Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 714: World Ascension: Preparations

Chapter 714: World Ascension: Preparations

In the Celestial Remains above the Jiao Continent…

During the fusion of the worlds, the sharp cry of a sword pierced the air inside the Celestial Remains. The frightening sound filled the dull and lonely Celestial Remains, and anyone who heard it would feel their souls trembling with pain.

A ray of sword light that couldn’t seem more ordinary emerged from the Void Prohibition Zone and the region that gave countless Martial Dipper Realm Ancestors headaches was torn in two from the inside out. A three-legged bronze cauldron that stood tens of feet tall was revealed. It was precisely the Stellar Cauldron, the Origin Holy Artifact left behind by the owners of the Elysium!

There was a middle aged man who emitted an unruly aura standing before the cauldron and he held a copper sword in his hand. A look of derision could be seen on his face as he sneered at the cauldron.

“Heh, you can’t trap me in you forever!” A look of satisfaction appeared on the man’s face and he looked like a kid who was gloating over his victory over other children. “Now, you better calm the fuck down and let me refine you however I like!”

As though the cauldron was reacting to the middle aged man’s annoying remarks, it emitted a deep hum. The soundwave was so powerful it caused the space around it to wrap slightly.

“Relax. I’ll achieve whatever I tell you. I won’t bury your worth as the Origin Holy Artifact.” The middle aged man seemed to understand what the cauldron wanted to say and from the looks of it, they could communicate with each other.

“Unfortunately, I need to take a trip out of here for a little bit. Too many unexpected factors might happen during the fusion of the worlds. I hope I’m not too late…” With a flip of his wrist, the sword in his hand disappeared.

The next moment, the cauldron released another deep hum that filled the Celestial Remains. A ball of purple flames emerged from its opening.

The middle aged man turned serious when he saw the flame. He reached into the air before him and tapped at four different spots in space. A ray of golden light, a strand of green qi, a ball of blue liquid, and a spot of muddy clay appeared before him. They were prepared to welcome the incoming ball of purple flame.

A shocking scene happened next. After the ball of fire arrived, it landed at a specific spot that was left open. A strange interaction happened between the 5 elements.

The appearance of the purple flame seemed to allow the other elements to maintain some sort of strange equilibrium, and the middle aged man immediately felt the threat of the purple flame decreasing by a whole lot. The terrifying ball of flame that had the potential to threaten him earlier was sealed, just like that!

“This makes it much easier…” The middle aged man waved his sleeve again and the ball of purple flame disappeared. He turned to the three-legged cauldron and laughed, “I didn’t expect you to be hiding something this good! Looks like I need to complete the refinement to properly inspect and dig out all your secrets…”

Another buzz came and the middle aged man continued to chuckle, “Relax, relax, it’s not time for you to appear in the world!”

“Don’t you think the Beyond Heavens Pavilion is a little too bright?” Shang Xia’s words stunned Shang Bo, and he quickly found what his grandson was saying a little absurd.

However, he slowly turned to look and eventually understood what Shang Xia meant.

During the process of fusion, world origin would be scattered across the continents. Because of the sheer quantity, they would quickly gather and rise above the world. That caused the Beyond Heavens Pavilion to look a lot ‘brighter’ than it usually was.

If one could stare at the world from the vast sea of stars close to the new world, one would notice that the Beyond Heavens Pavilion had turned into a giant screen of light. If they were further away, the entire region would look like a star sparkling in the sea of darkness.

At that moment, the Beyond Heavens Pavilion wasn’t a layer of protection that served to hide the location of the world. Instead, it was a beacon of light that revealed its position in the endless darkness of space.

The glow might be faint when one was extremely far away, but for existences who had their eye on the Azure Origin World and Azure Spiritual World back then, the glow was basically pointing them straight to their target!

“Oh no! Hurry up, suppress the leaming world origin!” Shang Bo yelled when he realized that something was wrong.

Shang Xia made his move by the time the words left his grandfather’s lips. A faint five colored light started to spread to the surroundings from the pavilion. The world origin in the surroundings was gathered by the five colored light and sent into the Tongyou Paradise with a single thought.

As world origin faded from the Beyond Heavens Pavilion, the glow above the You Continent was actually suppressed greatly.

