Rise Of The Worm Sovereign

Chapter 591 - Unknown Effects Of The Agitation Jade

Lin Wu ended up spending some time with the weasel and asked him questions about what actually happened in all this time. The weasel, of course, didn't really answer him straight and Lin Wu had to work a bit hard to comprehend it.

But after about a day, he had finally got the gist of it.

"Never thought it would be like this… talk about luck." Lin Wu muttered.

Apparently, after Lin Wu threw the weasel away, he landed in a random place that it could not explain. But then it kept wandering for food and started eating the beasts around the area. 

It then smelled something delicious and ended up digging into the mine. Of course, that was when the Agitation jades had already started being planted. Lin Wu could not tell how many were already installed by then, but the Weasel said that he felt his head hurt.

It made him angry, and he started to kill everything he came across. The first to be the victims were the beasts that naturally resided in the mines. After that were a few humans who quickly escaped.

Then came a strong opponent for him. It was a Nascent soul realm beast that had been asleep for a long time in the mines. It was awakened by the presence of the Weasel beast and came to check who had intruded in its territory.

The beast was sleeping away from the area of Agitation Jade's influence and was thus unaffected at first. But after heading to the main mines, it got affected too and soon lost its mind.

Both the beasts sniffed out each other, and a battle ensued. It was a devastating battle and a lot of the collapsed areas that Lin Wu had seen on the map were made due to their fight. 

In fact, that was how the Weasel beast ended up stumbling upon the Earthen Depths Obsidian in here. The battle created an impact that opened up fissures in the ground in which the two beasts fell.

Their battle continued, and they eventually managed to make some dents in the Earthen Depths obsidian. This was really astounding to Lin Wu as he knew just how difficult to do that was.

'That beast must have been rather strong… but then the weasel beast is definitely stronger if it could match up and come out on top in the end.' Lin Wu thought.

He also wondered what beast it was that the Weasel beast fought but was unable to get an accurate answer. The weasel beasts' mind was muddled and even getting these memories took a long time for Lin Wu.

'Not like there are any remains for me to check. The weasel beast ate them whole.' Lin Wu thought.

At the end of the fight though, the weasel beast was injured greatly and was close to death. He ended up eating a broken fragment of Earthen Depths Obsidian and got benefit from it, making him want more.

He continued to do so in a mindless rage and managed to burrow his way through the Earthen Depths Obsidian in a year or so. He ate all that he burrowed through and it changed his body.

It caused him a lot of pain, but then his entry into the Spirit stone mine allowed him to recover using the spirit Qi again. He healed up eventually and then started to eat the other materials that he found there.

For the first time in his life, he did not feel as hungry as before and would get full for days after eating just a small amount of the materials here. 

'No wonder the mine and the other materials are still intact. Who knows what would have happened if he could have continued to eat without stopping. Though his body is certainly unique for it to be able to adapt like that.' Lin Wu analyzed.

"Is there any extra information on Copper Hide Weasels, System? Perhaps about their bodies or adaptability?" Lin Wu questioned.

"Negative." The system shortly replied.

"Hmm… there must have been some other factor that played into it other than the materials here. I would have understood if this happened under the mutation induced by me, but this was natural… or was it!" Lin Wu was suddenly reminded of something.

"System, check if the Agitation jade has effects on bloodlines or physiques!" Lin Wu ordered.

The system replied with a confirmatory notification and got to work. In about five minutes, Lin Wu had his answer.



ANSWER: According to the system's initial analysis, the agitation jade can indeed have mutative effects on the bloodline and physique. Due to its agitation effect, it can spread all over the beast's body.

This effect only presents if the beast has been under its effect for multiple years. The exact estimate will be known after a model assessment is done. 

In the case of the Copper Hide weasel, it is likely that the Agitation jade made his physique susceptible to greater changes and allowed it to assimilate the Earthen Depths Obsidian into his body.

This combined with the other materials present in the mine, has resulted in a mixture of chaotic properties that are still contained stably by his body. This final change resulted in its bloodline evolving too and it is now a completely different beast than before.


Seeing the system's answer, Lin Wu felt like his conjecture was true as well.

"Hmm… this agitation jade is certainly worth more to research. If I combine this with the information I'll get from the Weasel's body, it might really help in adapting other bloodlines and making them compatible with mine." Lin Wu muttered to himself.

What Lin Wu had right now was basically a drug and the test subject on which the drug had successfully worked. He had both the theoretical data and the practical data ready for him.

As long as the system worked on it long enough, Lin Wu would have gained an important advantage.

"Coming here was a really good decision." Lin Wu said to himself.

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