Prime Originator

Chapter 377 - Devour, Sensory Deprivation, And Time Seed

Chapter 377 - Devour, Sensory Deprivation, And Time Seed

'It was unwise of me to use the Second Law of Temporal Law. Fortunately, I did not overdo it and use the Third Level, Temporal Suspension.'

Duna pondered.

The strain brought by using the third level would have pushed her body beyond the breaking point. She would have destroyed themselves.

Although Temporal Suspension had no offensive capability, its power was not inferior to the First Level of Destruction Law, Disintegration.

In other words, Divinities that have comprehended the Third Level of Temporal Law were comparable to Divinities that comprehended the First Level of Destruction Law.

If the Second Level, Stagnation, was the deceleration of time, the Third Level, Temporal Suspension, was the actual stopping of time.

But even then, the Third Level was not the highest level of attainment a being can achieve in the Temporal Law.

Duna found out through the Divinity fragment that there were rumors of a fourth and fifth level. However, Divinities capable of achieving such heights during that age should have been few and in between.

Duna treaded the barren ground and drew herself closer to the enemy until she stood right before a Behemoth-class Bone Demon, mismatched in size.

The Behemoth-class Bone Demon was 4 times her height, but she was not intimidated by the difference. Nothing could intimidate her, and even more so when affected by Stagnation.

She reached out her pearly white but crack hands and placed them on the leg of the Behemoth-class Bone Demon before a powerful suction force began to rob the undead demon of all its power.

'Darkness Law Third Level, Devour!'

The Darkness Profound Energy and Death Energy forcefully entered Duna's half corporeal body and became apart of her strength.

As for the Behemoth-class Bone Demon, it was no more, returned to death's embrace after Duna absorbed the force that steered it.

The Behemoth-class Bone Demon still had its shape, but it was already beginning its slow decline into a heap of bones on the ground under Stagnation's effect.

'I should be able to mend myself with this—no, it's not working. It can only help me recover slightly. The damages brought by the Destruction Law cannot be healed. Dammit! The consequences are direr than I anticipated. What can I do? I cannot let Lumi see her body like this.'

Duna frowned.

She grabbed another Behemoth-class Bone Demon and absorbed its power, but there were no longer any changes to the cracks on her body.

She bit her lip in frustration.

'Stagnation is about to end.'

She observed the increasingly unstable temporal domain before retreating towards her original location.

After the temporal domain collapsed and dispersed, the flow of time in the area returned to normal, and the battle between the two sides resumed like nothing had happened.

Only the others could tell what had happened.

'Sigh, it is all my fault. If It is not because I wanted to test these powerful laws, our body would not have been in this current state.'

Duna felt regretful, but she did not have time to dwell on it. She can only seek the solution after the battle.

'Darkness Law Second Level, Sensory Deprivation!'

The power of darkness gathered and swallowed Chief Valencia and the surrounding warriors attempting their breakthrough.

"What's going on here? What is the banshee trying to do?!"

"I cannot see anything! My… my voice! I cannot hear my voice! But I am surely talking!"

"It seems only my sense of touch is still here…"

Many warriors panicked.

Everyone in the area was also caught in the skill and found themselves in a world of absolute darkness and robbed them of their sense of sight, smell, and hearing.

Duna stood outside of the dark dome and picked up the bone whistle hanging around her neck before playing a ghostly tune.

An elusive power rippled across the battlefield and stunned all the encroaching enemies with her soul attack.

The humans in the range of the soul attack also suffered some minor nudges to their souls, but the ones inside the dark dome were utterly unaffected by everything outside.

It was Duna's consideration to the people trying to breakthrough.

"It's Duna's soul attack!"

"Yes, with this, the Behemoth-class Bone Demons will no longer be a threat to us."

"Thank you, Duna! You have done a lot for us! Please do not overexert yourself further! We can take it from here!"

"This is a chance Duna has given us. Make use of it wisely, everyone! You won't get a better chance than now to harvest these demons!"


The warriors roared.

Many Warriors jumped down from the city walls and joined the others with a frontal charge towards the enemy.

The battle quickly entered a climax. If there were no other unexpected variables coming into play, the Bone Calamity plaguing the western side of Weeping Forest would soon be brought to an end.

Meanwhile, Leon continued to meditate with closed eyes.

The Temporal Laws surrounding Leon were no longer vague as they were moments ago. They have become more distinct and clear that the abnormal flow of time in Leon's surrounding air could be sensed by others.

Suddenly, the air quickened and kicked up a gust of wind that billowed outwards from Leon. Shortly after, everything returned to a tranquil state like nothing had happened.

Within the sea of consciousness, Leon glanced at the newly formed Seed of Time that fused with his soul core shortly after.

The Temporal Law was successfully comprehended.

No matter how superficial his understanding was, the seed's formation indicated that he had reached the required threshold to begin manipulating the power of time.

He wanted to keep going and fuse the Spatial Law and Temporal Law, but he had neglected the battle for too long. He should at least check on the situation.

He opened his eyes shortly and observed the surrounding.

Despite shutting off his senses to the outside world, he seems to instinctively know how much time had elapsed since the start of his meditation.

The Seed of Time granted him a heightened awareness of the flow of time and not just the ability to accelerate time.

At his current rudimentary level of understanding, he could only accelerate his own flow of time. This ability was akin to burning his own lifespan, but it allows him to move quicker in return.

It was like the brain entering a hyperactive state and granting the human body superhuman reflex and quick thinking.

A deeper level of comprehension was needed before he can accelerate the time of anything beyond himself.

Leon heaved a sigh of relief after checking that his body was still in one piece and the evil Lumi was not in his immediate surroundings.

'It seems I am still alive.'

Suddenly, his body shivered abruptly as Duna's previous strong killing intent finally struck him and goosebumps reappeared on his skin.

'It seems I was spared.'

He assumed wryly.

Shortly after, he turned his attention to the ongoing battle and sent out his divine sense to observe the situation.

'The Bone Kings are gone, and only a small number of the undead demon army is left. Things are going surprisingly well and will be ending soon. This… should be Lumi's work. Did she manage to snap back to her good self? I wonder where she is now…'

Leon casually extended the range of his divine sense and searched the battlefield… He frowned shortly after spotting Lumi near Chief Valencia.

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