In front of very tall and very big green Christmas tree, decorated with lights and other small items, a choir of thirty people, all adults, stood perfectly still. All were dressed in red or green, others a combination of both colors. On the screen, most of them looked nervous because this was their first time singing in front of a large crowd. Some of them would not have been anyone's first pick if asked who they expected to see among the singers, like principal Stash.

When her face was shown on the screen, Scarlet clearly heard Beord whisper to one of their many siblings that the woman had finally found a job which suited her.

The choir was not the only one at the front, instrumentalists were present as well and one woman that Scarlet did not recognize had resumed the role of choir master.

The choir broke into a revised rendition of silent night which she rewrote and omitted some things. 

They sung so smoothly, in soft voices that soothed the ears of the listeners. As expected, when Scarlet looked around, she saw soft smiles and one or two people wipe away a tear. 

After silent night, the instruments became cheerful and little children who were dressed like Santa's little helpers came from the back, swinging their bells and the oldest, a teenage girl who was leading them broke into a lovely tune of jingle bells. 

Proud parents of the children who were participating in the christmas carols were clapping, cheering and they had pulled out their cameras or whatever devices they had to take pictures and commemorate this moment. 

The youngest child was three years old, she was female who barely knew that lyrics to the song but she was simply so adorable in her floral red and green christmas leggings and a sweater. She moved her body back and forth in an uncoordinated manner that had the crowd going, 'Awww' 

The cameras stayed on her the longest more than they did on the other children. 

More songs followed like little drummer boy, white christmas, feliz navidad, little christmas and after ten songs and one short skit. Two hours later, the event was ended with a speech from Esong. 

As the people started to depart, the choir was singing we wish you a merry christmas loudly. 

Not long after the event ended, the press on every star released articles about the event, it's symbolism and the unity it brought among the citizens of the blue star. 

The citizens of other stars however were taking it as a challenge and they went on star net to express their opinions, pleasure and displeasure.

"Don't call us nuts!" Calitos shoved Barry.

"Hey," the other shouted, but not so loudly, "I thought your religion advocates for peace, this is not peace holy Calitos, it's violence."

Calitos ignored Barry and opened a car window, he even went as far as to stick his head out just so that he would not have to talk to him. 

"Are you really not talking to me?" the other asked. 

"No." Calitos replied and then he covered his mouth with his hand, flabbergasted because the other had successfully tricked him. 

Scarlet was still in the Evergreen field, looking at the message informing her about the amount they had received in donations. 

Esong too received it and he peeped at Scarlet's terminal to see if they were looking at the same thing. 

"I have to say, faith is a profitable business." Esong commented. "Imagine how much would be made if we had three christmases a year!"

"People have faith in mecha warriors, you make ten times more than this a year in donations, so, what are you talking about?" she asked him. 

But he shook his head and said, "That's different, the people see us and know what we do but believing in a deity or God is different because you place your faith in something you cannot see, touch or hear. I don't think you understand what that means."

'I am a grim reaper, I am living proof that deities exist.' she thought.

"Oh, look," Esong suddenly said and he pointed up. When her eyes followed his fingers, it was to see a hologram image of mistletoe which had been moving around for a few minutes now. "Mistletoe." he added, "I guess you know what must happen next."

"Huh!" she acted daft, even faking confusion on her face. 

"You said, it's tradition to kiss under mistletoe. Now I don't know whose tradition it is but pucker up." he puckered his own lips and made kissing sounds. 

"You know that the big screens are still on and cameras are still rolling, right?" she pointed all around them where evacuations from the field were still ongoing. Even their families were still here.

He pulled her by the hand and said cockily, "We are the couple with the greatest kiss or something in history, what are you afraid of?" He smiled, leaned his head down and kissed her. 

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