Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 746: Azure Ascension World?!

Chapter 746: Azure Ascension World?!

Because of the invasion by the Spirit Abundance World, the region of space that served as their battlefield suffered greatly due to the massive battles that happened in it. Please visit fr𝐞𝐞w𝒏.𝒾𝑜đ”Ș website to read fastest update

Even though everything had drawn to a close, the region of space had been absolutely ravaged. Even Martial Dipper Realm experts couldn’t easily step foot in it due to the many areas where space had collapsed. There were chaotic flows everywhere because of the destruction layers of space faced in there.

That wasn’t all. The traces of battle between existences in the Sixth Order of the Primary Realm and it caused the damage to propagate outwards.

In order to prevent the damage from affecting the Beyond Heavens Pavilion, and to keep the treasures within the battlefield as intact as possible, the 4 Elysuims chose to join forces to seal off the entire region of space.

“More than 40 experts in the Martial Dipper Realm fell during the great war between the worlds. With the multiple Fate Dipper Clones who were sacrificed, the number of Origin Dippers that appeared in there probably surpassed the 100 mark. Unfortunately, many of them were scattered during the battle. If we count fate dipper essences alone, the number would probably run up into the thousands!”

“The experts of the Spirit Abundance World retrieved a portion when they left, and the experts of our Azure Worlds definitely retrieved more than them when leaving. However, there should be at least half of it left inside the chaotic region trapped in the glass barrier.” Kou Chongxue explained while staring at them. “With the entire place sealed off, even the existences at the Sixth Order of the Primary Realm would find it hard to extract the treasures. They can only wait for things to turn a lot more peaceful before attempting anything. Perhaps, those fate dipper essences in there would condense to form Origin Dippers by then.”

Shang Bo thought about it for a second and muttered, “Close to 100 Origin Dippers isn’t a small number at all. Looks like the 4 Elysiums sealed off the space to show that they didn’t intend to take them all for themselves...”

Kou Chongxue nodded slightly. “I received news from the Yuanchen Sect that the 4 experts at the Sixth Order of the Primary Realm came to a conclusion that every 20 years, the region of sealed space would recover slightly. Close to 3000 miles would become stable and they would withdraw the seal by 2000 miles for Martial Extermination Realm experts of the factions who took part in the battle to search the area for treasures. Every faction will have 15 chances to enter the region of sealed space in the coming 300 years before the seal will be completely lifted.”

“Doesn’t that mean that the region will become a land of inheritance for those of the later generation? I didn’t expect us to be responsible for its creation... Looks like this event will slowly be revealed to the world and those of the later generation before finally turning into a legend...” Shang Bo chuckled to himself.

In contrast, Shang Xia pressed his lips together and pouted, “We can only enter once every 20 years... Moreover, only Martial Extermination Realm experts will have a chance to do so... Wouldn’t that mean that they’re severing chances for experts at our level?”

Since Shang Xia started cultivation, less than 20 years have passed. When the region of sealed space opens 20 years later, it probably wouldn’t have anything to do with him any longer.

“That’s a shame.” Shang Xia muttered to himself. However, he no longer asked any more questions on why the World’s Will didn’t feel threatened by the invasion.

There wasn’t a need to mention the fact that the experts of the new world weren’t confident of resisting the invasion at all. If they were to fight close to the Beyond Heavens Pavilion so that the World’s Will could sense what was going on, even if they managed to win eventually, the entire world would face large-scale destruction. The losses then would be even greater!

At least all of them had some time before the backlash of the world came. The various Holy Lands had some time to prepare and everything was as Kou Chongxue had said. They had to prioritize the World Ascension the best they could!

Only then would the Holy Lands be able to avoid the backlash from the World’s Will. In fact, they might even be able to benefit from what would happen.

“Alright, it’s time to go.” Kou Chongxue muttered. His eyes shone with a strange light and no one knew what he was thinking about.

Shang Bo and Shang Xia followed behind him as they arrived right above the Beyond Heavens Pavilion.

“Hehe.” Shang Xia couldn’t contain his laughter and said suddenly, “2 years have already passed since the fusion of our worlds and the disappearance of the spatial barriers around the battlefield between the two worlds...”

“In the future, you will understand how time flows when you’re in the Martial Dipper Realm.” Kou Chongxue smiled.

The Martial Dipper Realm experts of the various factions eventually returned to their respective territories.

The next moment, a mysterious feeling filled their minds once again. This time, their thoughts were taken over by a single word. “Ascension!”

“What does that mean? Is the World’s Will hurrying us to help with her ascension?” Shang Xia asked, bewildered.

“Nope. That’s probably the name our world has given herself. She’s probably calling herself the Azure Ascension World.” Kou Chongxue explained.

“Is that it?” Shang Xia wondered. He was more inclined to believe that the World’s Will produced the name because of her unreconciled feelings of failing to ascend to a Spirit World.

The thought barely flashed through his mind before being taken over by ideas of what he should be doing next.

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