Prime Originator

Chapter 394 - The Lurker

Chapter 394 - The Lurker

The elderly warrior and two middle-aged warriors had been too pompous and rude since they arrived.

Since that was the case, he should act as a proper host and receive them in kind by knocking them off their high pedestal and angering them to death.

Leon continued to antagonize the person by rubbing his chin thoughtfully and said, "Their father, eh? I heard of late bloomers, but you, you are something else, aren't you? When did you have your firstborn? In your 70's? Damn, that's pretty late, huh? Did you also rob the cradle while you were at it?"

Lord Goldenfang almost puked out blood from anger as Leon's words were like a vicious knife that slicing through his heart, hitting him where it hurts.

"Oh, sh*t. Don't tell me, it was actually true?" Leon asked with a sarcastically, shocked look.


It was like an explosion had erupted inside Lord Goldenfang's head as he was driven mad. As someone who enjoyed great prestige and used to looking down on others, he was not an enduring man who could tolerate being insulted by others of lower standing than him.

After receiving Leon's repeated taunts and provocation, Lord Goldenfang could no longer keep his dignified bearing and exploded with rage.

"Bastard! I'm going to kill you!" Lord Goldenfang roared and raised his hand, readying to slap Leon to death with a single blow. He could no longer tolerate his existence.

"Lord Goldenfang, you must not be rash! You can teach him a lesson, but you cannot kill him! If the chief finds out, a civil war will break out in our tribe!"

The two middle-aged warriors immediately held Lord Goldenfang back and persuaded him from acting rashly due to a moment of anger.

"Who are you to tell me what to do?! Back off at once!" Lord Goldenfang barked at his two subordinates, but they continued to hold onto him tightly.

"Lord Goldenfang, you cannot—"


Lord Goldenfang roared.

The two Mid-rank Great Warriors immediately realized that their Lord Goldenfang had calmed down slightly. If their Lord Goldenfang had truly lost his rationale due to anger, there was no way they would have been able to stop an Extremity-rank Great Warrior even if they joined hands together.

"Yes, Lord Goldenfang. Forgive us for our impudence." The two Mid-rank Great Warriors released their hold and retreated.


Lord Goldenfang dropped his arm quickly with frustration and glared at Leon venomously before he said, "You darn cheeky brat! It seems you have already decided to go against us, huh? Are you not afraid I will kill you?!"

"I was not interested in your internal dispute and didn't plan to get involved. However, since you did not put me in your eyes, why I act cordially to you, who disrespect me? Respect is earned, not given. So, don't throw your weight around here. Besides, you don't have the balls to kill me. If you did, you would have held your firstborn much sooner." Leon said satirically. He did not forget to throw a jag at Lord Goldenfang and hit him where it hurts.

"Y-Y-You… Arghhh!"

Lord Goldenfang pointed his trembling fingers at Leon with a flushed face and shook with so much anger, he ended up puking out an arrow of blood.

In the end, he was still an old man advanced in his years. He could not take so much stimulation and endure having his heart rate beating quickly.

This was why the elderly warriors like him did not participate in the battle against the Bone Calamity. Their hearts could not withstand the stress of high-pace battles.

"My Lord!"

The two Mid-rank Great Warriors rushed forward and caught Lord Goldenfang, who stumbled back weakly.

"Hold onto Lord Goldenfang for me. I must teach this brat a lesson! He is too arrogant and disrespectful to Lord Goldenfang!" Said one of the Great Warriors.

"Stop it. We cannot touch this person." Lord Goldenfang sighed weakly and explained, "Whether you touch or kill this person, it is all the same unless you are willing to make an enemy out of the entire tribe. Many people look at him favorably after he treated the wounded warriors. This includes people from our faction. He is famous right now. Just forget it and take me back now. This person cannot be used."

Lord Goldenfang thought someone as young as Leonhardt would be naïve and ignorant of his true worth, thus making it easy for him to coerce the person into joining his faction.

However, he had miscalculated. Leonhardt was a headstrong person who does not take kindly to threats and disrespect against him.

He should have consulted his sons and not acted on his own. He had also overestimated his waning prestige and become senile from old age.

