VRMMO: The Unrivaled

Chapter 1365: Arrow of the Outer Lands

Chapter 1365: Arrow of the Outer Lands

Inside the frigid canyon, a shield formation of Purgatory Mad Dragon players were blocking the exit leading to the outer lands. Wang Dongliang was standing at the forefront with a heavy sword in his grip, and further back was a group of archers and mages. It was definitely powerful enough to intercept Little Piglet. I counted at least 5000 high-level Purgatory Mad Dragon players among them.

A fair distance away from them, Little Piglet was wielding a deep cyan sword and riding a skeletal horse with draconic spikes all over its body. It was obviously Level 200 or higher and Immortal Rank at least. Even more imposing were the cyan spikes covering his armor. It was Shield Armor, a skill that reflected 75% damage back at his attacker as true damage. It was the main reason archers were generally afraid to hit Little Piglet. It was entirely possible that they might kill themselves long before they killed him.

Little Piglet was not looking good though. Blood was dripping down his palm, and his armor looked moments away from falling apart completely. Even so, he raised his head high and glared at Wang Dongliang with furious eyes.


Unwilling to meet Little Piglet’s eyes, Wang Dongliang trained his gaze on the distant forests behind him before yelling, "Come back to your senses already, Little Piglet! Where do you think you’re going with our 100000 elite players anyway?"

Little Piglet sneered. "Your players? One, these people are my brothers and sisters, and two, they are standing with me today out of their own free will. You’re better off asking them why they’re willing to follow me to the outer lands instead of you! Also, we’re already at the outer lands, so you stop pretending that you can’t murder a fellow countryman and come at me already! Of course, you don’t have the balls for it!"

Roaming Dragon raised his spear and roared, "You are too arrogant, Little Piglet!"

It was like pouring oil into a fire. Whatever cool Little Piglet managed to muster instantly evaporated into nothing. "Just wait like the dog you are, Lu Chao! I will take everything from you even if it costs me my life!"

Roaming Dragon shut up for a second before looking at his generals. "Iron Pardon, Inconstant, get ready to work with the mages and kill him with God Devil Breaks!"




Swirls of energy surrounded Little Piglet as he activated Great Earth Transformation. His sword was glowing with the deep cyan of Great Conqueror—a Divine General Skill that increased his splash effect by 75%—and within the blade was the faint bloody hue of the lifesteal effect. It was one of Little Piglet’s active skills, and it converted 15% of his damage received into HP. It was one of the major reasons Little Piglet could stomp through a battlefield with impunity. As for his party’s Famous General Skill, he was of course using Vajra to increase his Defense by 200%. It practically rendered him immune to the archer and fighter classes.

"All units, switch to armor-penetration equipment and load up your Barrier Breaks! Archers, prepare to dismount him with your Shock Arrows and Mountain Stagger Arrows! Without a mount, Little Piglet is nothing but a dead dog!"

Iron Pardon then raised his sword high before shouting, "Purgatory Mad Dragon’s name will not be besmirched! How can we conquer the world if we can’t slay even one Little Piglet? Let’s go!"

With that, the Gemini Stars of Mad Dragon, Iron Pardon and Inconstant, closed in on Little Piglet from two different directions. Both of them were followed by a stream of cavalrymen.


A smile crossed Little Piglet’s face as he lowered his sword and cast Strength of Divine Arms. The skill increased the upper limit of his weapon’s Attack—or simply put, his character’s base Attack—by 20%, which was much stronger than just a flat 20% increase to his Attack. He also activated Freezing Heat to massively increase his movement speed. Now that he was ready, he spurred his mount forward and charged right toward the incoming arrows. At the last moment, he suddenly changed his speed and direction and successfully dodged more than half of the arrow rain.


An icy light appeared around his blade as Little Piglet swung his sword at Inconstant. The man wasn’t stupid enough to treat Little Piglet lightly, so he raised his shield in an attempt to block the attack. There was a loud bang, but it wasn’t the sound of his sword slamming against Inconstant’s shield. It was Little Piglet kicking the shield to turn his mount and himself 180 degrees to the back—effectively bypassing the usual turn rate limitation—and unleashing a devastating Ice Ray Flurry + Barrier Break combo at Iron Pardon!

