Prime Originator

Chapter 360 - Void Bodies

Chapter 360 - Void Bodies

When the female servants heard Chief Valencia's offer to Leon, they unwittingly trembled and lowered their heads.

Leon could not see their expression, but he could tell they were feeling anxiety, fear, and apprehension. Perhaps there was also a little bit of anticipation mixed within.

It might have just been his imagination, but there seemed to have been some disappointment from some of them when he rejected the tribal chief's offer.

Nevertheless, Leon was unsettled by Chief Valencia's offer. Although the tribal chief was trying to do him a favor, the treatment was unfair to the female servants.

To win him over, Chief Valencia did not hesitate to use the people she should be protecting. It was all a matter of when they are useful or not.

Noticing Leon's unsettled expression, Chief Valencia asks, "Do you feel that my offer just now is unfair to these girls?"

Leon did not answer. However, he tacitly admitted with a forced smile.

"Well, I don't blame you for feeling that way. It is a bit heartless to them, but they will be thankful to me for it one day. After all, if you cannot cultivate, you have no status. Being weak is a sin. However, if they can become your mistress, their status will naturally rise like growing phoenix feathers."

"Also, I cannot shelter them for a lifetime. They must make the decision to choose their spouses eventually. Otherwise, I will choose one for them. Even if they are destined to never become a warrior, they can still give birth to one. You see, the Darkmoon Tribe does not breed useless people. Moreover, it would be their fortune to mother the child of a talented person like you."

Hearing to this point, Leon could not help but roll his eyes inwardly. In other words, the tribal chief is hoping he could knock up one of their tribeswomen so they could get his 'superior genes'.

'I never thought about having a child until I establish a stable foothold in this life. But even if I were to father a child, I certainly wouldn't be leaving it in this godforsaken place.'

Also, he was not a stallion.

Unaware of Leon's thoughts, Chief Valencia continued to advertise, "You do not need to worry about these female servants being loose. They are still chaste virgins."

Men seemed to pay particular attention to this detail when picking a partner.

Leon found it surprising how persistent a woman like Chief Valencia was offering other women to a man. Perhaps, Chief Valencia was not biased between genders and only cared about the difference between the weak and strong.

"I think that is beside the point, but never mind that. It can't be that only a minority of women have no talent for cultivation, right? Also, how do you determine that they have no talent for cultivation? Pardon my ignorance. I have lived outside of tribes my whole life."

Leon attempted to shift the topic.

"Hahaha, that's fine. I'll be happy to answer your questions." Chief Valencia laughed as her eyes lit up subtly.

Living outside of tribes, his whole life implied that Leonhardt has never been affiliated to any tribe. This represents a clean slate. Chief Valencia was more determined to win this person over.

"It is quite easy to determine whether one has a talent for cultivation or not. Everyone will undergo the Rite of Baptism during their coming of age to formally embark on the path of cultivation. Surely, Little Brother Leonhardt already knows this?" Chief Valencia asked.

After Leon nodded, Chief Valencia continued to explain, "The determining factor for the talentless is their bodies' affinity to absorb Darkness Profound Energy. No matter who it is, everyone should at least exhibit some change when their body contacts Darkness Profound Energy."

"However, this is not the case for the talentless. Like these girls, they have what we call a Void Body. Darkness Profound Energy neither harms them nor empowers them and just flows in and out of their body like breathing air."

"Oh? Are Void Bodies unique to women?" Leon asked.

"Not at all. You see, men are less picky with their partners. All the talentless male servants serving me had already chosen their partners. It's just these girls that have yet to." Chief Valencia explained. After a brief pause, she asks, "Could it be that Little Brother Leonhardt is interested in men?"

As Leon heard this, he almost spat out the food he was eating. Everyone else gave him peculiar glances.

"Not at all! I do not have such a strange taste! I am a straight man." Leon firmly denied while waving his hands.

"Hm? Is that right? But you do not seem too interested in their beauty. Perhaps a woman such as myself is more to your liking?" Chief Valencia guessed.


All the men on the high seating platform issued a strong cough when they heard this. At the same time, Leon swallowed the food down the wrong hole and started choking violently. He pounded his chest and gasp for air.

"Are you alright, Little Brother Leonhardt?" Master Woodrow asked with concern.

Leon raised his hand while coughing.

"Ahem, ahem, I'm fine. I was just caught off guard. Chief Valencia sure knows how to jest. These girls are all fine beauties. I'm just not ready to settle down yet." Leon explained.

What else could he say? He was supposed to be a lone vagabond. He could not say that he already has a few lovers back in the Human Domain, could he?

"I see, I see. Ahahaha, it was my bad." Chief Valencia laughed. "Allow me to take this cup as an apology."

Having said that, Chief Valencia downed another shot of special wine.

She was not offended by Leon's violent reaction in the least. She did not find this surprising. Just as female warriors favored tender men in the tribe, men also favored delicate women.

Everyone apart from Leon clicked their tongues when the tribal chief's action. If all it took was an apology to allow them to drink, they would not mind coming up with random reasons to apologize for.

"Since Little Brother Leonhardt has said as such, I will no longer press the matter." Chief Valencia smiled.

"Oh? It seems like our enthusiastic tribesmen can no longer wait."

Everyone's attention was shortly drawn to the battle arena below. At that moment, another two Great Warriors onto the stage to complete.

"This time, it is between Blackbear and Scarface, huh? I heard there was some friction between them on the battlefield prior," Old Tailor commented with interest.

"It was just petty arguments. Nothing too serious." Chief Valencia nodded. "Their strength had always been more or less equal to each other. Seems like we will have another match without a clear winner."

Battles were more exciting when the outcome is unknown.

"My Dark Crystals are on Blackbear. If I remember correctly, he should be the 4th Ranker on the Mid-rank Great Warrior ranking." Old Tinker said.

"What remember correctly? You are getting old, Old Tinker. The Ranking Board is just behind us. You can't even spare a second to check?" Another Shaman said.

"Oh, it is too. Hahaha, I forgot. It has been too long. You know me. I do not usually come here to watch the youngsters fight anymore. I rather spend my time in the workshop. Old folks like us don't find this place too interesting." Old Tinker said.

"I can't speak for the others, but I am quite looking forward to our little friend Leonhardt's battle on stage." Old Tailor said.

"My battle?"

Leon was taken aback.

"That's right. Don't you know you are quite the hotshot right now? You can expect a few hotheaded youths challenging you tonight." Old Tailor laughed.

Hearing this much, Leon was no longer surprised as he shook his head wryly. There would always be people seeking shortcuts to becoming famous.

Surely there are more famous warriors in the tribe to challenge, but their strengths are already attested through numerous battles. Only his power remains dubious to many due to his small build. It gives them the illusion of an easy victory, shooting to instant fame.

"Can I choose to refuse if they challenge me?" Leon asked.

Unless it was a Great Warrior challenging him, he would not be bothered to fight otherwise. It would just be a waste of time, bullying opponents much weaker than him.

"Everyone has the right to refuse a challenge. But if you do, it might be seen as cowardice." Chief Valencia said.

Hearing this answer, Leon could only shrug nonchalantly. It seems he has no choice but to fight if challenged. He did not want to appear weak.

Throughout Chief Valencia's battle career, she had not refused a single challenge. Of course, not many dare to challenge her anymore unless they wish to spend a few weeks in bed.

At this moment, a warrior approached Chief Valencia and quietly whispered into her ears. Chief Valencia frowned shortly after and slowly stood up.

"Everyone, please continue to enjoy the show without me. I have some matters to take care of…" Chief Valencia said and left with the warrior.

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