Prime Originator

Chapter 448 - Long Live The Prince!

Chapter 448 - Long Live The Prince!

Divine Realm, Eastern Divine Region.

Divine Pill Kingdom.

This place was once destroyed in the raging tides of war against the Demon Race amongst many other kingdoms and regions destroyed during the period.

However, many years later, it was rebuilt under the Escladus family's leadership and later became the ruler of the kingdom.

The Demon Army was pushed back to the Northern Divine Region during the latter years of the Great War, also known as the Divine Demon Region.

Although the Demon Army was pushed back to their home ground, the war against the Demon Race never ceased.

When the myriad races of the three Divine Region thought they could eradicate the demons of the Northern Divine Region once and for all, the other Demon Emperors joined the war and gave them a rude awakening.

The Demon Emperors were much stronger than Divine Kings. They were existences considered to be the closest to Divinity.

There were only four Demon Emperors in the Northern Divine Region, and the Demon Empress was one such being amongst them.

No one knew much about the Demon Emperors.

Only the Demon Empress had been revealed to be a Dark Fae during the outbreak of war.

The most distinguishable traits of the Dark Fae Race were their black-feathered wings, twin horns, and pointed long ears.

Skin complexion varied among their race, but that is what the Demon Empress is—a Dark Fae. She was also considered a beauty among beauties within the Dark Fae Race with her lustrous fair skin.

Nevertheless, no one had the heart to admire her beauty, for her fearsome strength had terrorized the entire Eastern Divine Kingdom.

Many early-stage Divine Kings felled under her claws, while those below the Divine King Realm were slaughtered in far great numbers.

No one knew the exact numbers, but the Demon Empress alone was believed to have slaughtered at least 10-million Divine Practitioners within the first few years of the war.

At this moment, Judas Escladus was seated within a lustrous golden bedchamber with his eyes closed in meditation.

However, his eyes suddenly snapped open with a paled expression before spitting out an arrow of blood.

"Young Master Judas!"

Two palace maids immediately cried, startled by the sight. They immediately rushed over and asked with concern, "Are you alright, Young Master Judas? What happened?"

"Have you forgotten what I told you already? I am no longer a young master!" Judas Escladus wiped the trace of blood on the corner of his mouth and glared at the palace maids.

The two palace maids trembled with fear after realizing the error in their words. They quickly apologized, "We're terribly sorry, Your Highness Judas!"

"Never mind. Both of you, leave!" Judas Escladus shooed them outside his golden bedchamber.

After the two palace maids bowed and took their leave, closing the doors on their way out, Judas Escladus' eyes immediately glazed over with confusion.

He did not understand what grave mistake he had made in his Divine Cultivation to cause him to cough up blood.

The blood was very fresh and glistening with redness. Obviously, this was not bad blood but his blood vitality!

A sense of fatigue suddenly overwhelmed Judas Escladus' mind, making him feel weak, frail, and lethargic. However, after a moment, his eyes shortly sparkled with divine enlightenment.

He immediately popped a Spirit Replenishment Pill into his mouth and recover his seated meditative position, resuming his Divine Cultivation.

The boundless Spirit Energy in the world began to gather quickly towards the miniature universe within his glabella.

He had gained insights to advance his cultivation to a higher stage within the Divine Transformation Realm!

Some distance from the Western Frontier, Crawford Kingdom.

Aria shortly landed on the ground and stared at Young Master Judas' lifeless and familiar face with a frown. It was the face of someone she had seen before in the memory world.

Suddenly, her heart burned with frustration.

If she knew Young Master Judas shared such a similar appearance to that person in the memory world, she would not have given the person such an easy death.

She would have at least tried to annihilate his soul!

Having met Aria White, she subtly understood that there was a profound connection between the world she lived in and the world of the Divine Realm.

Nevertheless, it was too late to mull over her actions now.

What has been done, has been done.

Aria collected everything value on Young Master Judas' corpse before she frosted the body with ice-lightning power and shattered it into a million pieces.

Shortly after, she resumed her journey west to the Great Wall after storing everything in the Interspatial Ring that Leon forged for her.

Western Frontier, Great Wall.

Shortly after Leon and Supreme Elder Haldir made their way on top of the wall, they gazed into the distance to search for the source of the mighty beast roar.

An enormous grizzly bear of roughly 60fts in height was seen in the distant hill.

"A Transcendent-level beast!" Leon and Supreme Elder Haldir determined with their quick judgment.

Very shortly, Leon's gaze fell on the bloody battle between rats and wolves below the Great Wall. He immediately understood the reason for the Transcendent-level Grizzly Bear's appearance.

It was attracted over by the pungent stench of blood pervading into the air!

Seeing the enormous Transcendent-level Grizzly Bear charging over, Leon flicked his wrist and gripped onto his summoned black spear, readying to face it.

If such a strong beast slammed into the Great Wall, all the weak soldiers on the Great Wall would most likely be flung off by its sheer force.

"Careful, young prince. It seems like this Transcendent-level Grizzly Bear has also gone berserk!" Supreme Elder Haldir warned.

Leon quickly studied the rats and wolves carefully and noticed that they were also under the same berserk state.

He shortly wrinkled his brows.

According to the Cataclysm recorded in the Crawford Kingdom's history, the beast went crazy after the great solar flare eruption.

Such a grand event would have been easily noticed in the Human Domain, where the skies were clear, and the ring of debris in the void could be seen among the moons and stars.

Did the Cataclysm already commence while he was still in the Dark Continent?

"Did a great solar flare occur in the past couple of days?" Leon asked the elven supreme elder.

Supreme Elder Haldir shook his head, "No, young prince. If you are thinking about the Cataclysm, then it has not erupted yet. However, it should be coming soon."

"You're telling me it hasn't erupted when the beasts are already like this? What do you think will happen once the Cataclysm erupt then?"

"I'm not sure, but it will definitely be unprecedented, whether for better or worse." Supreme Elder Haldir said.

"General Marquis Hendrick knows more about the beasts' berserk condition, but unfortunately, he is currently busy underground in the sewage system."

Leon could not help but frown deeply.

Something was seriously wrong with this situation!

If the beasts were already berserk before the occurrence of the solar flare, then the great solar flare during the last Cataclysm was not the cause of the beasts going berserk but something else entirely!

He had a nagging feeling that this unknown variable was very important!

However, Leon did not have time to ponder further.

He immediately tightened his grip on the black spear and leaped off the Great Wall, shooting straight towards the incoming Transcendent-level Grizzly Bear!



Before the Grizzly Bear could complete its great roar, it was given a loud resounding slap across the cheeks by Leon's sweeping black spear!

The Transcendent-level Grizzly Bear was immediately swept off its feet and flew sideways, crashing into the earth some distance away with a boom!

The eyes of many soldiers on the Great Wall immediately bulged with shock. They could not believe their eyes!

Even if the Grizzly Bear was only a newly ascended Rank 1 Transcendent Beast, its weight must be in the tens of thousands of jins!

Yet such a heavy thing was thrown off its feet by the sweep of a spear using brute strength, a feat accomplished by a human, no less!

Can humans really achieve such ridiculous physical strengths with their bodies alone?!

"Long live the prince!" A solder began cheering after his initial shock.

"Long live the prince!"

A solder began cheering after his initial shock. Shortly after, it transformed into a boisterous cheer with more soldiers joining in.

"Long live the prince!"

"Long live the prince!"

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