Prime Originator

Chapter 424 - Depart For Darkmoon

Chapter 424 - Depart For Darkmoon

Within the crowds gathered at the Crimsonfog Tribe's colossal amphitheater, there were senior warriors among them. These people were all elderly warriors with at least 70 years to their age. Not only that; they are all Battle Masters!

Senior warriors were warriors who shattered their cores and retired from the warrior career. Not all senior warriors were Battle Masters, and even less were lucky enough to become Shamans.

At this moment, they were simply watching everything unfold calmly. It was not that they were not interested in the chief position, but the fact that they had no right to compete for it. Warriors with shattered cores like them were no longer eligible for the position.

After Blacktooth collected his heavy sword-type Soul Weapon and left the area, the hype did not die down. Extremity-rank Great Warriors began challenging Extremity-rank Greater Warriors, and Peak-rank Great Warriors began challenging Peak-rank Great Warriors.

They knew that the Extremity-rank Great Warrior, Blacktooth, would only accept challenges once a day to try and keep his chief position for as long as possible.

As such, they had to beat down the other keen challengers to reduce their competitors.

"The nature of humans is quite ugly, but this kind of situation is not bad. Competitions like this will push these young warriors to work harder and grow faster. Our tribe will become stronger collectively as a result." Said a senior warrior.

Another senior warrior nodded in agreement before disagreeing, "However, that is only if the competition continues to be friendly and not take it too far. Crippling injuries and death will weaken our tribe instead."

"That is also true."

A senior warrior shortly stood up from his stone seat and barked towards the Battle Arena, "You brats better keep it friendly and not go too far! If I see you—"

"Alright, that's enough words." Another senior warrior pulled the person back down to his seat and said, "The younger generation knows what to do and not to do. If you try to control them too much, it will limit their growth instead."

"I guess you are right." The person said after some thought and no longer instructed the competing warriors.

Outside the colossal amphitheater, Blacktooth made his way directly to the chief palace. However, he bumped into a Venerable Shaman before reaching it.

"One-Eyed Venerable Shaman." Blacktooth greeted before inquiring hesitantly, "Are you going to stop me from entering the palace?"

"Me? No. I am here to inform you that Chief Valencia has initiated a summit summoning to discuss an important matter. It will be held seven days later at their Darkmoon Tribe, and I suggest that you attend it to figure out what is going on." The One-Eyed Venerable Shaman said calmly.

Blacktooth was shortly stunned by the Venerable Shaman's words before he quickly became overjoyed. Was this not the perfect excuse to get away from the tribe and avoid the challengers without forfeiting by default?

"If I decide to go, will the One-Eye Venerable Shaman also help me attend it? My strength is still inadequate. I'm afraid that I will lose face for the Crimsonfog Tribe if I attend alone." Blacktooth said sneakily.

He was just an Extremity-rank Great Warrior. He definitely had to bring at least one of the Venerable Shamans with him to face the other Battle Master chiefs calmly.

The One-Eyed Venerable Shaman pondered for a moment before he agreed, "Alright. I will come with you. When do you plan to set out?"

"How about we leave right away after I grab some stuff from the palace?" Chief Blacktooth suggested.

The One-Eyed Venerable Shaman's expression immediately darkened as he understood the person's intention. Nevertheless, he had to praise the person for his craftiness. At least this person knows how to maximize his benefits.

"Alright. I will wait here. Go quickly!" The One-Eyed Venerable Shaman urged.

He did not stop Blacktooth from ransacking the palace. This was his right as the new chief. Everything in the palace belongs to the chief.

Blacktooth nodded excitedly and said, "Thank you, One-Eyed Venerable Shaman!"

He immediately rushed into the palace.

There were beautiful servants left and right, and even some of Chief Baskara's women were spotted. They were gorgeous beyond belief, and Blacktooth gazed at them covetously.

Nevertheless, he knew his limits. If he touched Chief Baskara's women, he would be doomed when the person recovers from his coma.

Blacktooth ignored the women and headed to the treasure vault. The moment he entered, his eyes lit up with greed.

'Truly worthy of being called the treasure vault. This place is brimming with treasures!' Blacktooth exclaimed in his mind.

Dark Crystals littered the place with several other items mixed in the lot. Boxes contained rare and exotic medicinal herbs from different regions, high-quality Soul Weapons, Enchanted Equipment, Enchanted Accessories, and numerous ancient books collected from the Land of Darkness.

