Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 727: World Ascension: Sealed Space

Chapter 727: World Ascension: Sealed Space

After receiving Ji Wenlong’s help, Shang Xia needed to create 3 more spatial tunnels before arriving close to the appointed spot. He used a good half of his inner qi reserves before flying like a normal Martial Dipper Realm cultivator.

He even used a rank four Abyssal Void Shattering Talisman to increase his speed.

After punching 3 spatial tunnels through space, Shang Xia refined his control and gained a better grasp over his ability. He also understood where his limits lay.

When Ji Wenlong created a spatial tunnel from the Beyond Heavens Pavilion, he managed to send Shang Xia 5000 miles through space. The first time Shang Xia created the spatial tunnel, he traveled 5500 miles. The second time reached an astounding 7000 miles, and the third allowed him to travel 7500 miles through space.

After punching 3 spatial tunnels, Shang Xia managed to travel more than 20000 miles towards his destination. He decided to fly the rest of the way in order to conserve his energy.

As he flew through space, he held 2 mid-grade essence crystals in his hand to absorb the energy contained within them. Not only could he sustain his flight that way, he also managed to restore a portion of energy in his dantian.

Those mid-grade essence crystals didn’t appear from nowhere. Chu Jia shoved them to him before he left the Tongyou Paradise.

After the ascension of the Tongyou Mysterious World, the Tongyou Paradise could produce far more resources of even better quality. As such, the institution became a lot more generous.

As essence crystals became widely accepted, cultivators slowly discovered what they could be used for.

The world origin it contained could not only be used to cultivate. It could also replace a lot of resources when it came to crafting treasures. As such, the difficulty of producing treasures was lowered.

An example of such would be the rank four talisman ink Shang Xia had been using. The institution ground up some mid-grade essence crystals during its production and they used several uncommon materials along with it to produce a steady supply of rank four talisman ink.

Also, from what Shang Xia learned from Ren Huan, he used some essence crystal powder during the process to turn those rank five Starry Tree Leaves into talisman paper!

Even though Shang Xia was traveling as quickly as he could, he took an entire day to cross the rest of the distance.

He might be using essence crystals to replenish his energy, but it wasn’t enough for him to restore half of his inner qi reserves.

Also, before he arrived at his destination, someone seemed to already notice him. The person might have swept a casual glance at him, but Shang Xia felt his hair standing on end as beads of perspiration filled his forehead.

Shang Xia was absolutely sure there was no existence in the Martial Dipper Realm who had the ability to do that to him. Even Kou Chongxue wouldn’t be able to achieve it with a single glance.

That could only mean one thing. The existence who took notice of him was in the Sixth Order of the Primary Realm!

Shang Xia didn’t doubt that if he wasn’t an expert from their side, the existence would have wiped him out with a single flick of his wrist.

If the Spirit Abundance World wanted to invade their world, they would need to break through the seal created by the 3 experts in the Sixth Order of the Primary Realm! After breaking through the seal, they would have to face a battle formation made up of Martial Dipper Realm experts!

They were arranged according to their cultivation levels. The stronger one was, the closer to the front of the formation they would be. They would come into contact with the experts of the Spirit Abundance World first.

Cultivators like Shang Bo who was in the first element of the Martial Dipper Realm, or Shang Xia, who had just entered the Martial Dipper Realm, were arranged at the back.

That was probably why Mister Yiguang showed such hostility and started to grumble as soon as Shang Xia arrived.

Even though none of them really thought it was the case, there was still a slight possibility that Kou Chongxue was hiding his strength and conserving the You Continent’s power by not showing up. After all, he was one of the strongest Martial Dipper Realm experts among those from the once Azure Origin World and Azure Spiritual World.

As Shang Xia flew around slowly, he noticed that many people had already formed a team of 5. None of them would accept a newbie like him.

Back when the experts in the Sixth Order of the Primary Realm ordered them to hurry over and gave them 5 days to do so, they factored in enough time for the experts to familiarize themselves with the simple battle formation. Shang Xia clearly missed the best time to learn how to work with the rest.

As he continued to fly around, he eventually arrived at the edge of the sealed space.

“Heh, looks like you have no other choice but to come here.” A female voice caught Shang Xia’s attention.

Turning to look at her, he discovered that there were 4 Martial Dipper Realm experts gathered together. They were missing the last member to form the battle formation.

“Hey, why the hell are you dawdling around?! Are you willing to join us or not?! We’re still trying to fill up our numbers so we can start practicing the battle formation.” The lady who spoke didn't seem older than 30. She sported tight-fitting clothes and she exuded a rather heroic air.

Shang Xia chuckled before flying over. “Looks like I don’t have much of a choice anyway. I’m Shang Xia from the You Continent. Greetings to fellow cultivators!”

“Oh? Brother Shang Xia, it’s actually you. Great to meet you.” One of the refined looking young men among them returned the greeting.

Slightly taken aback, Shang Xia stared at him and asked, “Do we know each other?”

The refined looking young man clad in white robes smiled at him, “I am Shen Changsong of the Changbai… No… You can call me Shen Baisong instead.”

Shang Xia immediately realized who he was. “So you’re the newly promoted Martial Dipper Realm expert from the Changbai Holy Land!”

Shen Baisong smiled, “I would need to thank Deputy Patriarch Shang for the assistance. Otherwise, my promotion wouldn’t have gone so smoothly.”

The young lady with the heroic air around her snorted slightly, “Looks like you already know each other…”

Shen Baisong and Shang Xia glanced at each other before sniggering under their breath. Shen Baisong eventually made the introductions. “Brother Shang, this is Young Lady Gong Xinlan from the Jiao Continent. Young Lady Gong, this is Brother Shang Xia from the You Continent.”

Shang Xia nodded slightly in Gong Xinlan’s direction. He found the way she was speaking really familiar, but he couldn’t quite put his finger on it. The only thing he was sure of was that they were meeting for the first time.

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