Prime Originator

Chapter 321 - Departure

Chapter 321 - Departure

The Upper East District was soon bustling with activity. Earth-users could be seen moving loads of rubbles and into carts, while sturdy labor workers transport them.

The supervising palace guard pulled over by another palace guard before the person said, "Hey, are you sure you should be telling them that? Are you not afraid of starting a panic?"

"It's fine, it's fine. The King will be making this news public soon anyway. Besides, if I don't give them a heads-up now, wouldn't they starting rioting and refusing to work when they suddenly stop getting meat later? At least, they will find it more acceptable and not complain if they knew in advance."

"Eh? Is that the case? I guess what you say makes sense."

The palace guard agreed.

"En. Alright, if that is all you are asking, then hurry up and move it."

"Huh?" The palace guard was taken aback before asking, "What do you mean?"

"Don't huh me and get to work! Do you think you can have it easy before we know each other?" The supervising palace guard grinned evilly.

"Motherfucker! I am your older brother! You seem to have grown some guts just because you got lucky enough to be placed in charge of this operation, huh?!"

"My mother is your mother!"

"Eh? Oh yeah… You right, you right."

"Hmph! I am just trying to do my job faithfully! There'll be no special treatment from me, so hurry up and beat it! No work, no meat!"

"Y-Y-You… Fine! I will remember this, my dear little brother!" The palace guard scoffed with an embarrassed look before scurrying off to help clear the rubbles.

Western Frontier, Great Wall.

These past few days, the frequency of berserk beast sightings and attacks has increased with each passing day.

Usually, this would have been a good source of income for the military. Beast carcasses had always been in high demand by merchant beast buyers.

But ever since the first soldier got infected with the same berserk beast symptoms from eating their beast meat, they no longer dared to sell the beast carcasses to the merchants.

In fact, the chances of the berserk beast problem posing a severe threat to the kingdom were very likely. As such, the consumption of beast meat was strictly prohibited after General Marquis Hendrick returned to the Western Frontier with his son.

Anyone caught selling the beast carcasses outside of the Western Frontier would be meet with capital punishment, death.

General Marquis Hendrick had the foreboding feeling that the berserk beast symptoms were highly infectious and should be treated with all due seriousness like the Black Death.

Black Death was a terrible plague in human history that once wiped out half the population before the Cataclysm occurred.

They must not let the madness spread to the rest of the kingdom!

At the military camp's research facility, a few researchers and over a dozen soldiers held in captivity behind cages of reinforced magisteel bars.

Without a doubt, these captive soldiers are the soldiers infected by the berserk beast symptom.

Whitecoat researchers were seen gathered around said cages. They studied the infected soldier's behaviors and jotted down notes with their pens.

"Alright, don't stick too close to the cages now. If you let them scratch or bite you, we will have no choice but to lock you behind a cage as well." A researcher reminded.

"Yeah, yeah, we know. Who would want to become like this?"

After Hendrick arrived at the facility, the whitecoat researchers all paused their work and saluted.

"General Marquis!"

"Carry on with your tasks." Hendrick acknowledged and waved them off before strolling over to the head researcher. "How's the study going? What have you found?"

"Have a look, General."

The head researcher passed Hendrick a sealed vial of glass. Inside the glass vial, a cluster of red mist twirled like an inverted cyclone trying to drill out of the sealed vial.

"This should have been extracted from the berserk beast, and should also be the root cause of their berserk state, right? Have you found out why?" Hendrick Graham asked.

"Yes, that is correct, General. This is the red energy extracted from the berserk beast. However, it might not be the root cause of the berserk state." The head researcher stated.

"In our studies, we have found that infected people with mild effects share similar traits to the berserk beast state. However, the more extreme cases showed loss of intelligence and a strong thirst for blood."

"This red energy does have the effect of aggravating one's emotions and stimulating the body's potential… but I feel like we are still missing something important. I can't quite put my finger on it, but it shouldn't be this simple…"

Hendrick's brows furrowed at the head researcher's explanation for a moment with a pondering look, but he soon shook his head.

He patted the head researcher's shoulders and said, "You are the most authoritative person in this field. If you believe something is missing, then something is missing. Try to figure out what that is, then report back to me."

"Yes, General!"

The head researcher felt honored by General Marquis Hendrick's unreserved trust in him. He patted his chest, and resolutely said, "I will not fail you!"

"En, I know you won't. Continue the good work!"

Back at the Capital.

After Leon finished his business at the Duke's workshop, he dropped by the royal palace to make some prior arrangements with his father before his eventual departure for the other side.

But before he left the workshop, he had handed Duke Ignis the complete method for Tier 1 to Tier 3 runic engravings of the interspatial artifact and spirit artifact making.

Leon did not know how long it would take him to get back from the other side, but he knew he would not be around when his mother returns to the Capital with Aria and Lynne.

As such, he had gifted his father a set of Tier 3 interspatial ring and sword before handing over another three such sets for his father to pass onto his mother, Aria, and Lilith in his stead.

When he tried to leave the palace, his father had attempted to persuade him from going to the other side of the Teleportation Array due to the unknown dangers. When his father suggested sending troops to explore the other side first, Leon firmly rejected the idea.

It was a terrible idea.

From what they had learned from his adoptive father and the other returners, the other side's environment was harsh and not suitable for humans.

The other side was lacking in sunlight and spirit energy. On top of that, darkness profound energy loomed the place among various other elements harmful to humans.

The troops would not be able to adapt to changes in the environment. They would just pass out within the first hour of arriving from the suffocating feeling like his adoptive father had experienced.

If they could not get these troops back, it was basically the same as sending them to the other side to get killed or demonized.

Even if they did manage to recover the troops from the other side, just the fact that he had to remove the demon seeds was very bothersome and exhausting.

The plan was clearly not feasible.

In the end, it was still better that he went alone.

He had a much tougher constitution due to the practice of [Hegemon of Primal Chaos].

Furthermore, Divine Will could ward off the impure energy, while the pure spirit energy from his supreme-grade spirit stones could replace the air he breathes.

Also, he was not exactly going alone. He has a Half Corporeal-state spirit to accompany him on this trip.

There was a reason why Leon did not rely on Lumi's help in his battle against Balthazar previously, despite having the spirit girl lying comfortably in his Worldspace by the little cold biome he set up to cultivate his yin-type herbs.

Soul cultivators are strong against body cultivators, but soul cultivators are also weak against energy cultivators.

Although Balthazar was not an energy cultivator, he had used energy attacks empowered by his blood law and sword spirit. One such attack was enough to kill Lumi.

When Leon returned to Lost Isle Alley, the surrounding rubbles had been mostly cleared. The cracks and craters were also patched in this short span of a few hours since he left.

One could see that the work efficiency of the people was very high. Everything was so much simpler with the Awakener's abilities.

The area was crowded with workers on break, but none of them dare to draw too close to Lost Isle Alley. This is because it was guarded by palace guards.

Leon's arrival drew a few curious glances over. Some recognized him, some did not. Regardless of whether they did or not, no one dared to speak carelessly and kept quiet as they enjoyed their food.

"Your Highness!"

The palace guards all greeted after seeing the prince approached them.

Leon silently acknowledged them with a nod before hopping on top of the Teleportation Array. After he inserted the empty power sockets with 4 supreme-grade spirit stones and activated the array, the spatial portal to the other side opened.

His eyes flickered with a determined look. All preparations were done.

"Your Highness, are you leaving now?" A palace guard hurriedly asked.

"En!" Leon nodded.

"You know what you have to do. Protect this place well for me!"

Shortly after, he disappeared through the spatial portal. A new world was waiting for him on the other side!

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