The Divine Martial Stars

Chapter 980 - Chapter 980 Darkest Soul-devouring Fire

Chapter 980 Darkest Soul-devouring Fire

There came a clang of metal.

Underneath the leather seal were three huge iron cages. In each cage, there was a monster covered with red hair and looking like a red giant monkey.

The three monsters had flushed eyes, and madness and violence exuded from every pore of their being. They were hitting the bars of the cages desperately, ignoring the harm they were inflicting on themselves.

Liuyun Sealing Figuress, exclusively owned by the Liuyun family, flickered on the iron bars.

Apparently, those huge iron cages were precious treasures.

“Mr. Liuyun, are these crazy fire monkeys the weird thing you’re talking about?” Said Yan Yalun as he stood up. “They’re in the Deity Realm at most, so it will be effortless to get rid of them. Don’t tell me you guys have fallen so far back that you can’t even handle some beasts in the Deity Realm!”

Many martial arts practitioners of the Liuyun family instantly looked irritated.

“Yalun, sit down,” a man around thirty years old, with a face similar to Yan Yalun’s, scolded with a frown. He was none other than Yan Ya’an, the future leader of the Holy Land of Thousand Flames.

He turned to Liuyun Wufeng and apologized, “My brother is impulsive. I apologize for his rude manners.”

Liuyun Wufeng chortled, “He’s just young and impetuous. It’s alright. Let’s continue. Everyone, the monsters in the cages do look like crazy fire monkeys, which is why we thought that fire monkeys had broken into our manor at first. Later, however, we found that they were not fire monkeys, but mountain-patrolling guards of the Liuyun Manor. They were infected with a virus and turned into half-dead monsters.”


“They’re humans?”

“I thought the mountain-patrolling guards were strong!”

“What kind of virus could have done that?”

The future leaders, servants, and guards from all Holy Lands were surprised.

“Never had they heard of anything like that.”

“What kind of virus could have turned living humans into such monsters?”

Li Mu observed the three monsters in the cages and found that their bodies indeed had a human shape, except that they were covered with flame-like red hair, grumpy and violent. They looked just like the walking dead in the sci-fi apocalyptic movies, but these red-haired monsters were a million times more destructive than walking dead.

Liuyun Wufeng continued, “The mountain-patrolling guards of Liuyun Manor are mostly around the Upper King Realm, but after they were turned into crazy red-haired monsters by the virus, their strength soared to the peak of the Deity Realm. We were caught off guard at first and suffered heavy losses. By the time we managed to catch a few red-haired monsters, it was already too late. They had taken over the core area of our manor. We launched several attacks, but all ended in failure. What’s worse, all the people we lost in the fights would turn into red-haired monsters with great strength, strong bodies, and destructive power…”

Li Mu was shocked to hear that.

“That sounded like walking dead.

“Once infected by the walking dead virus, a living person would become a walking dead. The red-haired monster spread faster than the flu. In the movies in his previous life, it was this unstoppable spreading mode that ended human civilization overnight and eventually destroyed the entire earth.

“Did someone in the world of martial arts invent a red-haired monster virus?

“That didn’t make sense.”

The people from other major Holy Lands didn’t know anything about walking dead. Most of them didn’t think about it carefully, so they didn’t think it was scary.

“Mr. Liuyun, as strong as these red-haired monsters are, they can be killed, right?” Someone asked.

The patriarch of the Liuyun family said, “They will die if you cut off their heads or shatter their hearts, but you won’t achieve anything by chopping off any other body parts. It’s like they can’t feel pain at all.”

“Hahaha, that’s easy then,” Yan Yalun stood up, laughing. With a flash, a spear popped up in his hand. He struck out, and two rays of light went through the bars of the cage in the frontmost and pierced the head and heart of the red-haired monster inside.

The monster roared miserably and fell slowly.

Flame-red blood gushed out, flowing through the iron bars onto the cart board. The wooden cart board was on fire immediately…

“You…” an old man of the Liuyun family trembled with anger and yelled. “What the hell are you doing? Why did you kill him?”

Yan Yalun laughed triumphantly, “What’s so scary about these monsters? Why can’t I kill it? If we kill them all, your problem will be resolved, won’t it? Don’t worry. It won’t take much time.”

Liuyun Wufeng calmed the angry old man down and then glanced at Yan Yalun, saying in a flat tone, “The guy you just killed is my brother’s only son. The kid had only been infected for three days, so we could have figured out a way to save him.”

