Prime Originator

Chapter 250 - Battle Of Eastfell

Chapter 250 - Battle Of Eastfell

Dwight's agitated behavior took Bromley by surprise.

"It's just the toilet, what's the big deal?"

"What's the big deal you say? Last time this brat used it; he clogged the toilet stank up the whole place!"

At the side, the servant, Sebastian trembled as he listened to his Lord's words and recalled the bad experience.

Others only had to put up with the bad smell or leave the villa until the smell is gone, but he had to enter ground zero and unclog the source of contamination.

"My Lord! Please don't let his Highness use the toilet again!" Sebastian pleaded on his knees.

The prince's turd was so solid and potent, it could probably burn better than coal and firewood.

"If you need to go, please do it somewhere outside away from this villa," Dwight said to Leon. He still had not got back at the darn brat from running off after the deed was done!

"You want me to do it outside?" Leon's lips twitched. How wild.

"Nonsense! Don't worry and just go use the toilet. If they stop you, I'll be the first to fight them!" Lynne's mother said to Leon, obviously taking his side.

"That's right, father. No matter how bad it is, I'll deal with it. After all, Leon had just gifted use three invaluable treasure." Bromley added, believing Dwight and Sebastian were being exaggerated and rude. How bad can it be?

"Remember those words. Hmph!"

Dwight flicked his sleeves. He wasn't completely unreasonable. His son was right. They just got some invaluable gifts and their relationship with Leon was very good, but the darn person's turd was too horrifying!

"Where are you going, father?"



The door slammed on his way out.

Bromley still found it incredulous and couldn't fathom the situation, but it would not be long before he regrets his word.

Unable to hold it longer, Leon rushed towards the toilet.

Having undergone one complete round of tempering, he did not struggle on the throne as the demon was expelled with ease.


"As I thought, it's clogged again huh?"

Leon muttered wryly. He had given up after the second flush.

He could only sneakily make his escape out the window again.

His turd had become so solid, it was like a brick.

In the Divine Realm, some crystal excrement and metallic excrement of rare and powerful divine beast were used as top-grade forging materials.

Leon wondered if human turd could also reach such a lev—Ahem, he was thinking nonsense again.

Dwight saw a shadow fleeing in the night while strolling outside and paused before rubbing his new Interspatial Ring.

"Sebastian, make sure none of the servants and maids help him. He said he will deal with it, so deal with it alone, he shall." Dwight said to Sebastian, who followed behind him.

"Yes, my Lord."

Sebastian complied and left to inform the other servants and maids.

Shortly after, Bromley's horrific roar could be heard, while Lynne's mother was fleeing the stinky villa.

"What in the fucking world!!!"

In the distance, Leon heard Bromley's roar and fled even quicker.

Inside the Eastfell City, the battle between Valaran and Crawford soldiers continued to rage on as fire and smoke billowed through the night.

The Valaran soldiers were afraid of death and weren't just going to offer their necks. The morale of the Crawford soldiers was high, but they weren't having it easy at all. In fact, they were at a disadvantage.

In order to save the civilians, they had restrained themselves from using firearms while fighting an enemy army twice their size with sect members hidden among them.

In a situation where the odds were against them, they could only stay on the defensive and focus on rescuing the civilian, causing the battle to drag out.

They were buying time for someone who could deal with the sect members arrive.

Nevertheless, the situation was extremely chaotic as the civilians did not recognize the difference between Valaran and Crawford soldiers, and only know that soldiers were killing people.

Commoners and aristocrats alike ran for their lives, but with so many soldiers inside the city, there was hardly anywhere to go.

"Please don't kill us!"

"Have mercy, we are just defenseless folks who can't fight back!"

"Why do you want to kill us?!"

Seeing that their path of escape was cut off, they shouted with despair. With soldiers pursuing from behind and soldiers waiting in front, they were at their wit's end.

There were children and elderlies among as well as many adults. They fled together as a group, but they were united and only looked after themselves.

They only stuck together for a higher chance of survival.

Among the group of civilians, there was a young boy forced to carry his old grandpa and another young girl carrying her baby sister. Their parents were nowhere to be seen.

