Rise Of The Worm Sovereign

Chapter 600 - Confronting The Elders And Obtaining Secrets

The Four elders were horrified seeing the formation array getting destroyed in an instant.

"How is this possible?" The third elder couldn't help but say.

They couldn't comprehend this fact because the formation array was very strong. Even a Dao Shell realm cultivator wouldn't be able to damage it directly, while it would still be able to hold on for a few minutes against a Dao Treading realm cultivator.

The cost to set it up was also rather high and they could feel all the components they had planted around the area breaking along with the formation array. 

'Breaking a formation array with one tap? Even a Grandmaster Formation Master at the Dao Treading realm might not be able to do this.' The First elder thought.

But what the elders didn't know was that Lin Wu hadn't done what they thought he had. Him tapping was simply a casual thing he did to show off. It was actually the system that dismantled the formation array all at once.

After all, it had been under the system's control from the start. If Lin Wu wanted to, he could have reversed the formation array onto the cultivators from the start. But he didn't do that, as he wanted to observe the power of Tim.

He got good results and reckoned this was more than enough for now.


Tim, who also got out of the crystal dome, looked around and found everyone to be dead.

"Dead? No kill?" he said, feeling a little lost.

But that feeling soon faded away as he directly rushed to the dead cultivators and started to stuff them down his mouth. The elders didn't even get to look at him for long as the pressure exuding from Lin Wu was getting to them.

"What are you?" The third elder asked, building up a little courage.

Since their spirit sense was restrained, which they didn't even know how, they couldn't estimate Lin Wu's cultivation base. But the pressure and aura exuding from him told them that he was not to be taken lightly.

If anything, just his size was enough to shake their minds. 

"Me? I'm just a beast." Lin Wu answered casually.

Upon hearing this, the elders were a bit taken aback.

"Just a beast? Can just any beast do something like this?" The second elder couldn't help but say.

"Ahahaha!" Lin Wu laughed in his distorted voice, unnerving the elders.

Lin Wu usually had to consciously control his voice so that it appeared to be 'normal'. He did this when speaking with people he was fine with or just about anything. But his own natural voice was a mix of strange distortions and screeches that formed together to make words.

It was like someone was rubbing two metal plates to make coherent words. It was a strange condition, but Lin Wu was used to it. Plus, he liked the fear factor that appeared when he used his natural voice.

Though occasionally he would slip up and use it instead of his 'normal' voice.

"I guess I am a little special." Lin Wu replied and looked at the elders. "But enough about me… what I want to know is… who are you all?" He questioned.


The elders swallowed their saliva and didn't know what to say now. Their identity was secret and they couldn't truly speak anything. It was a secret they would take to their death if they had to.

"Hmm… I see. One of those people…" Lin Wu muttered.

The elders furrowed their brows, not understanding what Lin Wu meant before a strong gust of wind went past them.


A disturbing sound was heard as the three elders turned to look at the fourth elder. His head was pierced with a long spike and his eyes bulged out in shock. Lin Wu closed his eyes and read the information that the system was absorbing from the dead elder's brain

The three elders were stunned at the ease with which the fourth elder died and didn't know what to do. It was now that Lin Wu started to speak again.

"Oh?! So that's now it is…" Lin Wu said, pulling their attention back.

"Never thought it would be someone from the Ji clan." Lin Wu said, shocking the three elders.

"How?" The first elder was horrified at this.

"So your master is this… Weiyuan. His true identity… Ji Yuan, the elder brother of Ji Shirong, current heir of the Ji clan." Lin Wu revealed.

"H-how… how do you know this?" The third elder asked.

"I have my ways…" Lin Wu said as he went through more information in his mind.

In just five seconds, he had understood the gist of it, though there were some blank spots in the man's memories.

'Have they been artificially removed? Doesn't seem like they are due to natural degradation, or the system would have told me.' Lin Wu thought.

He stared back at the three elders, sending shivers down their spine.

It was now that the first elder understood something.

"Soul Search… You used a soul searching skill!" The first elder said out loud.

"Correct," Lin Wu responded, though the answer wasn't really true.

'But they don't need to know that.' Lin Wu internally said.

"A beast that can use human techniques? That's not possible…" The second elder stated.

But the first elder said something else in response.

"No… it is possible." The first elder said, recalling certain information.

While Lin Wu speaking was very unusual, there were still some beasts that could speak the human tongue; though most normal cultivators did not know this. But they were not normal at all and had access to a lot of information the average cultivator would not have.

"Who are you, senior? What's your Dao title?" The first elder finally spoke, understanding something.

Lin Wu raised his brow, seeing the man's reaction before guessing what conclusion the man had come to.

'Huh… he thinks I'm a human that took over a beast too?' Lin Wu thought, recalling Jiao Fan had done the same.

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