Chapter 1388: Lost Blade

"Little Piglet!"

At the distance, Amber Pupil roared at the top of his lungs, "How many more times are you going to bash your head against the wall? Ray of Sunshine has 100% lifesteal from the Heaven Suppressing Necklace! You can solo him till the end of time, and you still won’t be able to kill him! Get your ass back over now, or die!"

"Fuck… fuck me!"

Little Piglet was obviously reluctant. The fact that he was looking back and forth between Ray of Sunshine and Roaming Dragon showed just how much he thirsted to kill Lu Chao at least once. However, he wouldn’t be able to do so until he got rid of Ray of Sunshine.

In the end, Little Piglet chose to withdraw from battle and activated Winds of Recovery to heal himself. Ray of Sunshine tried to stop him as he was making his escape, but he was able to parry his strikes before withdrawing with the remnants of Dark Mercenaries. Ray of Sunshine would’ve given chase, but Wang Dongliang stopped him before he could do so.

Obviously, Wang Dongliang wouldn’t allow Ray of Sunshine to leave his priests’ healing range. The Heaven Suppressing Necklace he was wearing was that valuable after all. If Little Piglet managed to capitalize on the mistake, kill Ray of Sunshine and drop the Heaven Suppressing Necklace, it would be like having an entire chunk of his flesh plus his kidney gouged out of his body. That was a loss not even Wang Dongliang could accept no matter what.


After Ray of Sunshine returned to the main formation, he said with a chuckle, "It’s a total victory, everyone! Looks like the Dark Mercenaries guild is so-so at best. Brother Pardon, you claimed they were invincible, but they sure don’t look like it…"

A disgruntled Iron Pardon replied, "You suppressed Little Piglet only because you had the Heaven Suppressing Necklace. Otherwise, you would have died a minute ago. You don’t actually think you can beat Little Piglet, do you?"

Ray of Sunshine narrowed his gaze. "The fuck does that mean?"

Roaming Dragon hurriedly smoothed things over. "Come now, guys, there’s nothing to argue about. It’s a good thing that we managed to repel Little Piglet! Let’s tally up our casualties, shall we?"


Although Purgatory Mad Dragon managed to repel Little Piglet, it wasn’t without a considerable amount of losses. At best, it was a 1:1 casualty ratio between them and Dark Mercenaries. It was because the Iron Cutter Cavalry’s initial charge had dealt an incredible amount of damage to them at the beginning. However, Ray of Sunshine’s intervention turned what should’ve been a total victory for Dark Mercenaries into a small defeat. It was the power of 100% lifesteal and 200 million RMB.

Suddenly, I heard a commotion from behind us. It was followed by a system announcement—


System Announcement: Congratulations to player "Chance Meeting" for killing the Sovereign Rank boss, Sky Walker! They have gained 2 Luck, 200000 Reputation, 50000 March of Chaos contribution points, and the ultimate treasure Sky Walker was carrying, "Lost Blade (Ancient Immortal-grade, Outstanding★★★★★★★★)"!


"Fucking finally. What the hell were Zhou Ping and Little Gui doing anyway? The boss should’ve died way sooner than this," I complained.

Li Chengfeng laughed. "That’s because they left the boss alone for almost half an hour. Anyway, it looks like Chance Meeting isn’t very lucky today. She didn’t drop a Ghost Armament despite killing a Sovereign Rank boss…"

I said, "If your Luck stat isn’t high enough, of course the chances of dropping a Ghost Armament are going to be lower. Anyway, why did they leave the boss alone for half an hour?"


Chaos Moon pointed in Warsky Alliance’s, or more specifically Warsky’s direction. "You can see for yourself!"


I saw Warsky clenching his fists and even smashing the hilt of his Immortal Blade out of sheer anger. He was a hair away from actually jumping in anger. What on earth was he angry about though?

"Seriously, can someone just enlighten me already?" I asked again in confusion.

It was at this moment Beiming Xue galloped up to me and replied cheerfully, "I’ll enlighten you, big bro!"

"Go ahead!"

She began, "You remember that Warsky Alliance snuck about 20k Gold Cavalry up the mountain ridge to attack us and the boss, right? Instead of tanking them and the boss at the same time, we decided that we might as well ‘give’ them the boss if they want it that bad! Although the boss only had 10% HP or so, it was still nothing to scoff at. While the Gold Cavalry’s attention was split, big brother Little Gui, the Twelve Musicians and I led our men and annihilated all 20k Gold Cavalry in half an hour at the cost of 30k players. That was why the boss only died now…"

I was practically grinning from ear to ear when the short story came to an end. "No wonder Warsky’s acting like someone stole a kiss from his girlfriend! It’s because you guys carved up a hole in his baby!"

Beiming Xue beamed. "Mn mn! Big brother Little Gui said that it was Warsky Alliance’s own fault though. They thought they could flex their brand new Gold Cavalry and bully us, so we treated them to our Dragonlight Cavalry + Holy Mages combo. The Gold Cavalry never even got close to our players, although the same cannot be said for Twelve Musicians’ metal-armor players, heehee~~"

I was glad. Twelve Musicians could lose twice as many men, and they would still be all smiles because they had gotten an Ancient Immortal-grade weapon out of it. Moreover, the fact Twelve Musicians had successfully repelled Natural Flow and Warsky Alliance’s elites in succession with the help of Ancient Sword Dreaming Souls could only be good for their future development. This one battle was basically their declaration to the entire China server that Twelve Musicians was no flower vase guild who only knew to pretty up themselves and spread their legs for equipment.


