Prime Originator

Chapter 339 - Hunting Team Returns

Chapter 339 - Hunting Team Returns

"I was unable to make it far into the Black Swamp with my team before we were forced to retreat and temporarily hide in the Weeping Forest due to the coming Bone Calamity, Chief," Ironhead spoke truthfully with a sigh.

After that, he added, "Most likely, those people you want to find are already dead, Chief."

Chief Valencia was silent for a moment before she said, "Is that right? Never mind then."


Ironhead was surprised. That was it? The Chief was not going to pursue the matter further?

"Err, Chief? You're not going to punish me?" Ironhead could not help but ask. After all, he had failed the task of finding the people and bringing them back alive.

"Punish you? Did you do something that needs punishing?" Chief Valencia asked nonchalantly.

"Um, no…"

Who was he kidding? There was no way Ironhead was going to admit it. His group had rushed to the Black Swamp as quick as they could, but despite that, they were still too late. That was beyond his control.

"Hahaha! Look how scared you are, Ironhead! Did you think we are going to blame you for Bone Calamity?!" A Great Warrior shouted heartedly from the side.

"What do you think, brothers and sisters?!"

"Of course—NOT!"

The Fighters, Warriors, and Great Warriors gathered around, all answered in unison with a mighty shout.

"Hahaha, look at how scared you were just now, Ironhead." An Early-rank Great Warrior grinned.

"What the heck? There is something wrong you all…" Ironhead muttered as he swept them a look with confusion in his eyes.

Just a moment ago, many of them were still grieving for their fallen brothers and sisters, but now they were all looking at him with warm smiles. There is something wrong with the script…

As if knowing what Ironhead was thinking about, one of them spoke, "It is true that many of our brothers and sisters have fallen today, but they had fought valiantly to protect our tribe. We must not dishonor them by thinking any less of their deaths."

"That's right. We should be proud of them because we have won—Their deaths were not meaningless. They died for glory! So, we will not keep grieving. They would not want us to be like that if they were still among us." Another warrior added.

Chief Valencia did not say anything and allowed them to talk because she shared the same sentiments as the rest of them.

"Even if you guys do not blame me, how are we going to answer the other tribes coming asking for the one that started the Bone Calamity?" Ironhead said with knitted brows.

Suddenly, Ironhead felt the Chief's aura spiked shortly after he finished his words.

"We will not sell off one of our own people! How the fuck would they know it was us that started the Bone Calamity?! For all we know, it might have been one of them instead! I dare them to come pointing fingers at us!" Chief Valencia said with domineering flair.

She was not afraid of falling out with the other tribes from the alliance. Their tribe was not easy to bully.

Once the Chief has spoken, everyone felt their blood pumping in high spirit as they roared in agreement, "YEAH! Well said!"

Leon was awed by their unity. He had yet to learn of the power levels between the different tribes, but just by seeing this, he could tell that the Darkmoon Tribe was very powerful.

If the entire Human Domain had been this united, how strong could they have become?

"You guys…" Ironhead was touched. He shook his head with a smile and said ruefully, "It seems I was overthinking…"

He had been mentally prepared to be the scapegoat for their tribe, but now, he saw that it had been unnecessary from the start.

"That's right, where are our two friends?" Chief Valencia suddenly asked.

Shortly after, the warriors near Leon and Lumi all shuffled away. Suddenly, all attention was on him.

"Chief Valencia, these two have been of invaluable assistance to our battle. Our losses would have been much higher if not for their help! Their contribution should be rewarded handsomely!"

Ironhead spoke for Leon and Lumi. He was the most familiar with what these two had done for their tribe.

Chief Valencia nodded.

"That goes without saying. If we do not welcome these two little friends to stay in our city and treat them to a great feast at the very least, others would say that we are ungrateful and a bad host."

After saying that, Chief Valencia then turned to Leon and Lumi, "From the bottom of my heart, I thank you for your help, friends. Your assistance has been most welcomed. Please join us for a meal tonight. Your presence will be most anticipated."

Chief Valencia was quite curious about these two, but she decided to save her questions for later. At the same time, she was not in a rush to recruit them as it might not be the ideal timing.

"You are too humble, Chief Valencia. If we are not intruding, I will just take you up on that offer. It's been a while since I last visited a big tribe." Leon said calmly.

