Prime Originator

Chapter 348 - Crimsonfog Tribe

Chapter 348 - Crimsonfog Tribe

Over at the Crimsonfog Tribe, a completely different situation played out compared to the Blackwind Tribe.

While Darkmoon Tribe suffered moderate losses, and the Blackwind Tribe suffered disastrous losses, the Crimsonfog Tribe could be said to have suffered barely any losses at all during the Bone Calamity.

The 2 million-strong Bone Army was utterly decimated by them.

Although each tribe was similar in strength, this was only known on the surface. In truth, the Crimsonfog Tribe was the most mysterious of the three tribes.

This is due to their city's unique location that lies directly west of the Black Swamp's central region and north of Darkness Mountain Range.

Their tribe had the duty of guarding the Death Passage that led to the other side of Darkness Mountain Range and had the appearance of a black mountain after it was cleanly cleaved in half by some great power.

It was said that on the other side of Darkness Mountain Range lies the origin of demons and also the place most dense in Darkness Profound Energy. It was rich to the point that Darkness Profound Energy could be felt billowing out from the Death Passage.

At this moment, Crimsonfog City could not be seen from outside as it was hidden within an incomparably vast and dense fog of swirling blood mist.

This blood mist was generated by a specially constructed defensive formation, specifically built to protect the city from the Bone Calamity by obscuring vision and giving off false senses of vitality.

The Bone Army could not even get close to their city. The moment they stepped into the blood mist, their undead army was thrown into disarray and confusion before they were picked off one by one by the warriors of the Crimsonfog Tribe.

It was a complete one-sided victory.

Inside the blood mist, the tribe's warriors could be seen collecting bones as they clean up the battlefield and bring the bones back to the tribe to be processed.

The city was full of activity as the Crimsonfog Tribe prepped for a celebratory feast.

Knock! Knock!

A warrior stood outside of an office and knocked on the door, before a casual voice filled with vigor and majesty answered from inside, "Come in."

"Chief Baskara." The warrior greeted before getting straight to the point. "The Blackwind Tribe sends multiple distress signals. Are we just going to sit here and watch them fall to the Bone Calamity?"

"That is their own problem. No one asked them to be so greedy for treasures and settle their home so close to the Black Swamp. Perhaps, they are also the one to spark the Bone Calamity. I can only say that they have brought this upon themselves. If they are smart, they will abandon the city before taking too heavy a loss." Chief Baskara began to speak.

"Also, I need to correct you on one thing, Redfang. We are not just sitting around here." Chief Baskara's aura became more solemn as he said sharply, "We have a noble duty in guarding the Death Passage and must be ever ready for whatever crawls out from that hellish place. We can save the Blackwind Tribe, but if we lose the Death Passage in the process, we lose everything. Don't you forget that."

"Y-Yes, Chief Baskara. I have misspoken." The warrior kneeled in apology.

Chief Baskara nodded and said, "Since you understand, then get up. A man should not kneel so readily, and as a warrior of Crimsonfog Tribe, you must always stand tall and proud."

"Only to you, I kneel, Chief Baskara." The warrior buttered up the Chief with a smile.

Chief Baskara turned a blind eye to the person's bootlicking and nonchalantly asked, "Is that the only reason why you came to see me?"

"Err, yes, Chief." The warrior scratched his head awkwardly.

"Then you can take your leave now." Chief Baskara said coolly.

After the warrior complied and closed the door on his way out, Chief Baskara resumed inspecting an ancient scroll in his hand with the other hand behind his back.

If not for the bulging muscles and vigorous aura on his body, he would have given off the impression of a scholar in ancient times. That being said, he did not understand a single word on the ancient scroll.

Nevertheless, it did not stop him from being interested in the information recorded on the ancient scroll.

"Continue with your findings, Sonia." Chief Baskara ordered.

He was not the only person in the office before the warrior entered. There was another person by the name of Sonia.

Sonia was tanned like everyone else, but she not muscular like the other female warriors in the tribe. Her skin was silky smooth without a single scar, and her eyes were dark and charming like the starry skies that could only be seen when the dark clouds are cleared.

She was a woman of great appeal, but what Chief Baskara appreciated was not her beauty. It was her wisdom.

"Yes, Chief. According to my research, this ancient scroll appears to be a sort of diary, several thousands of years old. The scroll itself is made of oak, while the ink—"

"I don't want to hear any of that. Just tell me what it says on the scroll." Chief Baskara interrupted her, but she was not offended by the Chief's rudeness and simply smiled respectfully, "Yes, Chief."

Although Chief Baskara showed great interest in the history of the items he managed to scour from the ruins on the other side of the Death Passage, he was still an Early-rank Battle Master.

It was not worth it for her to show discontent and risk angering such a person. It would only put her in an unfavorable position and waste valuable research time.

In any case, she was just getting to that diary part. After a short nod, she continuing to recount her findings, "The scroll speaks of a fallen star that once crash-landed on the continent many years ago, and from that fallen star, all manners of strange creature spilled forth along with the spread of darkness."

Chief Baskara tapped his feet in thought with a frown. Afterward, he shifted his gaze from the ancient scroll and onto Sonia before doubtfully asking with a solemn look, "Are you sure that is what the scroll records?"

One could not blame him for asking this. He had heard similar things many times in the past by the same person whenever he brought a new scroll for the person to decipher.

"You can doubt my character, but you cannot doubt my ability!" Sonia responded strongly with a frown. This was one thing she cannot ignore.

In the Crimsonfog Tribe, a useless woman can only be used to warm the bed. If the Chief deemed her useless, she would lose her backing and protection. That was not something she wanted.

"Then how do you explain this? You have said similar things for 9 times in a row. Do you think I am easily fooled?" Chief Baskara asked gloomily.

"How the hell is it my fault if you keep giving me scrolls of different people recounting a catastrophic event that they had witnessed? I should be the one doubting whether the subsequent scrolls you give me are real or not!"

Seeing how upset and angry Sonia was, Chief Baskara could tell that she spoke seriously without any falsehood.

He felt awkward and guilty for doubting the person, but his pride as the tribal chief did not allow him to apologize. He chose to outright ignore the issue by changing the subject.

"Ahem, in the end, what can you surmise from your research?" Chief Baskara asked with a poker face.

Sonia did not expect a formal apology from the Chief, nor did she hope for one. As long as her ability was not being questioned, she would not pursue the matter.

"From the clues that I have gathered, the fallen star mentioned in the text does not seem to be referring to an actual fallen star from the Outer World, but something enormous, nonetheless. No matter what that thing is, though, I have speculated it to be the source of demons and the abundant Darkness Profound Energy appearing in our world."

Hearing this, Chief Baskara sighed and said, "I have also guessed as much from what you have told me much earlier. Can't you give me something new?"

"If Chief Baskara can give me a complete scroll to study, perhaps I might also be able to learn something new instead of deciphering these repetitious recounts of events." Sonia rolled her eyes and said.

"I also want to, but it's not easy exploring those ruins. They are always teeming with demons. We've already lost two Peak-rank Great Warriors to that place in the last expedition." Chief Baskara said with a deeper sigh.

Peak-rank Great Warriors were one rank higher than High-rank Great Warriors and one rank below the Extremity-rank Great Warriors, which was also the apex rank of the Great Warrior Realm. After that is the Battle Master Realm.

Peak-rank Great Warriors all had strengths of over 200 thousand jins. One can imagine how pained the Chief looked for losing such capable warriors on such a trip.

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