Although the battle was over, the Dragonlight Cavalry remained guarded because I hadn’t given them their next order. Meanwhile, Chance Meeting, Hugging Bears in Silence and a couple more executive-level players of Twelve Musicians walked up to us.

"So? Was it exciting, Zhou Ping?" I greeted her with a smile.

Zhou Ping smiled like spring. "Oh yes, it was. We are truly blessed to have an ally like Ancient Sword, though I wonder when we’ll be able to forge a godlike troop like the Dragonlight Cavalry. Practically every one of them is an elite who can fight a hundred warriors by themselves. I’m so envious!"

I smiled. "We didn’t get here immediately, you know. It took us a whole year to create the Dragonlight Cavalry’s reputation of invincibility, and it was forged through many trials of blood and fire. By the way, how is the Lost Blade? Does it have a super-high Attack or something?"


Zhou Ping nodded. "It’s a pretty amazing Level 230 sword-type weapon. I’m planning to create a super warrioress with it. Speaking of which, can you give me some advice, Lu Chen? Which warrioress do you think has the highest potential in China right now?"

I hummed for a second before answering, "Obviously, the strongest warrioress in the China server is Fruit Knife, but she won’t leave her own guild for Twelve Musicians as a matter of course. Eve, Eyes Like Water and Chaos Moon come next, but again they won’t be leaving their current guilds. After them, there’s Familiar Scent, Moonlight Beneath A Rock, Purple Wind Chime and Mo Xiaoxiao. You may choose to recruit them, although personally I would suggest that you choose the strongest warrioress in Twelve Musicians based off of overall level and PvP ranking, then invest some good money in their mount and equipment. You can save the money on a weapon since you have the Lost Blade now. After that, you should have your warrioress spend as much time as possible in the champion arena and hone her skills. Every expert starts from zero after all.

“The reason I ask you to choose someone from your own guild is because only those who went through thick and thin with you can be truly trusted. RMB is great, but if someone is determined to leave, then no amount of RMB is going to stop them."

Zhou Ping smiled. "That is some very enlightening advice. It’s at least a thousand times better than the answers Bear Bear and Ling Ling gave me…"

Hugging Bears in Silence complained, "Don’t criticize us, Sister Zhou Ping!"

I laughed. "Alright then. I guess our business here is officially done!"


Zhou Ping walked up to me and gave me a shield. "This is a Level 225 Ancient Divine Armament shield that the boss dropped. Ancient Sword has gone above and beyond to help us this battle, so this is our thanks to you."

I didn’t turn her down. "Thank you!"

"Mn. See you later!"


After we left the valley, we waited a bit for Heaven’s Rain and her party to catch up with us. As compensation for dying for the cause, I gave her the Ancient Divine Armament shield Zhou Ping had given me. It so happened that our tanky little knightress was lacking a shield with high Defense anyway. Fully-buffed, Heaven’s Rain had 3 million HP and a pretty good Attack. With her last weakness more or less fixed, yet another powerful and tanky knightress was born in Ancient Sword Dreaming Souls.

"What do we do next, Lu Chen?" Li Chengfeng asked me.

I answered, "We keep doing what we were doing before, of course! We’ll split up into three 10000-man parties and continue grinding the Purgatory Legion’s transport carts for more contribution points!"

Li Chengfeng nodded. "I agree!"

And so, we split up once more and continued to intercept the Purgatory Legions escorting supplies out of the curtain of darkness. Of course, we didn’t stop scouring the area for Sovereign Rank bosses either. Alas, the 4th to 8th Sovereign Rank bosses were claimed by Vienna’s, Tear Stain, Hickey, Little Piglet and Lin Yixin. Unfortunately, none of them were lucky enough to drop one of the Seventy-two Ghost Armaments or Twelve Divine Armaments. Of the five of them, Tear Stain got the best equipment, a Sacred Armament sword, and Lin Yixin the second-best equipment, a Sacred Armament bow. It would probably go to Clear Perfume.


The grind continued until the next day at 2 pm. I already lost count how many times I logged out just to use the toilet for a few minutes before returning to the grind. In the end though, even I had approached my limit. In this case, it was my stomach growling like it was the end of the world.

On the plains, a couple of dog-headed monsters were throwing stones at us until a volley of arrows killed them all. While Beiming Xue was looting the battlefield in excitement, I kept a close eye on her surroundings while asking, "How long have you been online, Beiming? Do you want to log out and take a break?"

"Yeah, I would like that. When are you coming back online, big bro?"

"How about midnight?"


"Very well, but before that, let’s turn in the goods first. I wonder how much reward we’ll get from this."

"Okay, but fly me there, big bro. I can’t find the place myself."


I canceled my Fusion Armor and pulled the beautiful archer onto my lap. After bidding everyone goodbye, I followed the directions on my minimap and flew toward the closest human temporary supply camp. With the Ancient Divine Dragon's speed, it would only take five minutes to get there.

After we passed through the clouds, I spotted a simple human fortress on the ground below me. Almost all of the structures were made out of wood, and the perimeter was covered in abatises and other fortifications. There were hundreds of players inside the fortress, and some had even set up stalls to sell their stuff. It was because the fortress was a safe zone where players couldn’t PK each other, also known as a great place to log out of the game and catch some rest.

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