Prime Originator

Chapter 427 - A Courtyard Tragedy

Chapter 427 - A Courtyard Tragedy

[Dragon God Consolidating Viscera Method]

As the name implied, it was a body forging method relating to the Dragon God. The seven volumes contained detailed information regarding the first two realms of Body Cultivation: The Body Tempering Realm and the Body Transformation Realm.

The first two volumes focus on two areas within the Body Tempering Realm: The viscera containing the five major organs and the meridians.

The last five volumes of the Body Transformation Realm focus on the five major organs of the body; the heart, spleen, lung, kidney, and liver. Each volume was dedicated solely to one of these five organs.

Leon found with surprise that there was also detailed anatomy and diagram of the dragon body.

The most surprising part was the dragon body closely resembled humans. Apart from the outer appearance being humanoid with dragon features, the inner body was almost identical.

Even so, the dragons that existed during the primordial era possessed two forms. One was the humanoid form shown in the anatomy diagram, and the other was the true dragon form.

'It seems that even dating back to the primordial era, the human form is still the most popular among the diverse races. I wonder why this is so?' Leon pondered.

Is it because the human form is considered the peak form of evolution? Or because the True Creator that he does not know even exists was a human?

Nevertheless, Leon did not dwell on the topic and continue reading through the [Dragon God Consolidating Method].

If the human body and dragon body was truly similar, as shown, then it should be possible for humans to practice dragon methods. Alas, it was only similar and not identical in the end.

The Body Tempering Realm can be achieved, but the Body Transformation Realm required dragon bloodline to practice.

Leon wrinkled his brows and moved onto the other two methods: The Star God Consolidating Viscera Method and the Moon God Consolidating Viscera Method.

Like the Dragon God Consolidating Method, the seven volumes were divided into two volumes for the Body Tempering Realm and five volumes for the Body Transformation Realm.

The Star God Consolidating Method and the Moon God Consolidating Method were both methods for human practices. However, the Body Transformation Realm also required Star God Bloodline and Moon God Bloodline.

Leon wanted to cough up blood when he read to this point.

The Star Gods and Moon Gods were both human gods, but he still needed their unique bloodlines to consolidate his viscera to the Body Transformation Realm? What kind of logic was that?

'Whether it is the Dragon God Consolidating Method, Star God Consolidating Method, or Moon God Consolidating Method, these are all methods made for offspring and descendants of the Dragon God, Star God, and Moon God. Not just anyone can practice it.'

Leon scratched his head with distress. After a moment, he began to quietly ponder deeply in thought.

'No matter which method I choose, I can only consolidate my viscera and meridians to the peak of the Body Tempering Realm. However, I do not need to be fixated on a single method. If I find a better method for the Body Transformation Realm, I can just switch over after I completely consolidate my viscera to the peak of Body Tempering Realm.'

The solution was not a good one, but it was a solution, nonetheless.

Leon recalled how Rogue Cultivators back in the Divine Realm would find a new cultivation method to practice each time they broke through to a higher new realm.

Rogue Cultivators were lone cultivators who are not affiliated to any sects or powers. As such, they do not have the resources nor the higher-level, complete cultivation methods that the sects and strong powers do.

They scavenge for their own resources and techniques to cultivate.

Usually, this would create an unstable cultivation base, but there were also methods to fix it. As such, the numbers of Rogue Cultivators in the Divine Realm were not small. In fact, the number of Rogue Cultivators exceeds the number of Cultivators belonging to sects and kingdoms.

There were numerous Divine Kings among the Rogue Cultivator group, but whether they could reach the peak of the Divine King Realm was an entirely different matter.

'Considering the presence of strong dragon heritage, there's a possibility that I might not need to switch methods. If I can find some dragon blood to refine, it will be possible to continue practice the last five volumes.'

Leon silently mused.

At least for the [Dragon God Consolidating Method], it was more straightforward in needing dragon blood to cultivate; the higher the dragon blood quality, the better—With the blood of the Dragon God being the most ideal for practice.

But what would happen if he practiced without dragon blood anyway? The core of the [Dragon God Consolidating Viscera Method] still relied on Grandmist Energy.

