The Qi refining realm cultivator, whose barrier had just been broken, stumbled back and tried to run. 


But all that was for naught, as the Weasel shot forward like a rubber band and pinned him to the ground. Unfortunately for the cultivator, the weasel was far bigger and heavier than him, thus getting pinned was the same as getting crushed under a boulder.


The weasel screeched at the scent of blood and quickly stuffed the cultivator into his mouth. Since the bones of the cultivator were all broken, he was stuffed at odd angles and then the weasel's mouth shut close.

The other cultivators that watched all this were horrified.

"VILE BEAST! YOU DARE!" one of the elders was infuriated by this and waved his hand.


With this gesture, an illusory hand materialized in the air and struck the weasel. 



It hit the weasel and swatted it away to the very end of the formation array, where he stuck the wall and fell to the ground.


The weasel was once again uninjured and cried out in anger. Shaking his head to get rid of the slight disorientation, it directly went on to attack the nearest disciples. 


It began to attack the same way as before and rolled, using his spiky fur to attack. 


And just like before, the barrier protecting the cultivator shattered. But this time, the weasel didn't stop there and mowed down the disciple as well. The cultivator's head burst apart like a watermelon and her guts were squeezed out like toothpaste.

Tim kept on rolling and hit the next barrier, shattering it as well and killing the disciple inside it.

"He's rather effective. That's nice," Lin Wu commented seeing this.

He had not expected something like this would really happen. Since the system controlled the formation array he had the information about how strong the barrier protecting the disciples was.

It could easily bear the attack of a Adult Soul stage Nascent soul realm beast and thus should be impossible for Tim to break. The outer dome like barrier was even stronger and could bear the attack of a Dao Shell realm cultivator.

One could see from this just how complex and powerful the formation array was.



Another barrier was broken as the cultivator within it died. In less than ten seconds, Tim had killed four disciples. This was completely out of the expectations of the elders and the juniors under them.

"DAMMIT! How is this beast doing it?" The second elder questioned.

"Just wait, it will definitely get exhausted at this rate. Without the spirit Qi to replenish its stores, it can't continue like this. That attack definitely consumes a lot of its spirit Qi." The fourth elder replied.

"I'm not gonna stay like this without retaliating. This is a taunt to our dignity!" The third elder through was infuriated.

He directly brought his palms together in a praying gesture before raising his right hand straight up and keeping the palm perpendicular to the other.

"Take this! Qi Upheaval Palm!" The third elder said.

The spirit Qi that had been absorbed by the formation array oozed out and turned into a pale white palm that was translucent. It was a bit different from the other palm that was made before.

That was the attack made by an offensive formation, but this was a proper Qi skill. The Qi skill certainly held a lot of power and descended on the Weasel, trying to stop him from attacking the others.


Tim crashed into the palm that fell like a slab from the sky.


He screeched in pain as the impact actually hurt him from the force. While there were no surface injuries, he still felt its internals being rocked. The palm that had just descended flipped around and wrapped the Weasel.

"HAHAHA! GOT YOU!" The third elder said as he looked on with a grin on his face.

He then raised the palm into the air and started to squeeze Tim. 


Tim let out a screech of anger and struggled within that palm. It wanted to escape but could not, and it was only making him furious.

"STOP… ME… NOT!" Tim said out loud, but only beastly screeches were heard.

Lin Wu watched this and shook his head.

"Guess this is his limit. Going up against a formation array for this long is already quite impressive for him." Lin Wu said, having witnessed everything.

'Time for me to act…' Lin Wu thought and was just about to get the system to disable the formation array when a change happened.

"AHH!" A pain filled cry was let out by the third elder and his face turned pale.

Lin Wu furrowed his brows and looked to see what happened. and was surprised.

"Whoa! He can do this too?" Lin Wu said as he watched Tim biting the hand that held him in air.

Since he could not move his limbs, he moved what he could: His jaws. The elders didn't know that while Tim's claws and fur were strong, they were not the strongest part of his body.

The strongest part of his body were his sharp teeth that could break through Earthen Depths Obsidian, not to mention some Qi construct or bones.


Mid way through, Tim's voice changed from distressed to pleased. It had bitten out a large chunk from the palm and had even started to eat it.

"IMPOSSIBLE!" The elders all said.

The other junior cultivators couldn't even say anything as they were completely lost seeing everything.

Tim quickly swelled the chunk of the palm which turned into spirit Qi in his mouth after being chewed. It was rapidly absorbed into his body, and he felt energized again.

"KILL! MORE!" Tim declared as he gnawed out the five fingers of the hand that held him.

The Third Elder Tried to keep him contained, but it was all for naught. Plus, the damage to the palm also caused pain to him and made him lose focus.

About thirty seconds later, Tim was free!

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