Trafford's Trading Club

Chapter 652 - Volume 9 – Chapter 45: Settle Scores at an Opportune Moment

Volume 9 – Chapter 45: Settle Scores at an Opportune Moment

Early in the morning, Lord Jin collected some sunrise dew from the flowers and plants outside the villa. He melted a piece of cinnabar and wrote a lot of talisman charm again. He then put it on the inside and outside of the pot, where the malicious spirit was sealed. After completing all of the precautions, he then hands the pot over to Dazhe.

“Remember, the talisman charm on this pot must not be removed. Otherwise, both of us will be in mortal danger,” Lord Jin’s face was ashen, and looked weak.

Dazhe held it with both hands carefully.

“When it is placed in Sister Lin’s house, it must be well hidden and placed in a position where it can reach the first sunrise every day. Finally, it must be placed precisely in the east direction.” Lord Jin reminded Dazhe again.

“Don’t worry. I will do it well.” Dazhe nodded.

“There is also this scripture. Take it and read it to Sister Lin. Then, ask her to memorize it, and read it every morning and evening.” Lord Jin gave Dazhe another booklet. “Sister Lin is the mother of this malicious spirit. As long as she can recite it sincerely every day, it will have a better effect than putting it here.”

“Lord Jin, I, Dazhe owed you!”

Lord Jin shook his head and said, “Dazhe, even if you don’t mention it, I have also planned to send the pot to Sister Lin. But, since you have already said it first, then do as you say... They say parental love can’t be underestimated. Society’s way is inferior to a true human relationship. After I have managed to recover my strength for a few days, I will then make some talisman water to send it over for it to be used on wiping the pot every day to speed up the purification process...As to how to make Sister Lin recite every day, you think of a way yourself.”

“But, Lord Jin, no matter what...”

Lord Jin shook his head and waved his hand, “Okay, don’t talk about it... I’m tired, and I want to rest. Big Head, please drive Dazhe over to Sister Lin’s house. After dealing with this matter all night, I am afraid that my old bone will fall apart.”

Lord Jin was beating his lumbar vertebrae, coughing, and slowly walking upstairs with his hands on the handrail as support.

Big Head’s beloved car, Passat, left the villa shortly after.

Lord Jin sat on the armchair in his room alone, slowly shaking the armchair, as if he was not yet asleep.

He suddenly sighed, “Injustice...”

The old man could not help but think of the past that happened two decades ago... At that time, in order to fight for my territory, many things that are against my conscience were committed. Wars that happened between gangs always resulted in heavy casualties and injuries among gang members.

The reservoir that was built there naturally became the most convenient and the best place to throw corpses... But, Lord Jin did not intend to tell these things... to anyone.

He did not care whether the other old people would disclose this matter. At least, he planned to carry this secret with him to his graves.

He habitually counted his Buddha beads, but only to find that the Buddha beads had been smashed. Lord Jin slowly closed his eyes.

“Master Yang Taizi, you said I don’t have the predestined affinity to the immortals. It seems to be true...”

Everything seemed to be just believing in one’s lies.


In the car, Dazhe was silently holding on to the pot that was sealed. Big Head planned to liven up the atmosphere but did not know what to say. So, he said, “Brother Zhe, since it is rare for us to solve such a big problem, why don’t both of us go for a barbecue at night? It will be on me! We both haven’t had a drink together for a long time!”

“Big Head, please stop at the front. I’ll buy some mung bean cakes. It is Sister Lin’s favorite,” said Dazhe all of a sudden.

Big Head sighed and silently parked the car on the roadside. Dazhe wrapped the pot in his hand with his jacket. Since leaving Lord Jin’s villa, he has never let this pot out of his sight.

“Then, I will go to the public toilet over there for relief. I have been holding my bladder from the morning till now...” Big Head said, got out of the car and walked towards there.

Dazhe did not speak but just nodded and walked into the pastry shop.


“A box of mung bean cakes. That will be twelve yuan!” At this time, the aunt who bought the cakes gave out the wrapped mung bean cakes. When she was about to collect the money, her face suddenly changed.

Dazhe was stunned, but for a moment. He felt his shoulders being pressed by two hands, and with great strength... Dazhe turned his head to look and instantly frowned.

