Prime Originator

Chapter 505 - Sturdy Tower

Chapter 505 - Sturdy Tower

Looking at the energy conversion tower pumping out Demonic Energy in large quantity, Lumi frowned for a moment before saying, "We just need to destroy this tower, right? Why do I feel like it won't be enough to solve the problem?"

"Because it won't," Leon replied with a deeper frown.

For the Elder Tree to grow to its current height, it must have relied on the artificial Spirit Energy produced by this energy conversion tower under it.

He had suspected this.

However, something happened that caused the energy conversion tower to stop producing artificial Spirit Energy and started producing Demonic energy.

Logically speaking, the inversion of artificial Spirit Energy should only create artificial Demonic Energy. But there was nothing but True Demonic Energy in their surrounding.

Just this point alone is enough to raise a serious question and problem; how was this done?

"Oh?" Lumi gasp softly with surprise before asking, "Did you figure something out?"

"Think about it, this is just one energy conversion tower. Although it's producing a lot of Demonic Energy, its coverage isn't all that great. At least one energy conversion tower is not enough to spread beyond the Great Forest and infect so many rats from the wide plains of the Wildlands," Leon explained.

"Hmm… so, in other words, there should be a lot more energy conversion towers out there, right? We just have to find them all and destroy them all, no?" Lumi asked.

Leon shook his head and said wryly, "If only it was that simple."

"Huh?" Lumi exclaimed softly with confusion before asking, "Did I miss something?"

"You see anything wrong with this?"

"How can I? I don't even know how these energy conversion towers operate." Lumi responded with a shrug.

"Fair enough." Leon nodded.

He did not blame Lumi for her lack of runic understanding. If he had not inherited Arden Gilardi's runic knowledge, he would also be just as clueless.

"The Nova Civilization constructed these energy conversion towers to produce artificial Spirit Energy for their consumption and development. One or two energy conversion tower malfunctioning to invert artificial Spirit Energy can be attributed to coincidence. But all of them malfunctioning? Definitely not just a mere coincidence."

After listening to Leon's analytically explanation, Lumi's eyes flickered with understanding before asking, "Are you suspecting that someone or something had tempered with these energy conversion towers to produce Demonic energy?"

"No, I don't suspect it." Leon shook his head before stating confidently, "I am completely certain of this being the case."

"Not to burst your ego bubble, but how can you be so sure?" Lumi asked with a hard look of doubt while the two of them approached the energy conversion tower.

None of the Demonic Energy were able to come in contact with her body. Upon careful look, one would notice a thin barrier of Yin warding off the Demonic Energy.

Leon scouted the area carefully with his divine sense along the way but failed to detect any signs of life in the surroundings.

"Remember when I was assaulted by the Demonic Energy I was trying to remove from the Elf King's body earlier?" He asked.

"Yeah, what about that?" Lumi nodded.

"There was a hidden will inside that Demonic Energy. Whoever it belonged to, they had tried to invade my mind and possess my body. Too bad for them, they failed. However, they should be related to the energy conversion towers producing Demonic Energy." Leon explained.

Shortly after, he sighed, "If only they can send a few more sliver of will my way and try to possess me again."

"Are you secretly an M?" Lumi asked with astonishment.

"What?" Leon nearly staggered from her question before he quickly denied, "Of course, n—"

"Ha, I knew it. To think that you were such a person. Honestly, I am rather surprised and disappointed." Lumi commented before Leon could finish speaking.

He was immediately struck speechless.

"Like I was saying… I'm n—"

"It's alright. I totally understand." Lumi cut him off again while nodding with an understanding look, causing the corners of Leon's eye to twitched profusely.

'No, you don't understand at all!'

"You—haiz, whatever." He waved his hand in defeat.

Why did he need to explain himself? It would make him seem more guilty. So long as he knew he was not one, that was enough.

More importantly, the sliver of will was found inside the Elf King's body. This means the Elf King had long fallen under this unknown enemy's control.

Most likely, the Elf King had visited this remnant ruin on multiple occasions and might even have played a part in tempering the energy conversion tower.

However, there were some things Leon did not understand.

If the Elf King had been controlled by this unknown powerful being the entire time, it would contradict his previous assumptions about the Elf King's sacrifice for the tribe.

Why would that powerful being throw away one of its pawns in that case?

Suddenly, Leon's eyes flickered with a thought.

What if that being's control was limited—only able to influence the Elf King subconsciously like in his sleep, for example?

This was a rather terrifying thought.

Knowing when a person is being controlled is not scary. What is scary is not knowing that person is being controlled.

'The demons are more deeply rooted in this continent than I thought.' Leon frowned.

Shortly after, Leon and Lumi arrived at the foot of the energy conversion tower before they studied the surroundings.

"Seems like there were people around here recently… but not at the moment," Lumi commented while looking at the signs and traces of footsteps.

Leon nodded in agreement.

After gazing up at the energy conversion tower, Leon turned Lumi with a gesture, "Would you like to do the honors?"

"Nah, I'm just tagging along. I'll leave that job to you." Lumi spoke carefully after pondering for a moment.

Leon shrugged at her answer before flicking his wrist. Shortly after the bone spear appeared in his firm grasp, he made a diagonal sweep at the energy conversion tower.


A powerful ring resounded through the area from the clash, but the energy conversion tower remained standing after being struck. Only a portion of its edge had been chipped off.

"Hm? It's more sturdy than it looks…" Leon wrinkled his brows before preparing a more powerful attack.

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