Thud thud thud thud...

The other Gemini Star never saw it coming. He couldn’t believe that Little Piglet would dare to pull a trick like this under these circumstances.


One more swing to the neck later, Iron Pardon slowly fell off his mount and died. Every one of Little Piglet’s attacks was meant to kill his target, and he without a doubt succeeded.

While dodging countless God Devil Breaks and Trapping Nets, Little Piglet leaped into the middle of the enemy like a true Great Conqueror and shouted, "Freezing Purgatory!"

A storm of wind and ice erupted among a group of Purgatory Mad Dragon archers and riddled their bodies with icicles. Not done yet, Little Piglet targeted the mages next and scored another truckload of kills with Ultimate Strength Break. His armor was groaning ominously due to the sheer amount of attacks he was receiving, but his 15% lifesteal effect kept him relatively comfortably above the 50% mark.


It was utter chaos at the exit of the canyon. Little Piglet alone was giving thousands of Purgatory Mad Dragon players a hard time. There was a Chinese idiom called "raised up by Xiao He, cast down by Xiao He", and Little Piglet was the Xiao He of Purgatory Mad Dragon. Little Piglet was the main reason Purgatory Mad Dragon was counted among the Top 10 guilds of China, but now it was looking all downhill for them simply because Lu Chao couldn’t control his lower half. All too often one evil thought; one loss of control was all it took to kickstart the domino effect of destruction.

"Look over there…" Gui Guzi pointed at the right hill with his Ghostblade Halberd. "I think Warsky Alliance is about to make a move…"

The large majority of the hill was shining with golden light because of the Gold Cavalry. Warsky himself was standing at the forefront with the Immortal Blade in his grip. The corners of his lips curled upward as he declared, "Get ready. We’ll be charging Purgatory Mad Dragon and wiping them out in five minutes. Only we are deserving of a peerless general like Little Piglet!"

Lin Bing Dou Zhe nodded. "The guild leader is wise! Ancient Sword and Candle Dragon are near though. I wonder what they will do?"

"Ignore them. Sometimes making the first move is an advantage!"



He Yi looked at me for instructions. "Should we intercept the Gold Cavalry, Lu Chen?"

I asked, "Can we intercept them?"

"Warsky has only brought 10000 Gold Cavalrymen with him. We should be able to stop them."

"Hmm, no. Just leave them."

"But why?"

"Because Candlelight Shadow will do our job for us. Trust me, he won’t allow Warsky the chance to recruit Little Piglet…"

"Very well…"


As I thought, Candlelight Shadow and his fire dragon immediately appeared at the center of the canyon when the Gold Cavalry began making their move. He ordered the Qiu Beast Cavalry, "Intercept Warsky Alliance’s Gold Cavalry now! Don’t allow them to get close!"


4000 Qiu Beast Cavalrymen led by Tempest Shadow and Blue Sky Scar charged toward the Gold Cavalry. Then, Candlelight Shadow declared with a smirk, "Little Wu, time to show off our secret army!"

God’s Dance chuckled, and soon, 5000 tamers clad in leather armor and wielding whips entered the canyon. Most of them were female players, so of course the entire canyon was ringing with wolf whistles for a time. They stood behind the Qiu Beast Cavalry and summoned their pets, the Lantern Girls. Every single one of them owned 3 Lantern Girls, so that was 15k Lantern Girls in total. Since the pets were buffed by Life of the Tamer, all their stats were boosted by 30%. This was a magic army that could rival some of the best mage armies in the world...

