Prime Originator

Chapter 652 - Lord Warmog

Chapter 652 - Lord Warmog

The six maids were taken aback.

Although their chastity was the only thing they had while they were still working in the place, it was not something that the tribesmen cherished apart from them.

Now, before them stands an opportunity for them to grow strong and stand tall among their fellow tribesmen without being looked down upon.

Their chastity pales in comparison to their lifelong wish.

On another note, the young master does not seem to benefit much from this deal, considering mental strength can be recovered with adequate rest.

Young Master Leonhardt was basically offering a free deal to help them grow.

Chana furrowed her brows thoughtfully for a moment before she voiced her doubts, "What do you need mental energy for, Young Master Leonhardt? You don't seem to gain much from this deal."

"If it was our bodies that you wanted, we will naturally belong to you. But that doesn't seem to be what you want. Thus, Chana is a little confused."

"You don't need to worry about that. You only need to know that I do have a use for it," Leon stated plainly without explaining further.

He did not want to seem manipulative and influence them but allowed them to make their choices freely.

After all, they were not his only options in the Darkmoon Tribe.

His lovely wife, Aria, had granted him free reign to sleep with whoever he wants as long as commitment and strings were attached.

In the blink of an eye, that little girl was already thinking and have the understanding of an empress.

Meanwhile, after the six maids glanced at each other for a moment, Zoe stepped forward and requested, "Please give us a moment to discuss among ourselves, Young Master Leonhardt."

"Alright, but make it quick," Leon agreed.

Shortly after, the six maids gathered in a circle to share their opinions and discuss their choices regarding awakening.

A short few minutes, they quickly gathered back in front of Leon before he casually asked, "Have you all made your choices?"

"Yes, Young Master Leonhardt! Please bestow your blessings onto us and turn us all into real women!" the six maids responded in unison.

Leon was immediately taken aback, not expecting all of them to pick the same choice and the third choice, no less.

Perhaps the oppression of being labeled useless was too great, or the competition and rivalry among them were too significant that no one wanted to lag behind the other.

"Alright," Leon nodded calmly after recovering his composure before he said, "Since you all made your choices, come with me to my room."

"Yes, Young Master Leonhardt!"

As six maids followed Leon, he silently prayed for his little brother to remain strong enough to awaken them all.

'Seems like I will need to refine medicine to nourish my Yang Essence in the future,' Leon silently thought as they arrived in front of the door to an empty bedroom.

Leon turned his head around before he suddenly asked, "Who wants to start first? The rest will wait outside as I help each of you awaken."

"Huh?" Chana exclaimed softly before she asked innocently, "Can't you help us all at the same time, Young Master Leonhardt?"

"I'm not some omnipotent god with three heads and six golden rods. So how am I supposed to help you all simultaneously?" Leon's lips twitched.

"Oh, right…"

Chana quickly realized the silliness of her question before she blushed with embarrassment.

However, shortly after, Nora gazed into Leon's eyes before she said with a smile, "Then, can we at least watch while you extend your help to each of us, Young Master Leonhardt? We are unfamiliar with the act and hoped to observe and study on the side."

"Well…" Leon's lips twitched again with hesitation before he ultimately shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly in response, "If none of you have a problem with it, then be my guest."

He was a man.

If they were not ashamed of being watched, why should he be?

"That's great!"

"Thank you for agreeing to our request, Young Master Leonhardt!"

The six maids eventually followed Leon into the bedroom before Kiara, the last of six maids, closed the door on her way in.

A few dozen miles north of Darkmoon Tribe, a group of warriors in high-quality leather armor trekked through the barren lands of the Infertile Plains.

"Lord Warmog, do we really need to bring so many Battle Masters for this trip?" a High-rank Battle Master asked.

"I know a temporary truce has been enforced, but if any of those tribes decide to break the truce, our Black Warbear Tribe will be helpless to defend against their sudden attack."

"And you only bring this up now, when we are just about to reach our destination?" the Extremity-rank Battle Master, Lord Warmog, responded casually.

"Although the Darkmoon Tribe is not among the strongest, they are not to be underestimated. After all, there's a reason why the Seven Tribes Alliance was able to defend the southern lands of the Infertile Plains from the demons."

"But remember, the goal of this trip is not to start a conflict with them. Our task is to invite that person back to our tribe, so reel in your arrogance and avoid antagonizing them. It won't benefit anyone if we make them feel threatened enough to wake up their Battle Kings."

Shortly after Lord Warmog spoke, the High-rank Battle Master slowly digested his words before he further mentioned, "But the Seven Tribes Alliance have just experienced the Bone Calamity. I'm afraid their losses are not small this time around."

"Perhaps, we only need to apply a bit of pressure, and they will quickly submit to our Black Warbear Tribe. The chief will surely reward us handsomely if we can bring that person along with the entire Seven Tribes Alliance's allegiance back with us!"

The High-rank Battle Master's eyes gradually lit up as he made his suggestion to the leader and strongest warrior of their expedition.

At his words, Lord Warmog was slightly tempted.

However, he quickly shook his head and firmly said, "Just stick to the mission and do nothing more nor nothing less… Do you understand? We must not fail."

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