Some of the adults were overweight aristocrats that needed servants to carry them, while a few others were carrying valuables when they could be helping the young and old.

Uncomfortable feeling welled up inside the Crawford soldiers as they saw this.

"We are soldiers of the great Crawford Kingdom! We are here to help!"

"Right this way. The others have already been saved. These soldiers will escort you out!"

The soldiers began explaining with a volume that the group of survivors could hear and directed them.

Some were doubtful and some were not.

"Their uniform is different from the soldiers pursuing us! It must be true!"

The people's eyes soon lit up as they found hope.

"We're saved!"

"Praise the Lord! Thank you!"

Some began to weep as they were escorted by the soldiers.

They had no time to wallow in despair when the Valaran soldiers started killing people. They could only run with all their might. The ones that did wallow in despair were already killed by the soldiers.

"Is this the last batch of survivors?" A Captain inquired from his subordinates.

"The situation in the City is too chaotic. We cannot reach the inner district at all, but this should be the last group from the outer districts."

Outside the city, a temporary camp was set up for the survivors that numbered in the 2000s. They were being served with a big pot of stew that came from the soldier's own ration.

The army had rushed to help and only carried supplies and rations as much as their military vehicles and the single airship hovering above them could carry.

It was only enough to last the soldiers a few days. No one knows how long the battle would last, but they didn't hesitate to feed the survivors.

Inside the camp, they could still see survivors shivering from fear as they fail to hold their bowl of stew properly even though they had already escaped from the nightmare that was inside the city.

On the hilltop next to the camp, Brigadier General Rohan was overlooking the situation of the city with a frown.

The enemy entered from the east district gate, while his soldiers poured in from the west district gate.

The outer district was steadily brought under control, but the soldiers couldn't get close to the inner district of the city.

The vanguard was exploding rounds of gunpowder at the inner district, but they were being decimated by the sect members.

They were at a disadvantage.

They had strong firepower, but the other side had a numerical advantage and high cultivation.

"General, look! There's an army coming from the north! Could it be more reinforcements from the Queen?" A soldier pointed and reported excitedly.


The brigadier general turned his gaze away from the city's inner district and focused on the northern outskirts.

A large shadow was inching ever closer from the distance. As it got close and got illuminated by the light of the burning city, their appearance was revealed.

There were roughly 15 thousand to 20 thousand soldiers. The brigadier general could not get an accurate read on the numbers at a glance, but his expression quickly turned bad with a big frown.

If the enemy had reinforcement, then he had no choice but to pull his troops out and retreat. He wasn't going to let his men get slaughtered for nothing.

"Valaran and Durham soldiers! This is bad!" The soldier exclaimed first as he paled with horror.

Did the Queen fail to defend the eastern borders? But that is impossible! The Queen is almighty!

"Hm?" Look again, there are some Crawford soldiers mixed in the army."

The brigadier general's brows relaxed. The Queen succeeded and sent reinforcement to help.

"What?!" The soldier's expression turned for the worse. "It's over! Even our own soldiers had jumped ship and joined enemy!"

"Nonsense!" Brigadier General Rohan roared and smacked the soldier on the back of the head. "Why the hell are you only assuming the worse? Can't the army soldiers surrender to our Queen instead?"

The arriving mixed army was the one led by Aria and Lynne.

When they arrived, the situation was terrible beyond their imagination. The east district was a dead zone. All the people in that district had already been slaughtered.

The west district's people were saved by the brigadier general's army, but there were still people fleeing for their lives in the north and south districts.

All sorts of screams and mad laughter could be heard echoing out from the city among the chaos. Some enemy soldiers had fallen into the dark side and gotten addicted to slaughtering defenseless innocents.

"How cruel! Those animals all deserve to die!" The usually quiet Aria said with biting coldness as killing intent radiated out of her.

Did these people enjoy stepping on other people's lives because they have the power?

"Let's go, Aria sister! Maybe we can still save some people!" Lynne urged.

Aria nodded strongly.

The two charged ahead of the army and dashed into the burning city of Eastfell.

"W-Wait! That's too reckless!"

The accompanying commander paled with fright. If something happened to these two ladies, he would not know how to explain himself.

"After them!" He roared to the soldiers.

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