Heaven’s Rain pouted. "Oh, the Lantern Girls are usable already? No wonder Candle Dragon has been grinding instances like crazy. They were increasing their pets’ levels…"

Xu Yang clenched his fists. "Look, most of the Lantern Girls are between Level 100 to 150 only. This is just a training session for Candle Dragon, and Warsky Alliance’s Gold Cavalry are the training dummies…"

I smiled. "It’s fine. God Devil Break is a Level 100 skill, and their Intelligence absolutely exceeds the Gold Cavalry’s after the 30% boost from Life of the Tamer. I bet you that Warsky Alliance is going to cry like a bitch…"

"Yes, we’ll see…"

It looked like the second and third best guild in China would be meeting each other on the battlefield with their new units. This battle was getting more and more interesting by the minute.


The Gold Cavalrymen slammed mightily against the Qiu Beast Cavalry’s shields before raising their hoofs. Then, they stomped the ground and caused a damaging shockwave about 5 to 10 yards wide. That’s right, it was the Dragonlight Cavalry’s—the Dragonlight Armored Horses to be exact—old skill, Hoof Trample. Our players didn’t have it anymore because their mounts had been changed to the Dragonscale Beast, and the Dragon Soul Protection’s 50% boost to Attack and Defense were just as good. Long story short, both skills had their own flaws and merits.

Pu pu pu...

Both sides traded Barrier Breaks, and it was the Qiu Beast Cavalry who was losing horribly. If we were to look at AoE-damaging ability and individual power alone, the Qiu Beast Cavalry was way weaker than the Gold Cavalry. It was what Warsky was counting on.

Raising the Immortal Blade and grinning like crazy, Warsky blasted a group of Qiu Beast Cavalry with his Molten Fury Slash before shouting, "Penetrate their defense line fully! Show Candle Dragon just how powerful the Gold Cavalry is, hehe!"

But just because the Qiu Beast Cavalry were dropping like flies didn’t mean that this was going to be a total victory for Warsky Alliance. Further behind Candle Dragon’s frontline, God’s Dance finally gave the order, "Tamer legion, attack! All Lantern Girls are to use God Devil Break!"

The Lantern Girls began chanting cutely, and a moment later tons of God Devil Breaks that weren’t cute in the slightest engulfed the Gold Cavalrymen in a storm of magic. None of the Lantern Girls could one-shot their target, but they didn’t have to. There was already enough damage to put the Gold Cavalry between a rock and a hard place—





Each Lantern Girl dealt between 100k to 200k damage. Since the average Gold Cavalryman only had around 1.5 million HP, three Lantern Girls could remove almost half of their HP in a single salve. Thousands of them firing God Devil Breaks at the same time? There was no chance the Gold Cavalrymen directly under the line of fire were going to survive. As the Gold Cavalry began dropping like flies as well, Laughing At The Heavens shouted, "Warsky, the Lantern Girls’ God Devil Breaks are hitting harder than expected, and we have no priests to keep us healthy! We can’t drag this out!"

Warsky declared decisively, "First army, follow me! We’re going to circle around to their flank and kill all their Lantern Girls! Pssh, defeating this strategy is easy!"

However, Candlelight Shadow immediately ordered a counter, "Archers, step up! Draw your bows and be ready to shoot the enemy to hell when they show their ugly mugs! Assassins, enter stealth and lay Traps along their paths! Show Warsky that you are not simpletons who would fall for his simple strategy!"


Both sides were training their armies and practicing new strategies. It would cost tens of thousands of players their levels, but it would all be worth it in the end.

Before a victor could be decided though, Little Piglet abruptly punched through Purgatory Mad Dragon’s defense line and made a beeline for the outer lands.


I immediately took to the sky and shouted to the warring armies below, "Stop! Little Piglet is leaving for the outer lands!"

Warsky hurriedly ordered, "Halt! We go to the outer lands!"

Candlelight Shadow also ordered, "We go to the outer lands!"

Arms bleeding, Inconstant galloped after Little Piglet while shouting, "Fuck! Fuck! Little Piglet must not escape! Fuck!"


Suddenly, an arrow pierced Inconstant’s throat and reduced his voice to a gurgle. It also deleted his remaining 17% HP.

The arrow hadn’t come from any of the armies fighting there, though.

It had come from the outer lands.

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