kingdom and save our families!"

Faced with the pleading of over 30 thousand soldiers, it was enough to make anyone's blood boil with emotion. Elizabeth found it hard to refuse, but she also had her own concerns.

30 thousand soldiers were not a small number. Where would she send them and how was she going to feed them?

After a quick contemplation, she made her decision. She will worry about feeding them later.

"The Bloodfiend Sect and Illusory Butterfly Sect will pay for their wickedness, but don't forget that you are all prisoners of war! If you want to join the Crawford Kingdom, don't just speak it, show it! Prove to me that you are worthy of being a part of my kingdom with your actions!"

The surrendered soldiers clenched their fist with determination. The Queen had given a chance to redeem themselves for the lives they had taken.

Soon, the surrendered soldiers were reorganized into the Crawford army and divided into three groups.

One was to follow the Queen north to locate the hidden enemy army, another would head south to Eastfell Region and the rest were to head to the destroyed base to salvage what they can and set up a new military base back in Grassland Region.

Great Wall, outskirts.

"We're here."

Dales said with a tearful expression as he looked up at the shining tall and majestic Great Wall that protected humanity from the beast invasion. He did not think it would be able to make it back.

At the side, the soldier, Tom had a similar tearful expression as he looked up at the Great Wall.

It was definitely because they were emotional and not because the strong reflective lights of the wall were burning their eyes out…

Elvengarde was wonderful and all but it was good to be home.

The Supreme Elder and Princess Faelyn nodded without looking. They were not used to venturing outside the forest and certainly not used to the brightness of such intensity.

Even beasts usually steer clear from the wall during bright sunny days.

On top of the wall, the soldiers on watch duty naturally saw the four figures and already alert the garrisons and took to their battle stations, but they did not attack immediately.

These four figures look too much like humans to be humanoid beasts. In fact, they really are humans, aren't they?

"Who goes there?!" They sounded out by shouting over the walls.

"Commander Dales and Tom of the Thunderbird team. These two elves next to us are envoys of the Elven Tribe, Elvengarde, here to seek and negotiate friendly ties with our Crawford Kingdom." Dales shouted back.

The soldiers on the wall became silent for a while before Dales heard from the soldiers again.

"You're lying! Brigadier-General Dales fell battle three months ago!"

Since when was he a Brigadier-General? How come he hadn't heard about such a good thing?

Dales was confused, but then his expression abruptly changed as he recalled that only fallen soldiers get promoted two ranks during the memorial ceremony in the consolation of their service.

Dammit, how was being dead a good thing?!

"Bastards, are you cursing me?! I'm still alive for god's sake!" Dales gnashed his teeth with anger. He was still living quite well. How dare they kill him off like that!

The soldiers on the wall were startled by the angry roar and were at a loss for words. Was Brigadier General Dales really alive? They had never come across a situation where a fallen soldier they had pronounced dead was brought back to life.

Do we call him Commander Dales or Brigadier-General Dales? How do we verify his words?

"Go notify the General Marquis."

A commanding officer ordered to a soldier by his side, before the soldier nodded and headed off to find the general marquis.

Western Frontier, Military Camp.

On an open training field where soldiers normally do their regular physical drills, a crippled person was practicing wind manipulation to control the movements of his disabled limbs.

Although the movements were still shaky and not steady, showing that the person was still lacking in control, he had already proven that it was possible to move like an ordinary person with the support of wind manipulation.

By the side, the general marquis was quietly watching his son practice with both pride and sadness. No father would want their children to be disabled, but he was proud that his son was able to move forward.

Various things had happened back during the Capital's crisis, but Hendrick Graham had ended up finding his son on the outskirts of the Capital in the end and brought him back to the Western Frontier.

At this moment, hurried footsteps were heard as a soldier arrived by the general marquis's side to report.

"What is it?" Hendrick Graham signaled for the soldier to speak without taking his eyes off his son.

"A person claiming to be brigadier-general Dales is outside the walls with two envoys of an Elven Tribe presumably, General."

Hendrick's body shook at the news and quickly turned to face the soldier agitatedly.

"What did you say? Say that again!"

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