Prime Originator

Chapter 644 - Berserk Dragon Tribes Arrival

Chapter 644 - Berserk Dragon Tribe's Arrival

As expected, the tribal chiefs and warriors denied the possibility without any surprises. The sheer notion of what it foretells was something they did not even want to begin thinking about.

Nevertheless, the One-Eyed Venerable Shaman was more level-headed and did not rush to deny Chief Valencia's claim.

"I hope Chief Valencia has something to back up your claim and did not simply call us here to play such a cruel prank on us," the One-Eyed Venerable Shaman spoke with a solemn look.

The gravity of the Celestial Water Spark drying did not need to be explained. It was something that concerned the fate of all humans in the Infertile Plains.

"I knew people would doubt my claim if I simply just said it," Chief Valencia smiled coolly before ordering her warriors with a snap of her fingers, "Bring over the spy."

"Yes, chief!"

The warriors standing guarding outside the Stonehenge immediately left before returning a short while later with the unconscious spy.


The unconscious spy was tossed onto the table for everyone to see.

"And who might this person be…?" Chief Brightstar asked with slightly creased brows.

"This person is a spy from the Great Ironhawk Tribe. He has—"

"Chief Valencia, the Berserk Dragon Tribe's tribal chief, Chief Blackdragon, has arrived with his people," a warrior suddenly reported before Chief Valencia could finish explaining.



Several people exclaimed in surprise.

No one had expected the most recluse and powerful tribe in the alliance to actually make their appearance at the summit.

"I did not expect this at all," Chief Valencia commented with surprise before ordering the warrior, "Quickly bring Chief Blackdragon over."

"Yes, chief!" the warrior complied and left.

Sometime later, Chief Blackdragon of the Berserk Dragon Tribe arrived with two other Mid-rank Battle Masters.

Chief Blackdragon himself was a High-rank Battle Master.

Chief Brightstar and Chief Nightraven immediately whistled softly in awe after vaguely gauging the strength of their lineup.

As expected of the Berserk Dragon Tribe.

They are strong.


Chief Blackdragon noticed most people were present, and a body was laid on the stone table in the center before he asked, "I suppose I was late to the summit?"

"No, you were very punctual, Chief Blackdragon," Chief Valencia stated before apologizing, "It was my fault for starting early. We were not expecting your tribe to make an appearance."

After all, the Berserk Dragon Tribe did not give a definite answer. They only said that they would think about it.

"No matter. Please continue, Chief Valencia," Chief Blackdragon gestured calmly with an open mind after taking his seat without even asking what he had missed.

"Alright," Chief Valencia nodded before saying, "As I mentioned, this person is a spy from the Great Ironhawk Tribe, a vassal of the Black Warbear Tribe."

"One of the great tribes competing for the hegemony of the central region? But what does this have to do with Celestial Water Spark drying up?" Chief Brightstar questioned her.

At the mention of the Celestion Water Spark drying up, Chief Blackdragon and the two Mid-rank Battle Masters of the Berserk Dragon Tribe immediately had changes in expression.

Nevertheless, they kept their calm and continued to listen in silence.

"The spy has everything to do with it. They were tasked with the mission of destroying our water veins but failed, fortunately," Chief Valencia stated.

Shortly after, she gestured to the tribal chief and said, "The Exploding Secret Rune has already been removed from the person's soul, so feel free to interrogate the person and arrive at your own conclusions."

"No need. I trust Chief Valencia's own conclusion to be backed with logical reasoning. Please continue to explain what you uncovered from the spy," Chief Brightstar said straightforwardly.

After receiving assent from the One-Eyed Venerable Shaman and the other tribal chiefs, Chief Valencia nodded, "Very well."

"As you all know, the Water Veins are the very source that connects us to the Celestial Water Sparks and breathes life on this godforsaken land. The Black Warbear Tribe's grand scheme is to cut off the Water Veins and force all tribes to migrate to the central region."

"No wonder some suspicious warriors have been snooping around my tribe, though they were all captured in the end," Chief Brightstar mentioned before asking with surprise, "Just how on earth did you manage to safely remove the Exploding Secret Rune from the spies?"

"Well, you see…" Chief Valencia grinned and said, "Young Master Leonhardt of my Darkmoon Tribe is a man with many talents."

She did not forget to mention that Leon belonged to her Darkmoon Tribe.

At the same time, Leon's status was raised even higher in the hearts of the tribal chiefs after their initial assessment.

"The Divine Doctor is…?" Chief Brightstar shifted his gaze to Leon before uttering softly with further surprise, "You don't say…"

"However, if the Black Warbear Tribe's plan is to gather all tribes in the outer region to central region… then their plan is to…" Chief Nightraven began to widen his eyes in realization.

"That's right," Chief Valencia nodded and said, "Everyone thought the top four tribes are only competing for the hegemony of the central region, but no, they are not."

"They are competing for the hegemony of the entire Infertile Plains!"

Once these words were uttered, everyone immediately felt their blood boiled almost as if it was a subconscious reaction.

"Such a grand scheme! Such a grand ambition!" Chief Nightraven uttered before stating with a grave look, "It seems like the Celestial Water Spark really is drying up."

Every tribal chief was used to ruling their own tribes and wanted it to be great. No one wanted to serve under another tribe.

However, if they were caught in the maelstrom of the four great tribes' battle, they will have no choice but to submit.

"And so what does Chief Valencia suggests for us to do?" Chief Blackdragon finally broke his silence and asked calmly, "Perhaps, Chief Valencia has already come up with a plan—or even better, a solution."

Upon hearing his guess, Chief Valencia cracked a confident smile.

"I suppose so."

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