None of the Soul Weapons, Enchanted Equipment, and Enchanted Accessories placed in the treasure vault were below Tier 4. There were dozens of Tier 4 items, while Tier 5 items were fewer but still present.

When Blacktooth gazed at these high-quality items then glanced at his own set of Tier 3 equipment, he felt like he was wearing pieces of trash.

He immediately switched out for the Tier 5 heavy sword-type Soul Weapon and grabbed some of Tier 4 to Tier 5 Enchanted Equipment.

Afterward, he found a higher quality Interspatial Pouch and filled it up with Dark Crystals. He did not take too much nor too little—about 50-thousand Dark Crystals; enough to last him a long while.

Sometime later, he reappeared before the One-Eyed Venerable Shaman with a satisfied look and said, "Let us go now, One-Eyed Venerable Shaman."

"Not yet. You cannot go yet." The One-Eyed Venerable Shaman stated with a solemn tone.

Blacktooth was taken aback and asked, "Why not?"

"You need to inform the tribe of your departure and reason, then arrange for the tribe to self-manage themselves during your absence. Do you think you can just leave irresponsibly without a word or commitment to your tribe? Being a chief is not a simple task."

"Eh, you're right, One-Eyed Venerable Shaman. I was inconsiderate just now. I will go inform the tribe now." Blacktooth wiped his sweat under the One-Eyed Venerable Shaman's pressurizing gaze.

Shortly after, he returned to the colossal amphitheater, where most tribesmen were gathered to make his announcement.

After the tribesmen learned about the summit summoning, many tribesmen immediately voiced their eagerness to accompany Blacktooth on the trip to the Darkmoon Tribe.

Of course, all the Peak-rank Great Warriors and Extremity-rank Great Warriors volunteered so they can challenge Blacktooth the following day at the Darkmoon Tribe's Battle Arena when they arrive there.

Blacktooth naturally rejected them all, but at the same time, he could not just bring no one except himself and the One-Eyed Venerable Shaman on the trip.

As such, he accepted some Early-rank to Mid-rank Great Warriors along with a few dozen young Peak-rank Warriors to accompany him to the Darkmoon Tribe for the experience.

The group of roughly fifty tribesmen quickly made preparations for their departure after they were selected.

Sometime later, everyone gathered outside the gates of the Crimsonfog Tribe.

The One-Eye Venerable Shaman faced the other few Venerable Shamans seeing him off, and said, "Watch over the tribe while we are gone."

"Naturally." One the Venerable Shaman said before asking, "Do you really need to leave now? The Darkmoon Tribe is only a day's journey away, while the summit is seven days from now. There is no point arriving so early."

The One-Eyed Venerable Shaman immediately shook his head and disagreed with the Venerable Shaman's words. While it was true that they were leaving due to Chief Blacktooth's selfishness, there merits to arriving early at the Darkmoon Tribe.

"There is a point, actually. Considering the severity of Chief Valencia's tone in the voice transmission, I doubt that she is just an alarmist. It will do us good to learn about the potential threat as soon as possible. That way, we will be more prepared for what is to come." The One-Eyed Venerable Shaman said.

"Also, it's a good chance for our people to interact with other tribes and strengthen the relationship between the tribes in the alliance. If there truly is a problem threatening the Seven Tribes Alliance, unity will be the key to our survival."

The Venerable Shaman nodded with an understanding look.

"What you said makes a lot of sense. In that case, I think it will be good to bring these people along. Sonia is young, but her understanding of the runic language even puts me to shame. She will be useful for discussing matters relating to this topic with the Darkmoon Tribe's experts. As for these other three gents, perhaps the Darkmoon Tribe will have a method to remove their Exploding Secret Rune." The Venerable Shaman said.

The One-Eyed Venerable Shaman gazed with surprise at Ironfist and the other two Extremity-rank Great Warrior that recently defected to their tribe.

"It seems you have already had your own considerations. Alright, I bring them along." The One-Eyed Venerable agreed. Shortly after, he turned to Chief Blacktooth and asked, "That won't be a problem, right?"

Blacktooth looked at the three Extremity-rank Great Warrior with apprehension. It seemed like he did not really have a choice but to bring them along.

"There won't be any problem…" He said hesitantly.

The One-Eyed Venerable Shaman nodded approvingly and said, "Good. Let us be on our way then."

The group shortly departed for the Darkmoon Tribe.

Along the way, Ironfist walked up to Blacktooth and said, "Don't worry, I am not interested in challenging you for the chief position. The other two are also of the same opinion as me… So, you can rest assured."

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