Prime Originator

Chapter 383 - Picking Up The Little Girl

Chapter 383 - Picking Up The Little Girl

Meanwhile, Lumi continued to search for Leon over at the med bay. When she arrived, everyone became so tensed, some of the wounded warrior's wound reopened and spurted blood like a little sprinkler.

"Ah, medic! I'm bleeding again!"

Although she no longer had the heavy and dense aura of resentment surrounding her, no one forgot the mysterious and frightening power she displayed. It was still fresh in their memory.

If they were to displease this banshee, there was no telling where the banshee will accidentally erase them from existence.

The thought of that was simply too scary to imagine.

"Hey, you!" Lumi picked a nearby medical-looking person and called him over, "Can I ask you some question?"

The person's heart jumped from the abruptness and stuttered, "Y-yes? How can I help you? I mean, what would you like to ask?"

"Can you tell me where Leonhardt is? I was told that he came here earlier." Lumi asked nicely.

Seeing the banshee being so polite, the fear in his heart was considerably abated. The person nodded and said, "The Divine Doctor—No, Big Brother Leonhardt was here, but you are too late. Big Brother Leonhardt had already left some time ago."

"Ah, really? Did he tell you where he was going?" Lumi asked with mild disappointment. Was that person avoiding her? He did not even wait for her and left her on the battlefield all alone. How hateful.

The medical person shook his head and said, "Big Brother Leonhardt did not specify his destination, but he had expended a great deal of energy to treat everyone. If I'm not wrong, Big Brother Leonhardt should have gone back to rest."

"I see, thank you very much!" Lumi expressed her gratitude before leaving promptly.

The medical person shook his hands and said, "No, no, it was nothing really! Glad to be of help!"

Shortly after Lumi was gone from sight, everyone heaved a sigh of relief. This white-dressed version was so much more approachable and easy-going compared to the black-dressed one.

Nevertheless, there was a certain pressure from the individual that still made them nervous and uneasy.

This veiled pressure came from the Devil's law comprehension that Lumi herself was not aware of it. But if she so wishes, she would be able to wield this power as simply as Duna did.

She flew back and reached the palace first. When she failed to find Leon, she did not continue to go look for him. She believed that he would return to the palace sooner or later as there were matters in the palace for him to deal with.

"Oh wow, they have fireworks! The people here sure are quick to celebrate their victory." Lumi exclaimed after seeing a signal flare shoot into the sky, mistaking it for celebratory fireworks.

After Chief Valencia settled her businesses with the surrounding warriors, she turned to Leon and said, "You're a valuable and heavily sought-after person, Little Brother Leonhardt. It is not safe outside during this following period. I suggest you don't wander around without any company. How about we return to my place for now?"

Leon thought briefly for a moment before nodding, "Alright."

"Ah, but before that, there is a place I must stop by. I hope you won't mind?" Chief Valencia stated.

"Not at all," Leon replied with a headshake as he becomes slightly curious. Nevertheless, he did not ask and followed the chief silently to find his answer.

The route they took coincided with the same path Leon originally intended to take. They stopped by the playground next to the academy for children.

The place was not only an educational facility but a great shelter with good insulation.

Many families could be seen waiting outside for their children to leave the academy grounds and find them so they could head home together.

Giggles and laughter could be heard as children dive into their parents' arms.

Apart from a select few who had not been within the shelter, most of the children were ignorant of the battle that occurred outside. The adults wanted to protect the children's innocence while they are still young and free from responsibilities.

Even so, not every child had a family to return to. Some children stood on the playground searching for their parents, but to no avail.

Not everyone made it back from the battle alive.

"What plans does the chief have for the orphans?" Leon curiously asked.

"Someone will take care of them and arrange new homes for them." Chief Valencia answered as she continued to search the crowd of outgoing children on the playground.

Leon assumed that the chief had come to pick up her children, but then again, he had not heard of the chief having any children despite having multiple lovers.

As they watch the crowd of children on the playground together, Leon wondered if he would be able to spot Mia among them.

After a moment, he recalled something he had heard from Ironhead and realized that the chief might be waiting to pick up Mia.

As if you confirm his speculation, he spotted Mia's appearance and saw the chief waving her hand over shortly after.


Mia ran over and dived towards Chief Valencia as she knelt down to catch the little girl with her open arms.

"How was school today, Little Mia? Did you behave well? Did anyone bully you? If they did, you can tell me. I will get someone to teach them a lesson." Chief Valencia said warmly.

Leon watched the chief doted on Mia greatly.

'Anyone bullying this little princess would only be other children. Was the chief seriously going to beat up other people's children if the little girl was bullied? No, maybe it had already happened.' Leon quietly mused.

The little girl giggled and nodded, "Un, Mia was very good today! The teachers all praised Mia for being well-behaved! After Aunty taught all those naughty kids a lesson, no one dared to bully Mia again!"

"Bahaha, is that so? That's good, that's good."

Chief Valencia nodded approvingly.

She had zero guilt for the fact that she had beaten up children before. Naughty children needed to be disciplined early, or they grow up spoiled and pick up many bad habits that stick with them for life.

Nevertheless, Leon sweated at the fact that the chief had no scruples beating other people's children.

What did the parents do when that happened? Did they complain? Did they harbor resentment towards the chief for it? Or… maybe not?

With the chief's great prestige, perhaps the parents might even felt that it was an honor for the chief to discipline their naughty children and offer their gratitude.

This could indeed be a good thing if the parents are too soft-hearted and doting to discipline their own children when they are naughty.

If they cannot do it, they should let others do it.

Raising a child was like raising plants. With the right amount of water and sunlight, they will grow nicely. But if too much water is given, they will drown and die.

As such, a loving parent might not necessarily be a good parent, while a strict and cold parent might not necessarily be a bad parent either.

The topic was quite subjective.

"Oh, right. Let me introduce you. This is Brother Leonhardt. He is very skilled in the art of healing. So, if you ever get hurt, this brother can fix you good as new." Chief Valencia introduced.

Leon had been standing inconspicuously behind the chief. As such, the little girl had totally overlooked him.

However, at that moment, their eyes finally met. The little girl's eyes quickly widened. Leon smiled wryly as he understood that the little girl had recognized him through the lion-headed cloak he was wearing.

Apart from a change in his skin tone, he practically looked the same as before. There were no surprises there.

He winked at Mia at once with one eye, and the little girl was bright enough to understand his meaning as she quickly held back the words that hung on the tips of her tongue cutely.

"Why don't you say hello to Brother Leonhardt for me?"

"Hello, Brother Leonhardt."

Mia greeted after Chief Valencia's urging.

"This little girl here is called Mia. She is somewhat like a daughter to me. I hope you can look out for her whenever you can while you are here in the city."

"No problem."

Leon smiled lightly.

Even without the chief's request, he would still do it. The little girl was his adopted little sister. Although they had spent a short time together, he treated his relationships seriously.

This was even more so for Mia. She would never forget how Leon treated her and took her out of the slums to eat good food and wear nice clothes.

It was a single act of kindness, but a lifetime of gratitude.

"Hello there, Mia. This brother is still new in this city and has not prepared any meeting gift. Would little Mia be willing to show this brother to some good food places and clothing stores around here?"

Little Mia's eyes reddened slightly as she nodded, "Un!"

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