Chapter 94: Reunion (4)

          After two hours, the airplane approached the city of Rome. Still, their modus operandi changed a bit due to the circumstances.

“Apparently, the goblins crystal appeared on the Colosseum, so attacking won’t be easy… at least from the sides,” Billy explained. “Our best chances are of reaching the place from above. It would be easy to do so at night, but we can’t afford to give the monsters more chances to grow stronger. The same group that destroyed the previous crystal and alongside a few extra soldiers will go and destroy the crystal and then regroup with the others in the Palace Hotel in the northwestern part of the city. That is where the people we need to rescue are. They have barricaded themselves there, but it is only a matter of time before the goblins can reach them.”

          Luke didn’t like the idea that he was going to postpone his meeting with his parents. Still, they would have the help of four others since they couldn’t use the parachutes yet by themselves. Regardless, was Billy the one deciding that? A group of civilians certainly were given some pretty difficult missions… Was Frank trying to get rid of them?

          In case something unexpected happens, Luke thought that using the daggers wasn’t the best of ideas… he would need both of his swords. Unfortunately, he couldn’t carry both of them. He also couldn’t carry the box of grenades that Billy gave him. Only a few of them.

“No matter what happens… don’t use them inside the Colosseum, okay?” Billy asked.

          Luke nodded, even he wasn’t crazy enough to damage such a monument with so much history. While the soldiers were preparing themselves, the survivors that were rescued in Lisbon were pretty tense since, in one way or the other, they will have to land, and some will have to stay in that city.

          When Luke finished his preparations, he saw Billy talking with the four guys that would help his group. He was convincing them to use bows and crossbows because they didn’t have time to prepare traps in case the monsters tried to surround them. So, it would be better to fight them from a distance. That seemed like the best option for those who had high levels but not enough experience fighting monsters up close. While they were trained soldiers, they were trained to use guns and, in rare situations, short knives. Those were no longer useful against monsters…

          Nevertheless, the backdoor of the airplane opened, and the first group of soldiers began to jump. Luke’s group would jump a little later because of the distance between the two points, and when their turn came, they were no longer nervous since they had experienced that once.

          As soon as they jumped, the group confirmed that the severity of the situation in Rome was much worse than in Lisbon. Even from high in the sky, they could tell that most of the streets were filled with goblins… There were thousands of them, and it was hard to imagine how much mana they used to create such a large invasion.

“How come goblins can have so many numbers to spare…” Luke asked.

“They are creatures that reproduce even faster than humans… around three times faster,” Rina explained. “They invaded many planets over the years, and thus, they created many civilizations in countless worlds, so this doesn’t surprise me.”

Luke didn’t think that any planet could keep living beings there after being attacked by zombies and species of alien monsters. Still, it seemed that the invasion was only their first step… Fighting those things was fun even though it was dangerous, so Luke wouldn’t let them, but he certainly couldn’t solve all the problems by himself.

When they were one kilometer above the colosseum, the parachutes began to open. Still, when they were five hundred meters above, the goblins began to notice them and began to enter the building. That was bad… Luke could see the crystal, but he couldn’t expect to hit it from so far away. If he gives the enemy more chances, they will attack him with massive numbers and annihilate them. There was even a chance that the owner of the crystal might summon another goblin champion.

“Drop me, now!” Luke said.

“You won’t survive this fall…”

“Just do it!” Luke said.

          In the end, the soldiers below Luke let him go… he also recognized that they didn’t have much time, and he wouldn’t stop Luke if he wanted to sacrifice himself, but he didn’t know that Luke had a plan.

“Rina! Endurance!” Luke said when he turned his body to land on his feet in the middle of the Colosseum.

          Rina obeyed and made Luke’s endurance increase for the first time. When the monsters entered the arena, they saw Luke landing on his feet and slashing the crystal in two…

You received a quest!

Quest: destroy the crystal!

Reward: Ring of Intellect;

You completed the quest.

Ring of Intellect

It increases your intelligence tremendously. 

INT + 20

Durability: 20/20

          Luke didn’t even have the chance to check the ring. The moment he landed, he felt like his legs almost snapped, but while the pain bothered him a little and paralyzed him, he only lost fifty health points and soon turned around to face the goblins. However, his legs were not obeying him. They were feeling too heavy… The fall was starting to cause trouble.

          Nevertheless, Luke saw the others approaching, so he decided to buy some time. He equipped the ring and then began to fire Spark Ball. Luke opened his eyes widely when he saw that the area of effect had increased in size. Even though the goblins were as big as an adult humans and had quite the ripped body, those who were hit in the head, didn’t resist. Meanwhile, the others were paralyzed by the sparks. Thanks to that chance, the guys armed with bows and crossbows began to rain down attacks on them from above.

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