'It seems I will only find out once I start practicing.'

Leon made his decision.

The Star God and Moon God methods lacked information on their bloodline requirement. It only mentioned that the Star God Bloodline was called Divine Starlight Blood, and Moon God Bloodline was similarly called Divine Moonlight Blood.

After deciding on the [Dragon God Consolidating Method], Leon began pondering other issues.

He found quite a few suitable methods for people around him, but without Grandmist Energy, no one would be able to practice the techniques.

The methods relating to the Ice Phoenix were both suitable for Aria and Lynne.

There was a method called the [Ice Phoenix Frozen Calamity]. It was an energy cultivation method with great insights into the Ice Law that could aid their law comprehension and boost their awakening cultivation subsequently.

Unfortunately, the method was incomplete.

The Void God methods were suitable for Darlene and other Void Bodies, but it was also incomplete.

If there is a chance, he will look for the following missing volumes when he can.

After a moment of rumination, Leon began copying the words in the [Dragon God Consolidating Viscera Method] onto a blank piece of paper.

He wrote down the translated version of the first volume, the volume he was assigned to translate by the other Venerable Shamans. It was best to get it out of the way so he does not have to worry about it later.

Sometime later, Leon finished written down the first volume. Afterward, he compiled the papers together and stored them safely in the Worldspace.

Lumi continued to lay unconscious on an ice bed within the small Yin-biome in the herb garden. Leon checked on her condition for a short while before finally returning to reality.

The moment he returned, all sorts of cries could be heard in the courtyard. Leon furrowed his brows and shot to his feet immediately before heading out to check.

Three female servants were tied to stakes while the other three threw rocks at them from a distance.

Naturally, they did not have the same precision nor strength as Leon.

The three servants tied to the stakes were stuck in various places by rocks several times. Their face was also swollen in a few areas like eyes, cheeks, and forehead.

"Boohoo… I don't want to do this anymore… it hurts."

"Aiyo~ Let me off, please. I cannot endure it anymore."

"Wuwuwu… this is so painful. It's not working at all!"

While the three tied servants were crying, the other three female servants hesitated to continue throwing rocks at them.

However, Darlene, as the big sister, was relentless and said, "Keep throwing! If you don't want to get hit, you have to focus hard and use your ability to curve the rocks!"

This was called tough love!


The three servants holding rocks immediately steeled their hearts and tossed them. Another round of cries was heard shortly after.

Smack! Smack!

"Ahh—! Stop, I cannot do it!"

"It's not working! Spare me!"

Leon quickly spotted Darlene standing nearby with her arms crossed, supervising the group's 'training' activity.

"What's going on? Did your sisters commit some sort of mistake? Why are you punishing them like this?" Leon asked.

"Ah, hubby. You're here. I am not punishing them. I am teaching them how to use their spatial abilities like me."


After Leon heard Darlene's explanation, he could not help but facepalm and rub his forehead with distress and speechlessness.

"Eh? What's wrong, hubby? Did I do something wrong? Wasn't this how you taught me?" Darlene asked with doubt.

Leon's lips twitched before he said, "Yeah, but your ability was already awakened before that while your sisters have not awakened their abilities."

"Ah?! So then, this training is useless for them right now?!" Darlene exclaimed loudly with surprise.

Leon nodded.

When the three tied servants heard this, they started to wail louder with grievances. So, all their efforts were made in vain? They endured the suffering of the training for nothing?

"Boohoo… It hurts…"

"Why did we do this to ourselves…?"

"Wuwu… I think my forehead is bleeding…"

These female servants were Tia, Chana, and Nora.

After receiving her hubby's confirmation, Darlene felt so embarrassed she wanted to find a hole to crawl in.

She could feel the betrayed looks of the other three sisters staring at her back as if saying, 'What a horrible thing you made us do…'

"Ahem, please untie our sisters," Darlene said to them with a flushed face.

After a moment, she turned back to Leon with puppy eyes, begging him for an answer.

She was confused about how she became awakened while her sisters were not. What was different between her sisters and her? When did she awaken her ability?

Leon issued a dry and cough and whispered, "It's because we've done 'it' before the training… You should have already realized this, but my body is unique."

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