Prime Originator

Chapter 667 - Four Sub-realms Of Celestial Cultivation

Chapter 667 - Four Sub-realms Of Celestial Cultivation

"Hegemon Primal Madness, huh?" Leon softly muttered thoughtfully, finally learning the name of the creator who created the heaven-defying technique.

Suddenly, Leon's eyes flickered before he quickly asked, "Senior, since you know Hegemon Primal Madness. Do you happen to know the rest of this technique as well?"

"There isn't one," Celestial Earthshaker stated.

"There isn't?" Leon was stunned before he inquired, "You mean this is all there is to the [Hegemon of Primal Chaos] technique, Senior?"

"Exactly," Celestial Earthshaker nodded.

"Why else do you think he was called Hegemon Primal Madness? He was the lord of coming up with inventions that were either too weird or not completed at all," Celestial Earthshaker said before adding, "As for why, this Celestial cannot remember the reason."

Her Divine Soul's awakened memories were too limited.

"If this Saint recalls, Hegemon Primal Madness mentioned that the latter techniques he invented were not meant to be practiced by Gods and Devils of that era," Saint Voidflame mentioned instead.

His Divine Soul belonged to that of a fellow human god. As such, there was more detailed information related to Hegemon Primal Madness in its awakened memories.

"Now, this Saint understands that his techniques were meant to be practiced in this era," Saint Voidflame shook his head wryly and continued, "The Gods all thought Hegemon Primal Madness was crazy. After all, what is a technique if it does not work?"

"However, they were all wrong. We were all wrong about Hegemon Primal Madness. Hegemon Primal Madness must have realized that the present era of that time did not have the correct conditions for humans to practice his techniques."

"As such, he prepared it for the future generations to test the effectiveness of his inventions. If we think about it, perhaps Hegemon Primal Madness foresaw the ending of the Primal Chaos and left a spark of hope for the future generations to prosper beyond the end of time."

As Leon listened to Saint Voidflame inputs and speculations, he felt great respect and admiration for Hegemon Primal Madness, who was basically one of the ancestors of the human race.

Suddenly, Leon was curious how exactly the primordial era ended before he raised the question, "Seniors, how did the era of Gods and Devils ended exactly? Was it truly a battle of unparalleled proportion between Gods and Devils that destroyed both sides?"

"No, this Celestial does not possess the exact details of that event," Celestial Earthshaker shook her head before suddenly adding, "However, it was true that the Gods and Devils waged a colossal war against each other."

"Don't look at this Saint. This Saint is just as clueless as Celestial Earthshaker in this matter," Saint Voidflame stated after Leon shifted his gaze over.

"However, there are two things that remain true about this matter," Saint Voidflame suddenly added before explaining, "That is, the Gods and Devils were never able to get along with one another, always at each other's necks. And two, the battle of Gods and Devils never ended."

"Nevertheless, that isn't important right now, is it?" Saint Voidflame shortly mentioned before he said, "Only humans can practice Hegemon Primal Madness's techniques."

"Right," Celestial Earthshaker nodded and asked Leon, "How did you get this technique to work? Can you recount the precise events to us?"

"Well…" Leon smiled wryly and said, "To be honest, this junior nearly died when this junior started practicing this technique. This junior simply followed the instructions and circulated the five elements at extreme speed until they finally fuse…"

Suddenly, Leon had a revelation while flashing back to all their previous topics of discussion.

"Miracles happen when pushed to the extreme… There is an ending after the beginning, but can there be a beginning after the end…?" Leon contemplated.

At the same time, his profound words got the two seniors thinking as they fell into deep thoughts of their own.

The beginning after the end.

Once Primal Chaos returns to nothingness, will a new Primal Chaos be born anew like a phoenix rising from the ashes—signifying the start of the next cycle?

The question got them thinking.

However, it was a profound question that no one had the answer to, even if they ponder it for many lifetimes.

Even Gods and Devils may not have the answer.

Nevertheless, Leon was thinking of a different matter to Saint Voidflame and Celestial Earthshaker. But at the same time, it was also related.

"Seniors, what do you think all think will happen if this junior comprehends the Nihility Law to the extreme limits? Will there be some sort of miracle?" Leon asked.