His failure was well justified.

"Yes, Lord Goldenfang."

The Great Warrior retreated to the other side of Lord Goldenfang and helped carried him away without objection.

As Leon stood on the spot with his arms crossed and watched the two middle-aged warriors carry Lord Goldenfang away in defeat, he hollered, "Pussy!"

Lord Goldenfang's body immediately trembled agitatedly before his eyes rolled back and passed out. It was too much for him to bear.

"Dammit! Brat, you've pushed things too far! Even if I get expelled from the faction today, I must break both your legs and arms to teach you how to be humble and respectful to others!" The Great Warrior snapped.

"Don't let anger control you!" warned the other Great Warrior. However, it was too late.

The Mid-rank Great Warrior had already rushed towards Leon. He closed the distance between them instantly with a cold glint and aimed for Leon's legs with a horizontal sweeping kick.

Leon continued to watch the Mid-rank Great Warrior coldly with his arms crossed before he manipulated the Spatial Law and distorted the space around him.


The Mid-rank Great Warrior's sweeping kick was suddenly directed downward by the distorted space. The force of his kick destroyed the ground and sent rocks and dust flying everywhere, but also left his body wide open.

"Piss off!" Leon barked while making his move in that instance. All his abilities were channeled into his leg and sent a powerful push kick to the Mid-rank Great Warrior's stomach, blasting him away with the force of 100 thousand-jins.


The Mid-rank Great Warrior flew back like a cannonball, shot past the other middle-aged warrior and unconscious Lord Goldenfang, and flew outside the doorless entrance.

The person crashed through a few buildings and coughed up blood before trying to get up but failed to do so. He was taken down in one kick.

There was a sudden gasp elsewhere, and the other Mid-rank Great Warrior holding Lord Goldenfang shortly glanced back at Leon with shock.

He did not expect his mate to be taken down in a single blow. He knew Leonhardt was strong, but not THAT strong.

"Before teaching others how to be humble and respectful, you should look at yourself. Where were your humbleness and respect when you kicked down my door?" Leon sneered before tapping the broken ground beneath his feet.

The earth was shortly raised to patch up the small crater made by the Mid-rank Great Warrior earlier, and the barren ground was soon restored to its former state.

The Mid-rank Great Warrior carrying Lord Goldenfang was immediately startled and lowered his head in apology, "I apologize for the transgression we've caused against you today. I hope Young Master Leonhardt will be magnanimous and let us go."

Leon's abilities were too mysterious, and he also had the strength to one-shot a Mid-rank Great Warrior. The middle-aged warrior carrying Lord Goldenfang understood his situation and knew that they were utterly at Leon's mercy. He could escape, but not while carrying Lord Goldenfang.

"Sigh, whatever. Hurry up and get lost. Make sure you send someone to fix my door, understand?" Leon quickly waved and shooed them away.

"Thank you, Young Master Leonhardt."

Shortly after, the middle-aged warrior carried Lord Goldenfang away and picked up his fellow mate along the way.

Leon shook his head after they disappeared from sight.

These were the Beast Tamer Faction people who want to change the Dark Crystal's distribution in Chief Valencia's control and make Goldeneye their new chief?

They were a little too pathetic, no? Without being decisive and ruthless enough, they would not be able to achieve anything. Nothing can be done half-heartedly.

Nevertheless, even if they were committed, they never stood a chance anyway. They were too weak and did not have a single Battle Master.

"You can come out now." Leon calmly said to seemingly no one in sight. However, he was certain that someone had been watching nearby the whole time.


Chief Valencia jumped down from behind the top of the courtyard building and landed next to Leon before giving him a slightly awkward and apologetic look and asked, "Since when did you realize?"

"Since the start."

"The start?"

Chief Valencia's eyes were startled awake, not expecting this answer. She was confident that she had been very subtle in her arrival.

She thought Leonhardt only found out when she accidentally let out a gasp of surprise during his counter kick to the Mid-rank Great Warrior, but he had actually found out since the start? Did he have eyes at the back of his head?

"Can you tell me how you found out?" Chief Valencia asked.

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