Prime Originator

Chapter 329 - Following The Group

Chapter 329 - Following The Group

No matter what he did, he must not let the humans discover he was the culprit, the bringer of their misfortune. They would surely hate his guts and hunt him down to the ends of the earth.

'I haven't been here for a day, and I already brought such a huge disaster upon the humans… Ahem, they sure have it hard.'

Leon quietly watched the humans battle and observed their fighting style.

"Leave the Bone Knights to me." The group leader said strictly, leaving no room negotiation.

"Hahaha, by all means, take them, Big Brother. We know our limits. Bone Soldiers are not a problem, but Bone Knights are still a little too strong for us to handle alone. There's just too big of a jump between the two."

"That's right, Big Brother. I ain't going to fight you over that."

Everyone was more than happy to let the group leader handle the Bone Knights. Time was short, and they could not drag out the battle.

"Good to know."

The battle was resumed shortly after the distance between the two sides was shortened.

The group leader was, no doubt, a powerful fighter. He easily swept the Bone Soldiers towards the others and dived straight into 5 Bone Knights.


A Bone Knight was directly cleaved in half by the downward slash of his giant bone sword, kicking up a storm of dust from the ground.

The battle against the second group of undead was immediately thrown into full swing.

Although they were quickly surrounded and outnumbered, the human group did not feel the slightest pressure, not in the least. Rather, there was a battle-crazed look on their faces with glints of excitement.

And despite that, the battle was not disorderly but very clean and well-coordinated. They could cover each other's flanks and dish out attacks continuously like flowing water, constant and without pause.

This level of coordination could be said to have reached the epitome of perfection. The coordination brought out 100% of their battle efficiency, and they moved like a practiced choir, very well synced and harmonious.

It was clear that this kind of coordination cannot be achieved overnight but through long years of constant battles and growing familiarity.

These people were all certified warriors with great battle sense, honed through hundreds of life or death battles.

Leon's eyes flickered subtly.

If he had these kinds of people as subordinates, they would greatly aid him in his conquest when he kills his way into the Divine Realm's Four Divine Regions.

There was no use of fancy techniques and abilities. Just raw, overwhelming strength brought forth by the explosive might of their bulging muscles.

Each attack was simple, clean, and very straight to the point. One blow to fell one Bone Soldier.

Over time, Leon's interest was shifted to the Soul Weapons.

He could see that the Soul Weapons allowed humans to display battle prowess beyond their level.

The runes on each weapon were suffused with strange powers and glowed with a whitish-blue light.

Each time the whitish-blue light contacted the undead beings, the black flame-like darkness on their body would diminish slightly and weaken the empowerment of Death Law.

It could be seen that these Soul Weapons were vital for fighting the undead forces. Without it, the undead army would indeed be undying and infallible, reviving endlessly.

Just as Water counteracts Fire and Light counteracts Darkness, Death was counteracted by Life.

Although elements of the Yang-alignment like Fire, Lightning, Light has some effects in destroying Death, it is not as effective as Life energy.

That being said, the Soul Weapon did not seem to use any of these elements to destroy the Death and Darkness Profound Energy within the Bone Soldiers and Bone Knights.

Rather than destroying the Death and Darkness Profound Energy, the Soul Weapon appeared to be absorbing them instead.

Leon noticed this subtle detail when he sensed the aura surrounding the Soul Weapon growing stronger.

"These weapons can grow stronger by hunting undead beings." Leon softly muttered. He was pleasantly surprised by the discovery.

Half an hour later, the battle between the two sides ended.

The 100 Bone Soldiers and Bone Knights were reduced to piles of bone fragments, while the humans barely suffered a scratch.

Shortly after, the whitish-blue light coming from the Soul Weapon began to dim. Traces of Darkness Profound Energy were seen seeping out from the weapons and flowing back into the humans.


Leon widened his eyes.

After being surprised for a moment, he quickly recovered and began to reevaluate the humans below him.

Their bodies were well built, and their complexion was on the darker side of colors. It was a similar tan to the people of the Ishaan Kingdom.

