Prime Originator

Chapter 426 - The Consolidating Viscera Methods

Chapter 426 - The Consolidating Viscera Methods

After the six female servants were brought back to the Barrenrock Courtyard, they stuck close to each other while looking at Darlene and Leon with nervous expressions.

Chief Valencia had informed them that they would be serving a different master, but they did not know why the chief would just give them away like this. However, they seemed to have faintly guessed something after seeing Darlene close to their new master.

"There's plenty of rooms, so feel free to go help your sisters settle down. I will be meditating for a bit." Leon said to Darlene.


After Darlene nodded, Leon entered his room and closed the door before sitting on the bed and sending his consciousness into the [Archive].

Outside, the six female servants gazed at Darlene with doubt and suspicions. She was not the same person she was before. There was a subtle yet confident aura surrounding her.

"Do you know what is going on, Darlene? Why did the chief give us to Young Master Leonhardt? Was this really your doing?" One of the pretty female servants asked.

"That's right." Darlene admitted, "I wanted for us to be together again, so I mentioned my wish to Young Master Leonhardt—"

"How can you do that to us, Darlene? I thought we were close like sisters."

"Yeah! We were doing just fine, serving under Chief Valencia. Why did you drag us down with you?"

The female servants began accusing her with a look of betrayal.

"I didn't—" Darlene wanted to correct them, but she was interrupted.

"The Young Master also secretly look down on useless people like us who cannot cultivate, right? Everyone is like that!"

"What has the Young Master done to you? Does he treat you like a plaything? Is he going force himself on us and shame us like that too?"

"You're no longer chaste, are you? Ah, why did you do this to us, Darlene? Just why?"

"We are already lowly servants. We don't have anything except our beauty and chastity. If we lose our chastity, who would still want us? How can we still hope to find our future man, who would treat us right?"

"What was it like, Darlene? Was the Young Master rough? Did he ravage you like an animal?"

The female servants continued to question her with despairing looks. Darlene wanted to interrupt them several times, but she was not given a chance.

Although she understood the reason for their misunderstanding, she still did not like to hear them bad-mouthing her hubby. It made her frustrated and angry.

"That is enough, everyone! You're all overthinking it! It's not like that!" Darlene shouted angrily.

At the same time, the space around her began to warp and twist out of shapes. On the ground, the twigs were seen snapping, and the peddles cracking.

The six female servants all retreated in fear and stared at Darlene in shock and incomprehensibility of the phenomenon.

After a moment, the spatial distortion disappeared as if nothing had happened. However, the snapped twigs and cracked peddles on the ground were proof that something had indeed happened.

"Darlene… what was that just now? Did you do that?" One of the female servants asked.

Darlene nodded and said, "This is the result of Young Master Leonhardt teaching me how to cultivate. People with the Void Body like us are able to cultivate, and we are definitely not useless!"

The six female servants stare at Darlene with wide eyes, shocked and dumbfounded by the revelation. It seemed to have shattered their belief regarding people plagued with Void Bodies.

"I guess you have been holed up in the palace and have not heard the rumors spreading around the tribe. Everyone is talking about it now. You would know if you just go around and ask them about it." Darlene said to them.

"…Can you show us again, Darlene?" A female servant called Tia asked expectantly with a gulping expression.


Darlene quickly agreed.

After a few rounds of demonstrating the spatial ability, the six female servants concluded that Darlene's power was real—that their eyes were not playing tricks on them. The realization made them stare at Darlene in awe.

Seeing the shock and awe in her sisters' eyes, Darlene felt jittery and excited inside. She was filled with a sense of satisfaction and became smug.

"What kind of ability is this? How are you doing it, Darlene? What does it feel like? Will the Young Master also teach how to use this ability?" Another female servant inquired with excitement. Her name was Chana.

The other female servants also looked at Darlene eagerly, awaiting her answer. The previous apprehension in their heart was burned away by a fiery hope for the future—the future of cultivating!

Darlene curled her lips with amusement before saying, "According to Young Master Leonhardt, this spatial ability is supposedly inherent in people like us—people who possess the Void Body. This power lies dormant in all of us. We just must look inside ourselves and tap into it. It won't work if you do not believe in yourself."

Shortly after, Darlene could see all sorts of flustered and constipated expression on her sisters. At the same time, they performed strange and comical gestures to copy the same spatial ability she demonstrated earlier.


She gave a suppressed laugh.

"Why isn't it working? Are you making fun of us, Darlene?" Sienna complained unhappily with a small blush, embarrassed by her previous actions. She must have looked like a fool in Darlene's eyes.

Tia and the others also started to throw accusive gazes at Darlene.

Darlene waved her hands in denial while giggling, "Hahaha, don't look at me like that. Do you think it was easy to control this ability? The Young Master tied me to a stake and threw rocks at me mercilessly before I could use this ability! I couldn't even follow the rocks and thought it was my life flashing before my eyes!"

"Is that so?" Tia asked for confirmation. She shook her head shortly and requested with determination, "Please tie me to a stake and throw rocks at me too, Darlene! I want to be able to use this ability like you!"

"Let's leave that for later. Come, I'll show you all to your rooms!" Darlene said with a smile and gestured for them to follow her.

The six female servants did not carry much on their body—just a thin leather bag with a few sets of clothes. After they settled their stuff down into their new rooms, they quickly regathered back outside, in the courtyard.

Seeing her sisters so eager to learn from her, she felt like she has become the group's eldest sister. Her hubby once said that there was no issue with other people knowing about her spatial ability; thus, it should not be a problem for her to teach her sisters.

"There's six of you. How about you split into teams of two and practice with each other? There's already one stake in the ground, so we just need to stick another two in the ground and find some ropes." Darlene suggested.

Tia and the others quickly agreed and began busying themselves. They did not bother Darlene further and relied on themselves to find the materials.

Meanwhile, Leon was browsing through the [Archive] inside the Divine Book of Life's Whitespace. Everything had already been translated without Leon requesting Maya's help.

Maya was considerate enough to do it without being asked. At that moment, she was still lying on top of the book mountain in the Worldspace.

A holographic copy of an Old God's diary could be seen floating in the air in front of Maya's face. The pages flipped from time to time as Maya enjoyed her time reading the diary slowly.

Leon used the [Archive]'s feature to filter through the hundreds of new books with his mind to show only a specific type of category.

[Dragon God Consolidating Viscera Method] (Seven volumes; complete)

[Star God Consolidating Viscera Method] (Seven volumes; complete)

[Moon God Consolidating Viscera Method] (Seven volumes; complete)

[Ice Phoenix Consolidating Viscera Method] (Five volumes; incomplete)

[Void God Consolidating Viscera Method] (Five volumes; incomplete)

[Devil Emperor Consolidating Viscera Method] (Three volumes; incomplete)

[Demon King Consolidating Viscera Method] (Two volumes; incomplete)

A whole list of body forging methods for the consolidating viscera phase was shown to Leon. There were quite a few on the list. However, only three methods contained the completed volumes.

[Dragon God Consolidating Viscera Method]

[Star God Consolidating Viscera Method]

[Moon God Consolidating Viscera Method]

"Just these three, huh?" Leon mused for a moment before deciding, "Let's take a look at this one first."

He reached out and selected the golden books containing the title 'Dragon God Consolidating Viscera Method.' It sounded like the most powerful of the three methods.

Nevertheless, he was not in a rush to practice it. He was going to read the other two methods after, before he decides to pick out the most suitable method for him to practice.

He only picked the Dragon God Consolidating Viscera Method first because it was the one that interested him most by just the title alone.

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