The crowd looked grave.

Though Liuyun Wufeng sounded calm, everyone could hear that he was pissed.

Yan Yalun was stupefied for a moment and then smiled, “So what? He was infected, and there is no cure. By killing him, I was actually doing him a favor.”

“Yalun, don’t mess around. Sit down!” Yan Ya’an, the future leader of the Holy Land of Thousand Flames, stood up and scolded.

Yan Yalun said defiantly, “You are being overcautious. Did I say anything wrong? Besides, the news released by Liuyun Manor says this strange incident is suspected to be related to the legacy of Cosmic Emperor Deathless. That’s why we came here. Had we known it was such a trivial matter, nobody would have bothered to come. Mr. Liuyun, where is the legacy of Cosmic Emperor Deathless? Did you spread fake news to trick us here to help you solve your problem?”

His words enraged the disciples and guards of the Liuyun family who hadn’t liked him in the first place. They all wished to slice him into pieces.

No one had ever insulted the Liuyun family like that.

Yan Ya’an scolded, “What nonsense are you talking about? The patriarch of the Liuyun family wouldn’t do something like that. Sit down now…” While he was talking, his eyes were gazing at Liuyun Wufeng, waiting for the latter’s response.

Other people of the Holy Lands also gazed at Liuyun Wufeng.

“Once again, it was proven that people could be very indifferent.

“This was a humiliation that the Liuyun family had never suffered when the First Sword of the Liuyuns had still been around.”

Liuyun Wufeng closed his eyes to calm himself down before he ordered his people to take the cart with the dead red-haired monster away. His eyes scanned the crowd and then fixed on the Yan brothers for a moment.

With a smile, he said, “Everyone, please calm down and let me explain. At first, we didn’t link the weird virus and the legacy of Cosmic Emperor Deathless together either. However, by consulting some ancient books, we found that this virus is extremely similar to the Darkest Soul-devouring Fire, which Cosmic Emperor Deathless used when he refined Roll of Gods and Godbreaker according to legends. We consulted Dr. Su Tao, and he confirmed that the mutation of the mountain-patrolling guards was indeed caused by the Darkest Soul-devouring Fire.”

Many eyes lit up at the mention of the Darkest Soul-devouring Fire.

Li Mu had not heard of this kind of fire.

However, he saw the blood of the dead red-haired monster set the wooden board on fire just now, which was consistent with Liuyun Wufeng’s conclusion: Those mutated guards were indeed infected with some supreme-yang virus.

Li Mu couldn’t care less about this.

What he cared about was how the strange event in the Liuyun Manor was related to Wang Shiyu’s soul.

“The tip was from the Sanctuary of the Way, so it must be true.”

“Mr. Liuyun, I’ll go out on a limb to take a guess. Did you dig out the Darkest Soul-devouring Fire in your mine?” Shu Ying, from the Holy Land of Delirious Voices, stood up and asked politely.

The Liuyun family sat on a vein of fairy crystal. Word had it that the mine had been dug a thousand meters, but it still produced fairy crystal. It was a rare rich mine, as well as one of the biggest sources of income of the Liuyun family. The Darkest Soul-devouring Fire was rumored to come from the Underground World, so if the Liuyun family found this fire, it must be in their underground mine.

Liuyun Wufeng replied, “You’re indeed smart. You got it right. Those monsters have taken over our mining area. There are thousands of them…”


“Humph, so what? It will only take us one hour to kill them all…” Yan Yalun sneered.

Liuyun Wufeng ignored him and continued, “One of them was a Supreme Elder of our clan. He was in the Great Way Realm when alive, so we can only imagine how strong he has become after the mutation. In addition, there are dozens of mineral demons.”

Yan Yalun looked embarrassed instantly.

After being infected with the fire virus and mutating, one’s strength would be doubled. If the elder used to be in the Great Way Realm when alive, he must have reached the Way Sage Realm after the mutation. That kind of power was too strong for him to handle.

“If we kill all the mutated monsters, find the Darkest Soul-devouring Fire, and seal it or take it away, that will solve the problem of the Liuyun family and complete this mission, right?” A tall and thin young man stood up and asked in a flat tone.

He was carrying two swords, one golden and the other purple crossed on his back.

He was a disciple of the Brotherhood of Swords, named Li Buhui, also known as the Skyrocket Sword.

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