Prime Originator

Chapter 643 - Shock And Disbelief

Chapter 643 - Shock And Disbelief

"I was expecting someone big, heroic, and experienced, but what we got is a tender young man who I can snap with one hand," Chief Blacktooth continued to throw condescending remarks.

"Tender young man, huh?" Leon smiled with amusement before asking with a nonchalant attitude, "Who's this joker?"

"Believe it or not, he is Chief Blacktooth of the Crimsonfog Tribe," Chief Valencia answered, not believing it herself even after learning about it a few days prior.

"The tribal chief of the Crimsonfog Tribe? I thought the tribal chief of the Crimsonfog Tribe was called Chief Baskara…? I didn't know we were expecting to have a mascot at this meeting," Leon spoke with ridicule.

With a sweep of his divine sense, he could immediately gauge the strength of Chief Blacktooth, who was not even a Battle Master.

At the same time, his words infuriated Chief Blacktooth.

"The mascot is you!" Chief Blacktooth roared.

Without warning, Chief Blacktooth immediately lunged forward and performed a downward chop on Leon's shoulder.

His attack was clearly non-lethal as he had to show restraint in another's territory.

At the same time, his quick attack was slow in the eyes of all the Battle Masters presented at the round stone table.

Even so, no one chose to stop Chief Blacktooth's attack.

Everyone was curious about the young man's strength—Chief Valencia included. She believed Leonhardt was strong enough to counter the attack.

However, what she did not expect was that Leonhardt did not react at all!


The chop landed squarely on Leon's shoulder, causing the ground to crack immediately after the force transfer!

However, Leon's body did not budge an inch. He glanced back at Chief Blacktooth with a look of indifference.

"Had enough?"


Chief Blacktooth's eyes widened in shock.

At the same time, the various tribal chiefs and warriors of the alliance presented at the stone table all had looks of surprise.

Even if it was not Chief Blacktooth's full-powered blow, it was not something that even Battle Masters can endure—at the very least, they could not be so indifferent to it as the young man.

'What monstrous body defense!'

Such were the thoughts that entered the minds of the tribal chiefs and warriors.

"Impossible. I refuse to believe that your body can be so tough! Nevertheless, I have sorely underestimated you! Allow me to use my full strength this—"

"Enough!" The One-Eyed Venerable Shaman barked.

He had seen enough to verify his doubts regarding the young man's strength. As such, he did not need Chief Blacktooth to continue making a fool of himself and embarrass their tribe.

"Y-Yes, One-Eyed Venerable Shaman!"

Chief Blacktooth was immediately startled into retreating from the One-Eyed Venerable Shaman's shout.

Shortly after, the One-Eyed Venerable Shaman turned to Chief Valencia and said, "I apologize on behalf of the Crimsonfog Tribe. Chief Blacktooth is still new to the position and still inexperienced in matters."

"It doesn't bother me. I am not the one that requires the apology, nor does the One-Eyed Venerable Shaman needs to be the one apologizing," Chief Valencia spoke politely to the elder before turning to Chief Blacktooth, "You should apologize to Young Master Leonhardt."

'Young Master Leonhardt?'

Hearing Chief Valencia address the young man so respectfully, the tribal chiefs of the Fallen Star Tribe and Cold Raven Tribe were even more intrigued.

"Before we begin the meeting, why not Chief Valencia introduce this young man to us?" Chief Brightstar suggested.

Chief Valencia turned to Leon and received his nod before said, "Well, if you insist. I will make it quick."

"Young Master Leonhardt is the most esteemed member of my Darkmoon Tribe. Divine Doctor and Savior of Humanity; you may have heard of these two titles circling around in the tribe. That person is precisely before you."

"This young man is the Divine Doctor?" Chief Brightstar's eyes lit up.

Everyone immediately cast their covetous gazes at Leon.

If there was one thing that made their trip worthwhile, it was news of the Divine Doctor, the person who could treat Demonic Possession.

At the same time, Leon felt spooked by the passionate gazes of so many macho men as his skin began crawling with goosebumps.

However, he suddenly sensed Duna's plummeting mood behind him before he made a gesture to her with his hand to calm her down.

Nevertheless, Duna continued to give Chief Blacktooth a dark look. The person had not apologized for his transgression.

"Why haven't you apologized to the Divine Doctor yet?" The One-Eyed Venerable Shaman quickly urged while giving Chief Blacktooth a stern look.

The Divine Doctor was someone they had to rope in at all cost. It was related to the prosperity of the tribe.

Even if they fail, they must absolutely not be on the person's bad side!

Chief Blacktooth immediately understood the gravity of the issue from the One-Eyed Venerable Shaman's solemn gaze before he stepped forward and bowed to Leon with cupped hands.

"I was too hot-headed and have been foolish enough to have offended you, Divine Doctor. I hope you will not take what I said and did to heart," Chief Blacktooth apologized.

"It doesn't matter," Leon dropped the issue with a wave of his hand and reminded objectively, "Let us not forget why we have been gathered here today."

"Right, Chief Valencia," Chief Brightstar turned to the Darkmoon Tribe's chief and said, "I hope you won't be keeping any more secrets and finally tell what this big issue that concerns the fate of all humans on the Infertile Plains."

"Very well." Chief Valencia nodded.

"I'm sure everyone is aware of the piece of crucial news that arrived just the other day about the four strongest tribes in the central region waging war on each other and competing for hegemony."

Chief Valencia swept her gaze around the table.

After seeing them give the nod, she continued to speak, "However, I am sure that no one here knows why they are competing for hegemony, right?"

"Haiz, stop keeping in suspense and tell us the reason why already, Chief Valencia," Chief Brightstar hushed with a sigh.

Hearing this, Chief Valencia no longer delayed and immediately dropped the giant bomb of a news to the people present.

"The Celestial Water Spark is drying up," she stated flatly.



Everyone immediately shot to their feet in disbelief and alarm.

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