Prime Originator

Chapter 357 - Towards The Citys Center

Chapter 357 - Towards The City's Center

"By the way, Brother Ironhead. At the playground, I have noticed a little girl with pale skin. You do not usually see people with that kind of complexion around here. Where is she from?"

Leon found an opportunity to stir the direction of their conversation around to learn more about Mia's situation in the Darkmoon Tribe.

"That kind of complexion, you say?" Ironhead took a moment to understand Leon's question before exclaiming in realization, "Oh! You must be talking about Little Mia, right? Indeed, she does not come from around here, but no one really knows where she comes from either."

"You mean you don't know her origins?" Leon questioned with surprise.

He found this rather strange.

'Given the abilities like Master Woodrow's hypnotic mysticism, it should not have been difficult for this Darkmoon Tribe to extract information from the others even if they were unwilling to divulge knowledge of the Crawford Kingdom and the Human Domain.'

As Leon quietly pondered, Ironhead shook his head and said, "Not exactly. We found Little Mia along with another group of humans. With the help of Master Woodrow's hypnotic mysticism, we learned a great deal of information from them."

"However, there is a problem. Although we learned that they came from a flourishing place called the Human Domain, we have yet to find the way to get. No matter which person we interrogated, they all gave the same answer. We only know that the teleportation array they traveled through is located somewhere in the Black Swamp."

'So, it is not that Darkmoon Tribe had yet to learn about the Human Domain, but the fact that they have yet to locate the teleportation array leading there. It seems the Darkmoon Tribe does not have any relation to the person that set up the teleportation array."

Leon had a look of understanding.

"Is this also something you should be telling me? Aren't you too trusting of me, Brother Ironhead? What if I was a spy from another tribe? Wouldn't the Darkmoon Tribe lose out if another tribe were to locate and take control of this teleportation array first?" Leon asked curiously.

"Hahaha! The fact that you are asking these questions shows that you are not one!" Ironhead laughed heartily before he said, "Besides, if another tribe wishes to take control of the teleportation array and migrate to the Human Domain, they can take it by all means."

"No matter how prosperous that Human Domain is, our Darkmoon Tribe is not interested. Dangerous this place may be, our roots and homes are still here. Our way of life lies in this land and will not change so easily."

The tribal chief had already made her decision on the matter and received many voices of agreements. They were only interested in learning more about the Human Domain but had no intention of migrating there. At least, not in the short term.

Great Warriors like Ironhead were part of the upper echelon of the tribe. It was natural for him to have heard a great deal of information from the interrogation.

The so-called Human Domain was a sunny place with little to no Darkness Profound Energy, Demonic Beasts, Demons, and followed a different cultivation path.

Such a boring place. How would they cultivate and keep themselves entertained through blood-boiling battles over there?

Afterward, Ironhead gave Leon a light punch on the chest and said, "We have only just met, but I trust Brother Leonhardt will not bring harm to our tribe. Otherwise, you would not have helped our tribe fight the Bone Calamity."

"Brother Ironhead is too trusting of people. I'm afraid Brother Ironhead would find it unbearable if you were betrayed one day. It could have just been my means of gaining your trust and access to the city." Leon shook his head with a wry smile.

Ironhead gave Leon a studying look.

It appears that this boy had experienced his fair share of betrayals. Much should be expected from the vagabond life—all the more reason for this person to join their tribe.

"Hahaha, be that as it may. Brother Leonhardt is still someone who has fought on the battlefield alongside me, Ironhead. For that, I regard you as a comrade, a brother, and a friend. I believe trust is something to be given until it is lost. If we don't have trust, we don't have anything."

If they do not have this basic level of trust, then there was no need for any friendship between them. Anything without would just be fake. Ironhead was neither interested nor bothered to build a relationship of such a façade.

Leon smiled wryly when he heard this. Perhaps, only a person like Ironhead could say this. When he is betrayed, he would accept everything and move forward, knowing he had not disappointed others, but they disappointed him.

Ironhead was not someone Leon could aspire to be. He cannot place his full trust in anyone and became very prudent in choosing his friends. As a result, he had yet to find someone he can regard as a true friend outside of family.

"Brother Ironhead might be right. But some caution is advised, lest the losses caused by betrayals lead to lifelong regrets." Leon said as he recalls the sad memory of his father's death.

Ironhead patted him on the shoulder to console him, "It seems that Brother Leonhardt had experienced much sadness outside. But you do not need to worry about that here. So long as you regard me as a brother, I will treat you as a bosom friend."

"Brother Leonhard seems interested in the Human Domain, but I suggest you don't think about going to such a place." Ironhead suddenly said.

Leon was confused. He asked, "Why?"

"That place must be filled with pretty sick people! Brother Leonhardt has already seen Little Mia, but you do not know how pitiful she is. She is just a little girl, but she has already lost her parents and had one of her kidneys extracted. The Chief took great pity on the little girl and took her under the Chief's wing and care."

"But that is beside the point. Which sick bastard would have the heart to commit such an act of cruelty on a little 6-year-old girl?" Ironhead growled with a clenched fist, feeling outraged for the wrongs the little girl had experienced.

Ironhead really did seem fond of children and did not discriminate against skin color. Leon already knew about Mia's history, but he still needed to pretend to be surprised and outraged.

"What?! There is such a thing?! The fiend that did should be condemned to hell!" Leon said.

Of course, Leon had mostly like sent the person to hell personally already. After all, he had pretty much slaughtered the entire Red Salamander Gang by himself.

At the same time, Leon senses an arising problem.

The Darkmoon Tribe might not be increased in migrating, but who was to say that they will not invade the Crawford Kingdom if they believe the place was filled with such evil beings?

Now that the Black Swamp's water receded and the pile of bones was reduced due to the Bone Calamity, the teleportation array would be easily noticed should someone head there.

He needed to find a chance to head back to the Black Swamp and conceal the teleportation array. Also, he needed to fix whatever misperception the Darkmoon Tribe may have of the Crawford Kingdom.

Ding~! Ding~!

The city bell suddenly rang.

"Oh? It seems we have lost track of time chatting. The Great Feast is about to begin." Ironhead said with surprise. "Come, Brother Leonhardt. I will take you there now. We should not keep the Chief waiting."


Leon nodded.

The two of them shortly left the courtyard and made their way towards the centermost region of Darkmoon City, where the rocky plateau stood high.

The closer they got to the broad flight of stairs leading to the top of the rocky plateau, the more audible the sound of mining became. The sound came from the multiple dark entrances that also lies at the foot of the rocky plateau.

'It seems the Dark Crystal Mine lies directly underneath the center of Darkmoon City. I quite curious what it looks like down there.' Leon silently mused.

Multiple water channels could also be seen streaming out from the dark entrances to the mine.

At this time, there were hundreds of other tribesmen making their way up the broad flight of stairs. It was evident that Leon and Ironhead were not the only ones who decided to head to the Great Feast at the last minute.

'Hm? The entire tribe should be gathering for the Great Feast… Who could still be mining down there at this time?' Leon thought.

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