The two seniors were immediately surprised.

"Never had anyone in history comprehended the Nihility Law before you. This is a question that only you can find the answer to, child." Saint Voidflame said.

"An answer that this Celestial is looking forward to hearing," Celestial Earthshaker said before suggesting, "Why not meditate a bit longer? You can be assured that you won't be disturbed this time."

"Before that, there is something that this junior would like to ask," Leon stated.

Saint Voidflame's lips twitched at the mention of more questioning, but thankfully, he was not the one that was going to be asked.

"Sure," Celestial Earthshaker nodded and urged Leon with a wave of her hand, "Ask away. I will answer any doubts you have, child."

"Thank you, Senior." Leon gave a fist-palm salute with respect before he said, "This junior was wondering if Senior can explain the realm of cultivation for Celestials, and what are the conditions to reach the Celestial Realm?"

"You want to understand the Celestial Realm, huh? Personally, this Celestial thinks it is too soon for you to be learning about the Celestial Realm," Celestial Earthshaker stated before suddenly adding, "But considering your talents, you will reach it in no time."

"Alright, this Celestial will explain it to you."

"Thank you, Senior."

Leon gave Celestial Earthshaker another fist-palm salute after receiving her agreement.

"To reach the Celestial Realm, you must first reach the peak of Transcendent Realm and completely comprehended the first level of your primary law. Once you achieve this, the heavens will summon a Celestial Tribulation to test your worthiness."

"Only after passing the Celestial Tribulation will you be released from the shackles of your homeworld and free to traverse the starry skies in the heavens, absorb its endless celestial power, and further enrich your cultivation."

"The Celestial Realm is mainly divided into four sub-realms; the Initiation realm, Integration realm, Manifestation realm, and Realization realm. You might have already realized it, but Celestials are given titles based on their celestial cultivation realms. Namely, they are Celestial Warrior, Celestial Lord, Celestial King, and Celestial Emperor."

"If achieving transcendence is only the first step in Awakening Cultivation, then achieving celestial endowment is the second step to understanding the heavenly ways of Primal Chaos. Unfortunately, the laws on a single Celestial Body can be, more often than not, limiting."

"This is why Celestials must traverse the starry skies in search of Celestial Bodies with higher concentration and order of laws to comprehend the heavenly ways and advance their celestial cultivation."

After Celestial Earthshaker explained, she gave a piece of advice, "A word of warning, though. Never seek shortcuts in understanding the heavenly ways nor rush to reach the Celestial Realm."

"Although the refinement of a fallen Celestial's Celestial Spark can help a Transcendent reach the Celestial Realm within a short period of time, their potential will come to a standstill, forever restricting the Transcendent from advancing beyond the realm of the Celestial Spark's previous owner."

"In other words, if you choose to refine the Celestial Spark of an Initiation Realm Celestial, the peak of the Initiation Realm will be as far as you go, understand?" Celestial Earthshaker advised.

Leon was quickly startled.

To think there was such a thing. If he had not been told about this and blindly refined a Celestial Spark he obtained by chance, he would be filled with regrets.

"Thank you, Senior, for your warning," Leon saluted respectfully and said, "Senior has saved this junior from the possibility of wasting away this junior's future potential."

"This Celestial is only mentioning this because this Celestial admire you. You are indeed a talent, and it would be a great loss for a talent like you to waste away your potential due to ignorance," Celestial Earthshaker calmly stated.

Shortly after, Leon thought of another problem.

"Senior, there wouldn't be similar problems with refining Transcendent Crystals, right?" Leon inquired with concern, thinking about the people close to him.

"Transcendent Crystals, huh?" Celestial Earthshaker smiled with disdain before she explained, "Although there are some side effects in refining Transcendent Crystals, it is not as serious as refining Celestial Sparks."

"Because a Transcendence's comprehension of the law has yet to reach the level of centralization and receive the baptism of Celestial Tribulation, it still mainly energy with some traces of comprehension."

"On the other hand, a Celestial Spark is the crystallization of pure law. As such, refining a Transcendent Crystal will only hinder your future slightly and not entirely limit it."

After hearing this, Leon heaved a sigh of relief.

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