Because he saw two police officers in uniform standing behind him.

“Officers, what’s the matter?”

One of the police officers said, “Are you Wei Dazhe?”

Dazhe nodded.

Another police officer said immediately, “Wei Dazhe, please come with us. Another unit in Fuyang District was robbed yesterday. Someone claimed to have seen you sneaking around the premises. So, please come with us to help with the investigation!”

“Officers, you must be mistaken,” said Da Zhe sternly. “It’s impossible for me to be in Fuyang District last night. I am at the old folk’s home. I have someone who can verify my alibi.”

“You have to come with us regardless of whether you have any proof. You can confront the person who claims to have seen you.”

“Officers, you guys are mistaken. How could I steal something?”

“Huh? You won’t?” The police sneered. “Aren’t you a habitual offender? We checked your files when they reported you... What’s the matter? You don’t want to cooperate and help us with our investigation?”

“Officer, there must be some misunderstanding about this!” Dazhe frowned and said, “Moreover, I also have some urgent things to do!”

“Wei Dazhe! Please cooperate with us! Don’t try to evade!” the police suddenly shouted.

Dazhe took a deep breath and nodded, “Fine then, but can I put down something? The car is just outside. It belongs to my friend. I can come with you.”

“Put what?” The police suddenly shouted. “What are you holding in your hand? Wrapped so tightly... Is it stolen goods?”

“Officer, this is not! It’s really not!” Da Zhe suddenly became anxious.

“Hand it over!”

“Don’t come over here! No one is allowed to touch it!!!” Da Zhe shot a glare.

The two policemen were suddenly tense and shouted, “Wei Dazhe, what are you thinking of doing?! This is a public area, and we are the police! If you don’t cooperate, don’t blame us!”

“Okay, I’ll come with you, and this is not stolen goods.” Da Zhe unravels the clothes wrapped in the pot. “Look, does this thing look like stolen goods?”

“What is this?”

“Ashes...It’s a friend of mine. I am just going to send this back home. If you don’t believe me, I’ll open it for you to see.” Dazhe said calmly and planned to uncover the thing.

When it came to ashes, which was something calamitous, the two police officers suddenly became a little apprehensive. Seeing that the pot was covered with talisman charms, they became more and more fearful. One of the policemen snorted, “No need to. Whether it was stolen goods or not, take it along with you for it to be investigated...Take it with you!”

A policeman took Dazhe into a police car parked on the roadside, while another policeman was making a call on the outside.

He had a flattering smile.

“Hey... Master Xiao, it’s like you said. This Wei Dazhe and Big Head are together. As soon as Big Head’s car appeared, we noticed it... Now Wei Dazhe is in our car. Then, President Xiao, Wei Dazhe, we will now be taking Wei Dazhe back for investigation. Do you have any other ideas?”

“Don’t go too far. This kid is protected by others. I will lose face if you handle it harshly. As for you, interrogate him well. Then, lock him in the holding cell for two or three days. After that, you then say that this matter was resolved and release him. This was to give him a little lesson. After that, treat it as nothing happened.”

The policeman laughed and said, “It’s okay. With so many robbery cases and him being a habitual offender, it won’t be a problem if we lock him in for a few more days. We will do it well.”

“Okay. When I have the chance to have dinner with your chief the next time, I will say a few good words. But, remember, you are just doing your work as normal. You are working hard on the case, with every clue being looked at in detail. This has nothing to do with me! It’s normal for you police officers to be looking for this kind of habitual offender when it comes to solving the case, right?”

“Yes, yes, yes. President Xiao, you are so right! We are just doing our job! Then, we will be taking Wei Dazhe with us!”

“Go ahead.”

Xiao Yucheng turned off his phone, sat at home, and drank a bottle of red wine in a refreshing mood...How could his current mood be explained?

Although Dazhe let Old Man Jin protect him whereby Xiao Yucheng did not want to go too far... Xiao Yucheng would not be happy if he did not teach Dazhe a lesson.

There was no other reason other than just being unhappy.

“Enjoy these few days, Wei Dazhe... When you are released, I won’t bother you if you don’t come and bother me! Let’s mind our own business!”

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