Naturally, the Tongyou Institution wasn’t the only one who was alerted to the phenomenon happening in the Beyond Heavens Pavilion. Above their own continents, the various factions had sent their Martial Dipper Realm experts to suppress world origin in order to deal with the potential after effects it might bring.

However, even the strongest Martial Dipper Realm experts from those factions couldn’t do what Shang Xia did. They didn’t have godly control over world origin like he did. Also, Shang Xia was able to suppress what happened over the You Continent because the continent wasn’t that big to begin with. As such, the Beyond Heavens Pavilion above the You Continent was of a proportional size.

Despite them dealing with the issue as quickly as they could, many Martial Dipper Realm Ancestors had a sneaking suspicion that their position in the sea of stars had already been revealed!

As the saying goes, “It never rains, it pours.”

While the Martial Dipper Realm Ancestors were dealing with the leaking world origin that lit the newly created world up like a lightbulb in the vast sea of stars, a horrifying pressure descended on any existence connected to the world. It was as though everyone felt the appearance of the new World’s Will.

It might not have said anything and the World’s Will might not seem to possess coherent thoughts, but every single Martial Dipper Realm Ancestor was able to decipher what it was saying. It, or perhaps, it would be more appropriate to call the new world a ‘her’, was about to ascend!

World Ascension!

The World’s Will was the new existence born from the fusion of the Azure Origin World’s Will and the Azure Spiritual World’s Will. The reason those Martial Dipper Realm Ancestors could understand her intention was that she sent it out in order to seek help. With the fusion of both worlds and their wills, the new world was on the brink of ascension. Only experts at the Martial Dipper Realm would be able to provide the help she needed.

The problem the new world faced at the moment was the lack of origin essence. Even after the fusion of the worlds, they didn’t possess enough origin essence for her to complete the transformation into a Spirit World!

Ever since Shang Xia learned about the hierarchy of worlds, he understood that Barbaric Worlds were the lowest existences. The Azure Origin World and the Azure Spiritual World were ranked higher than Barbaric Worlds, and they were considered Azure Worlds. Above Azure Worlds were Spirit Worlds.

Since he was also a Martial Dipper Realm expert, he could understand what the World’s Will was saying.

“Sigh… Is the origin essence we have truly not enough to complete the transformation?” Shang Bo sighed. Hearing that, Shang Xia understood another fact. The ascension of the world wasn’t a secret among the upper echelons of both worlds. In fact, they might have learned of it a long time ago.

It was also then that Shang Xia had an epiphany. It was the same line of reasoning that caused Kou Chongxue to change his stance towards the entire matter.

Taking revenge for what happened to the You Continent, or restoring it to its original state was what fuelled Kou Chongxue back when everything just happened. Turning the Tongyou Institution into a holy land was also part of his plan but his mindset gradually changed in the recent year. It was especially so after he was nearly killed after he was surrounded and attacked when emerging from the Celestial Remains the previous time.

Not only did he no longer resist the fusion of the worlds, he even took the initiative to hasten and support the process. He even formed a secret alliance with the institution’s long time enemy!

As it turned out, everything was to assist the efforts for the World Ascension!

After splitting up the Manyu Continent, the approximate locations of the Azure Origin World and Azure Spiritual World were revealed. The Spirit Abundance World set their sights on both worlds and the 3 super powers spared no effort to hasten the fusion process. They wanted to use the opportunity to quickly complete the ascension.

The low-level cultivators might not know anything, but the pressure felt by the high-level cultivators of the Azure Origin World and Azure Spiritual World was massive! Even the 3 super powers who could utilize power comparable to the Sixth Order of the Primary Realm couldn’t come up with any other plan and could only inform the various Martial Dipper Realm experts about their intention to force the World Ascension. After all, only a Spirit World would be able to fight against a world of the same level.

“So, this entire plan was put in place ever since we returned from the Manyu Continent?” Shang Xia confirmed with Shang Bo.

“That’s right.” Shang Bo continued, “Back then, the 3 super powers took the lead, sending a good number of Martial Dipper Realm Ancestors to the extreme ends of our worlds in order to obstruct the Spirit Abundance World’s pursuit. Next, we gathered all the islands we retrieved from the Manyu Continent in the Beyond Heavens Pavilion above our continents all in preparation for what is going to happen!”

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