Prime Originator

Chapter 706 - Ransacking

Chapter 706 - Ransacking

"A Tier-6 dagger with a poison-attribute enchantment! This is some good stuff," Leon praised after removing the weapon from the dead Arch Demon's grasp.

"However, I am accustomed to using the spear. This weapon is suitable for me," Leon shook his head before turning to Aria and Darlene and asked, "Which one of you want to use this?"

"A Tier-6 weapon is unlike anything you would have ever used before. The difference between a Tier-6 and Tier-5 far outstrips the difference between Tier-5 and Tier-4 weapons," Leon explained.

If a Tier-5 weapon was considered a Paragon's weapon, then Tier-6 weapons belong to Celestials.

Nevertheless, Aria quickly shook her head and said, "I only use the sword. The dagger is not suitable for me either. But, powerful as this Tier-6 dagger may be, I think Sister Darlene should use it."

"I think so too," Leon nodded before passing the Tier-6 dagger to Darlene, "Take it, Darlene. It seems this Tier-6 dagger is fated to be used by you."

"You're really giving such a precious and powerful to me?" Darlene was stunned before mentioning with concern, "Is that really okay? What happens if I lose it?"

"No matter how powerful a weapon is, it is useless if we don't use it," Leon calmly stated before saying, "If you lose it, then forget it. We are bound to find more weapons of such quality if each Arch Demon-level Tombs are like this."

"Besides, I believe a dagger is the most suitable choice of weapon for it. It's light and quick to use. Once your Spatial Laws reach a high enough level for you to rip open the fabrics of space and teleport, the two will make a lethal combination."

"That being said, what's the current limit of your spatial distortion? Can you rip apart space for great spatial travels yet?" Leon inquired.

Darlene furrowed her brows before she shook her head and said, "It seems like I can distort space by a great degree within 30 feet range of myself, but I still cannot rip apart space yet."

"That's fine. I wasn't expecting it anyway," Leon said with a smile.

After all, Spatial Law was also at the 9-star Ranked Awakener Realm. And if he could not rip apart space, then he did not expect Darlene to be able to do it either.

"The spatial stability in this world is surprisingly sturdy—most likely due to the seal on the world. As such, ripping apart the fabrics of space will be exceeding difficult within this world. However, you do not need to rip apart space if it's just short instantaneous travels."

"Instantaneous travels…?" Darlene uttered with surprise before asking, "Is that possible with just bending and distortion space?"

"Of course!" Leon ascertained confidently.

"I've noticed that you have been using the Spatial Law to bend a singular point, but you know you can bend as many spatial points your mind can handle, right? Only the simplest two-point spatial bending is needed for instantaneous travel."

"By bending two spatial points together, you can create a pinching effect, following with a single step over and releasing the pinch will slingshot you to the new location instantaneously. It would just feel like a casual step forward for you, but it would appear like a blink to others."

"This is how instantaneous travel works. Or you can simply call it blinking," Leon explained to Darlene before she was startled.

She had never thought about such a method before.

But after Darlene was educated on the use of multi-point spatial bending, she immediately thought of many ways she could use her spatial ability rather than simply curving projectiles.

"Well, that's that," Leon ended the topic there before searching inside the ice coffin for the next piece of treasure to take out.

Practically all of the equipment on the Arch Demon's corpse was a treasure, even though they cannot be compared to the Tier-6 dagger.

"These gauntlets, armor, leggings, and boots are all Tier-5. These are some quality defensive equipment. However, this shouldn't be all there is. At the very least, I expected more treasures than this," Leon commented with a frown.

"Maybe the rest of the treasures are hidden underneath the Arch Demon's body," Aria guessed before suggesting, "Maybe we should remove the Arch Demon's body first before we take a look?"

"No, wait. Don't do it," Leon immediately stopped Aria before she could reach her hand into the ice coffin to move the corpse.

"The entire body is engraved with runes. We don't know if the Arch Demon set up any other hidden traps. Thus, we need to treat the Arch Demon's body with respect, lest we trigger a different death trap."

"Ahh… You're right, Leon!" Aria agreed with a startled look before she said, "I nearly forgot that we have yet to clear this final trial—or at the very least, there hasn't been any indication that this trial ended yet."

"Well, you can also argue that there wasn't any indication of trial starting either," Leon with a smile while carefully removing the equipment from the Arch Demon's body.

"Even the Arch Demon's body can be considered a treasure. There's value in studying it, but I'm not sure if there's any risk in doing so," Leon pondered for a moment before he activated his divine sense.

However, he sensed nothing, nor did he discover anything under the Arch Demon's body before he came to a conclusion; the Arch Demon was broke.

It was the only explanation Leon could think of for the fact that the final trial was in the same room as the tomb owner's resting place.

"You two, step back a bit," Leon shortly instructed before he said, "I'm going to pocket this entire ice coffin and everything in it. We can worry about the spoils after we leave."



Aria and Darlene quickly complied.

After Leon stored the entire ice coffin into his Worldspace without triggering a single death trap, he sighed with relief before his eyes fell on the runic tiles on the ground.

"These runic tiles also have study values… So I should also take them as well," Leon thought before he quickly acted on his decision and started scraping the runic tiles off the ground.

Half an hour later, they left the tomb after Leon thoroughly ransacked the place.

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