Prime Originator

Chapter 701 - Recorded Projection

Chapter 701 - Recorded Projection

Leon, Aria, and Darlene continued to follow the trail of gloomy green ghostfire leading them deeper and deeper underground.

Surprisingly, the location of the underground tomb was deeper than they anticipated, being at 500 feet below the surface.


Shortly after they finally reached the bottom, a tall blue gate sealed the tomb's entrance with two black demon statues guarding it on either side.


As if one of their steps activated a pressure plate in the ground, the underground space was filled with the noise of turning gears.


A flash of bright white light blinded them temporarily before a giant blue demon with four arms and three eyes suddenly appeared between the two demon guardian statutes.

Its towering presence was even more significant than two black statues.

At the same time, its abrupt appearance immediately made Darlene retreat behind Leon, while Aria only took a step back with a guarded and alarmed expression.

"Relax, the demon isn't real. This is just a light projection, which is quite common back in the Divine Realm," Leon assured after seeing right through the trick immediately.

"These light projections are usually used for leaving behind a recorded message, so it seems that this demon has something to say."

Having said that, Aria quickly calmed down while Darlene still wore an apprehensive look, but it was much better than her initial fright.

"This demon is the owner of this tomb?" Darlene inquired cautiously.

"Most likely."

Shortly after the towering blue demon gaze down on them for some time as if it was the real thing, the blue demon began to speak.

"Thieving rats dare to intrude into the resting place of I, Paragon Blackfrost, and disturb my eternal slumber?! My treasures are not easy to take! If you want them, pass my trial and deem them worthy of thee! Should you fail, you can stay and keep this Saint company!"

"But don't think it is so bad to stay and keep this Saint company in eternal rest. It is your honor to keep this Saint company! I, Paragon Blackfrost, had the honor of accompanying his imperial majesty, the Eternal Night Demon Emperor, on his conquest."

"We may have failed to break out of this prison world, but our successors will eventually succeed. Why you may ask? Because this world is doomed, destined to be destroyed—along with the rest of Primal Chaos. It is the natural cycle of the world, the cycle of destruction and creation."

"It matters not what race you are, coming in search of treasures, once you inherit my treasures, this Saint entrusts you to carry on the great mission of all demons; to destroy the world and continue the perpetuity of the great cycle…"

The record projection of the blue-colored Arch Demon, Paragon Blackfrost, continued to blather and preach demon values for some time as if it was a vain attempt at brainwashing to convert them to the demonic way.

Leon, Aria, and Darlene listened patiently initially, but as the recorded projection of the blue-colored Arch Demon rambled on and on, their patience grew thin.

Even so, they persevered.

Eventually, the recorded projection of blue-colored Arch Demon's long speech reached its end and faded into nothing, causing the brightness of the space to dull slightly.

"What do you think there was any truth to that demon's words, Leon?" Aria turned to Leon and asked.

"Well, what can I say?" Leon shrugged with a smile and said, "The Arch Demon was very eloquent and spoke with great reasons. So, perhaps, there is some truth to its words."

"Huh? Don't tell me you actually believe it? I think it was just trying to brainwash us into following the demonic way," Aria said with a frown.

"I think so too… There is nothing good about demons…" Darlene said before she recalled the slaughtered village and softly added, "Probably…"

"There's a difference between believing it and agreeing with it, no?" Leon shrugged again with hands raised helplessly before he said, "If you think about it, the demon's logic was too well-constructed to be complete nonsense."

Having comprehended the Law of Nihility, Leon understood that Primal Chaos was born from nothing and will eventually return to nothing.

It was the natural life and death cycle of Primal Chaos itself.

But what he understood from Paragon Blackfrost's words is that the demons were supposedly born to purposely destroy Primal Chaos and push forward the formation of a new Primal Chaos, an attempt at starting the next life cycle of the universe like a phoenix rising from its ashes.

"Anyone can speak with reason and logic, but if there's no evidence to back them, their words are no different to the nonsense of a madman," Aria stated.

"Evidence, huh?" Leon muttered before he chuckled shortly.

"Although we say that a new Primal Chaos will be born after the current Primal Chaos ends with or without the demons' intervention, there's no evidence to prove that it will either. How can there be any evidence about something that hasn't happen?"

"This…" Aria had no words to refute.

On a topic where opinions are divided without a definite answer, the truth could easily be either and usually bottoms down to a matter of belief.

Leon smiled at Aria's silence before he said, "As the universe infinitely expands, everything becomes more distant from one another."

"So, according to the demon's logic, we can understand it as poking a hole in a balloon and cause it to deflate with hopes of allowing it to inflate again rather than letting the ballon inflate beyond the point of no return."

"No one can be sure that a new balloon will magically appear after the current balloon pops. So in a sense, the demons have a pretty noble goal in continuing the perpetuity of Primal Chaos and have thought much harder into the purpose of their existence compared to us, humans."

"Still, all life in Primal Chaos is likely to perish in both instances, and even if we understood all this, it doesn't change anything. Our purpose remains the same, and that is to grow stronger and survive life's obstacles together!"

As Leon said this, he marched up to the large gate and pushed it open with both hands.

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