"I can see that." Chief Valencia's nose twitched when she picked up the horrible stench from Leon and offered, "Perhaps, you would like to pay a visit our bathhouse first?"

"That would be appreciated." Leon smiled wryly.

"Since you seem to be the most familiar with these two friends, why don't you be their guide and show them the way to the bathhouse, Ironhead?"

"With honor, Chief." Ironhead patted his chest twice and urged, "Come, Big Brother Leonhardt, and…"


"Lumi. Got it." Ironhead nodded before continuing, "Let me show you two the way."

After that, he led them away into the city.

"Start sending our fallen brothers and sisters back to their families and begin making the arrangements for the big funeral to honor them." Chief Valencia ordered a warrior before to another person. "Sabertooth, how are you feeling?"

"Never better." Sabertooth grinned.

He was tired and had several light wounds, but he was still in excellent mood from succeeding in his breakthrough to High-rank Great Warrior Realm.

"That's good. I want you to go scout the situation at Blackwind Tribe for me." Chief Valencia stated impassively.

Sabertooth's grin immediately froze.

"Actually… my body is still rather sore and weary from battle… How about—"


"Alright…" Sabertooth answered despondently. Who else could he blame but himself for his cheeky answer?

"Hahahaha! I am back, brothers! Where is the big battle?!"

A Great Warrior's powerful voice was suddenly heard coming from the northwestern side of Darkmoon City.

"This voice…"

"It's Brother Goldeneye's voice. The hunting team is back!" The warriors immediately recognized the voice.

Shortly after, the hunting team was seen coming from the side of the city's walls. It was a reasonably large group comprised of 195 Early-rank Great Warriors and 5 Mid-rank Great Warriors. Each of them could be seen dragging the carcasses of demonic beasts in their hands.

"Where are the Bone Demons? Where is the Bone Calamity? Isn't there suppose to be a big battle here?"

"You're too late, Goldeneye! The battle has already ended!" Strongarm said.

"What?! It already ended?! So soon? It hasn't even been a day!" Goldeneye was surprised.

His hunting team had rushed back from the distant Infertile Plains as soon as they heard the start of the Bone Calamity.

"Never mind that. I can see that your team had quite a successful hunt! Three-tailed Blue Lizard! Scarlet-winged Chicken! And the Big-horned Black Buffalo! Oh my! I can't wait to dig into these goodies!" Strongarm said while rubbing his hands together and licking his saliva.

"Hehe, your team must be weary from the long travel back. Here, let me hold on these guys for you." Strongarm said.

He reached his hands out towards the Scarlet-winged Chicken with its tongue sticking out in Goldeneye's firm grasp.


"Buzz off! This is for the entire tribe!" Goldeneye slapped the hand away defensively.

"Haiz, it's going to be eaten tonight anyway, isn't that right, Chief?" Strongarm directed the question at Chief Valencia.

"That's right." Chief Valencia nodded and said, "Your team came back at just the right timing. We are going to have a great feast to celebrate our victory tonight. The nutritious meat from these demonic beasts will help our warriors recuperate well. You can pass the meat to these brothers to handle. I have another job for you."

"Since the Chief has spoken, I will definitely comply. What job do you have for me?" Goldeneye said without complaint. "Here, take it!"

"Sure!" Strongarm grinned.

"The Blackwind Tribe had sent their distress signal for help some time ago. Originally, I was going to send Sabertooth to scout the situation. But since your team is back, go and see if you assist the Blackwind Tribe. Report back to me if the situation is too dangerous."

"Haiz! That is unfortunate. I actually wanted to go. But since the Chief has spoken, I shall leave this task to you, brother." Sabertooth patted Goldeneye on the shoulder. He appeared reluctant, but in truth, he was celebrating inside.

The warriors all silently sneered at how shameless Sabertooth was.

"Since Sabertooth is so dedicated, he will be joining you, Goldeneye." Chief Valencia said indifferently.

"Understood." Goldeneye acknowledged.

At the same time, Sabertooth immediately froze again. He did not know whether to laugh or cry. Damn his bad habit!

"Actually, I'm not all that keen on going… Chief, please don't send me…" Sabertooth hugged her thighs and begged.

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