However, this tan was not caused by strong sunlight, but long-time exposure to the Darkness Profound Energy on this dark land.

That being said, Leon did not notice any obvious signs of discomfort from their facial expressions after the Darkness Profound Energy had settled inside their bodies.

Their physiques had grown tough to adapt to the harsh environment, but this should not have been enough for them to wield Darkness Profound Energy, not unless they all possess Special Physiques or become demonized.

However, Leon found these two possibilities to be very unlikely.

It was hard to imagine that an entire tribe of these humans were all in possession of Special Physiques, let alone the 6 of them.

On the other hand, the changes of a demonized person were undeniably obvious. According to his knowledge, every demonized person or beast would experience deformity in some way.

Whether it is growing extra pairs of limbs, eyes, heads, horns, or anything different for that matter, it was not something a 'normal' person would usually have.

Leon did not discover any of these unique features on the six people, but he did not outright deny these two possibilities after the failed instance with his divine sense.

Nevertheless, he began looking into a third possibility.

"Perhaps these people have developed a suitable refinement method for Darkness Profound Energy…" Leon narrowed his eyes in thought.

If that were true, it would be hot news in the Divine Realm, spreading like wildfire. Everyone would be dying to seek out such a method, especially the people that live near the Divine Demon Region.

Shortly after the battle ended, one of the group members, Big Tooth asked, "What are our plans now that the Bone Calamity is here, Big Brother?"

"It has been some time since the Bone Calamity started. The Bone Army should have already left the Black Swamp region. This is our chance to leave the Weeping Forest and—"

"And search for treasures in the Black Swamp?!" The youngest member interrupted with sparkling eyes.


"Search! Search your fucking head! There's an army of undead heading for our tribe right now, and yet you still have the mind to be thinking about treasures?!" The group leader snapped and smacked the person on the back of the head.

"Aiyo, it was my bad, alright? I won't think about treasures anymore! Did you need to hit so hard, Big Brother?" The person rubbed his sore with complaint.

"Hmph! We will head back to the tribe and check out the situation there. If there's a chance, we must get inside the tribe!"

"Isn't that just asking to get killed? By the time we reach the tribe, it would already be swarming with Bone Soldiers. We won't be able to get close, let alone inside the tribe, Big Brother." The male with the biggest build raised his opinion.

"It's going to be difficult, but we have to try. To cower in the face of adversaries is not the warrior's way. Ask your conscience, Big Bone. Will you be happy hiding away while your brothers and sisters are doing their best to protect your families and the tribe?" The group leader eyed the male with the biggest build.

"I will not be happy!"

Big Bone answered without hesitation.

"What about the rest of you?" The group leader shifted his gaze to the rest of the group members.

"We will not be happy!"

"We will not be happy!"

The other four answered in unison.

"And that is why you are on this team. Remember this, our Darkmoon Tribe only has brave warriors. There's no room for cowards."

"Yes, Big Brother!"

The group leader nodded with a smile and clapped, "Alright, we all don't want to stay in the Weeping Forest for any longer. Let us leave quickly."

"That goes without saying, Big Brother. Let us hurry! I don't want to spend a second longer here!"

Everyone obliged without complaints. No one was willing to stay within the Weeping Forest for any longer.

By the foot of the Weeping Trees, they could see a bunch of skeletal remains wrapped in the tree roots.

They would barely see any of these near the outskirts of the Weeping Forest, but they could see many of these skeletal remains when they are deeper inside.

Not all of the skeletal remains belonged to humans. Some belonged to demons, some belonged to demonic beasts.

The human's strong bodies provided some resistance against the Weeping Trees' hallucinogens, but it was not enough to be fully immune to it.

It was okay if there was someone to drag them out of the Weeping Forest when they get affected by hallucinations. But if they did not have anyone there for them, then they might as well forfeit their lives.

"We're moving too, Lumi. We are going to follow them. Try not to make any big noise, alright?" Leon instructed after seeing the group almost leave the Weeping Forest.

"Alright, alright." Lumi gave a halfheartedly response, before she inaudibly muttered, "Stop treating me like a kid…"

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