Prime Originator

Chapter 337 - Guarding A Crazy Person

Chapter 337 - Guarding A Crazy Person

Leon did have some faint guesses that the light signal was a call for help, but after Ironhead confirmed this, he began to feel terrible.

He had seen how proud these warriors of the plains are. If the Blackwind Tribe's warriors are just as proud, they would not have sent the signal for help unless the situation was absolutely dire.

'It seems a lot of people are going to die during this Bone Calamity.' Leon mused with a depressed sigh.

As the culprit who caused the Bone Calamity, the death of every warrior during the Bone Calamity is directly related to him.

His luck was bad enough after starting the Bone Calamity. He cannot imagine how much it will get after his karmic sin piles up from the death toll.

While Leon was lamenting over his misfortunate and grim future, the Darkmoon Tribe's warriors on the battlefield also began to notice the Blackwind Tribe's signal for help in the distant southwestern skies one after another.

Anything brightly lit in the skies of this dark lands is like the candle flames in the darkness; it was just too easy to spot.

"Everyone, look! That's the signal for help!" A warrior shouted while he was drenched in sweat, riddled with bloody wounds, and locked in a contest of strength against a Bone Knight.

"This direction… it's coming from the Blackwind Tribe! The Blackwind Tribe is calling for help!"

The momentary distraction caused not only the warrior but many others to suffer an extra wound on their bodies, but no one blamed that warrior. The discovery was just too alarming and shocking.

"Unbelievable! That proud Blackwind Tribe actually did?! They were always hit the hardest and suffered heavy casualties in the past Bone Calamities, but they had never called for help before! The situation must be absolutely dire over there!"

"With our present situation, it is impossible to send any reinforcement to back up the Blackwind Tribe! I am afraid the Blackwind Tribe is finished! It is only the first day! Once the Blackwind Tribe falls, we will be hit with the next wave!"

"We won't be able to send help, but the Crimsonfog Tribe might be able to! I hate to admit it, but they are the strongest of our three tribes! If they send help, the Blackwind Tribe will definitely be saved!"

"Don't place your hopes on it. The Crimsonfog Tribe might be the strongest, but they have their hands full guarding the Death Passage!"

As the warriors entered a furious discussion as much as they were hacking and chopping down Bone Demons, Leon was able to pick some interesting information.

It appeared that while the human tribes were divided, there were also alliances between some of them. For instance, there was a total of seven tribes living near the Black Swamp that entered an alliance.

In addition to the Darkmoon Tribe, Blackwind Tribe, and Crimsonfog Tribe that were the closest to each other, the other four tribes belonging to their alliance was situated on the other side of the Weeping Forest.

A more interesting point was the 'Death Passage' mentioned by the warriors, but it was unfortunate that the warrior did not go into detail.

'It seems I can only try to fish for more information after I help the Darkmoon Tribe overcome the Bone Calamity.' Leon mused.

He had not forgotten why he came to the dark land, but he should not waste the chance to learn more about the overall situation of the dark lands and the demons.

Suddenly, he turned his gaze towards the eastern side and picked up the wild laughter of a Great Warrior echoing from the battlefield over there.

"Bahahaha! Finally, dead for good!" Sabertooth laughed wildly.

After killing the Bone King many times, the Bone King was finally laid to rest on the cold, rocky ground with its skull detached from the rest of its body.


Sabertooth stomped down hard and crushed the Bone King's skull into countless fragments beneath his feet.

The warriors were briefly taken aback by the powerful and vigorous aura that Great Warrior Sabertooth exuded as they saw his moderately long hair danced wildly in the wind.

"This commanding presence… it's much more powerful than the past! Big Brother Sabertooth has broken through to the High-rank Great Warrior Realm!"

"No, he has not broken through yet! But he will soon!"

At that moment, a tremendous change was taking place within Great Warrior Sabertooth's body. The Bone King's raw energy was refined by his Soul Weapon and soon transferred to his body.

Under normal circumstances, Darkness Profound Energy was genuinely harmful to living beings, which was still the case for Darkmoon Tribe's warriors.

However, under their unique body cultivation method, they were able to control the damage caused by Darkness Profound Energy to temper their own bodies.

While Sabertooth was breaking through, he had his perception of the outside world shut off. The surrounding warriors quickly realized that the Great Warrior had left himself utterly defenseless for his breakthrough to a higher rank.

"Oh, no! Big Brother Sabertooth is too focused on his breakthrough! Quickly protect him!" A warrior cried.

A wide gap was created during the battle between Sabertooth and the Bone King. But after the Bone King fell, the Bone Soldiers and Bone Knights immediately started closing the gap to attack Sabertooth.

Although they had lost their Bone King, it did not stop them from executing their most basic command to kill humans.

"Crap, we won't make it in time!"

The warriors were appalled when they realized this. No one wanted to be too close to the Great Warriors when they fight, but at this moment, they regretted being too far away.

Great Warrior Sabertooth was one of their tribe's best warriors. They could not afford to lose someone like this. It was too big of a loss for their tribe.

The warriors never stopped trying to get closer to Great Warrior Sabertooth, but there were too many Bone Soldiers and Bone Knights between. Their eyes became red when they saw Great Warrior Sabertooth about to be overwhelmed.

"Dammit! Wake up, Big Brother Sabertooth! You are too crazy! Why would you try to make a breakthrough in the middle of the enemy's army?!" The warriors cried, hoping their voices would reach him.

Despite their best efforts, it was all in vain.

Nevertheless, they knew precisely why Sabertooth was willing to take the risk. The further one progresses through the Great Warrior Realm, the more increasingly difficult it gets. If they did not take the chance when the opportunity comes, it could set them back several years before their next opportunity for a breakthrough.

Not everyone was a monster like their Chief Valencia. Her determination and drive to become strong was not something many men possess.

To reach the Battle Master Realm at her age, talent alone was not enough. It also required incredible hard work. She was a woman of focus, commitment, sheer will…

Just as the Bone Soldiers and Bone Knights were about to hack Great Warrior Sabertooth to death, a soft whistling scream made its way over and caused all the undead to freeze on the spot. It was Lumi's [Banshee Scream].

A blurred shadow flickered across the air and landed right next to Great Warrior Sabertooth shortly after sweeping all the enemy before him with a mighty swing of his bone spear.

That person was Leon, without a doubt.


"No need to fret, I will guard this person!" Leon spoke strongly as he slammed the butt of his spear into the ground domineeringly and exuded his tremendous pressure.

Alas, these mindless undead beings did not know the meaning of fear and were not deterred by him. They continued to charge at him, only for Leon to lift his bone spear and sweep them all again away.

"Thank you, Great Warrior Leonhardt! Thank you for saving Big Brother Sabertooth!"

"It has been fortunate to have someone like you to fight alongside us!"

The warriors spoke with heartfelt relief one after another. Nothing was more reassuring than to have another Great Warrior guard their Big Brother Sabertooth while he is breaking through to the next rank.

Once the burden in their hearts was lifted, they focus all their energy on fighting the remaining Bone Army.

Leon did not know how hard it was to progress through the Great Warrior Realm that these warriors spoke of, but how could a breakthrough in one's cultivation be more important than one's life?

'This Sabertooth person beside me is either too crazy or too confident in believing someone was going to guard him.' Leon mused with narrowed eyes.

In truth, there was no need for Leon to guard Sabertooth's breakthrough as his strength was better utilized elsewhere.

However, he had his own motive for guarding the person. At such proximity, he observed how the person was cultivating his body to advance his strength.

'Sure enough, these warriors have a method to cultivate Darkness Profound Energy… However, this energy isn't used to further their comprehension of the Darkness Profound Law, but actually to temper their body. To think they would use Darkness Profound Energy like this…"

Leon was mildly surprised as he watched the darkness squirm under the person's skin like countless small snakes. Just as the last traces of darkness was about to disappear, Leon began to narrow his eyes in thought.

'This person is about to complete his breakthrough!'

Sabertooth's eyes soon snapped open and immediately let out a mighty roar while his vigor and aura surged with significant momentum.

"Hahaha! I've finally broken through this damn bottleneck!" Sabertooth laughed boisterously with joy. It was not long before his gaze fell onto Leon.

"You're the one who protected me?"

Leon casually swiped away another group of Bone Soldiers before nodding, 'En."

"Many thanks, friend!" Sabertooth thanked with a grin.

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