VRMMO: The Unrivaled

Chapter 1448: Blood Barrier

Chapter 1448: Blood Barrier

"Are you trying to commit suicide, boy?"

The Great Saint raised his ugly head and shot me a glance with his viper-like pupils. Cackling even more arrogant than before, he pierced my Cyan Dragon Shield with his bare, withered hand and made a grab for my chest. The simple motion had instantly deleted my shield’s durability by 50%! I would take even more damage if I allowed it to touch my body!

I lowered my shield and raised my leg at the same time, kneeing the Great Saint right in the arm. Unfortunately, I still wasn’t able to halt the attack. A huge, bloody palm imprinted itself on my Guardian Dragon Armor!


A scorching hot sensation erupted across my chest, and I slid backward uncontrollably despite having stabbed my sword to the ground. At the same time, an impossibly huge damage number rose above my head. The Great Saint’s attack was just too powerful—



He Yi hurriedly raised her Suppressing Fire Sword and ordered, "Heal Lu Chen now, and don’t even bother getting close to the boss! If even Lu Chen can lose over 4 million HP, then the rest of us are going to be one-shot for sure!"

She then made another decisive order, "All Dragonlight Cavalrymen on the bottommost floor, if you’re not in the Top 1,000 of the champion arena, teleport back to the city or head to the upper floors now! There is no reason for you to lose your level and equipment just to watch the battle!"

Chaos Moon nodded. "Yeah, this battle is completely out of our league!"

High Fighting Spirits raised his Boneslayer and shouted at a group of blank-faced Dragonlight Cavalrymen. "Didn’t you hear the guild leader’s order? Snap out of your daydream and follow me to the upper floors already! The boss nearly one-shot vice leader Lu Chen, what the hell do you think we can do? Let’s go!"

Over 90% of our players retreated to the upper floors, leaving behind only dozens of top-tier players. It was the same for Snowy Cathaya, Blazing Hot Lips and the other guilds. There was just no point dying to the boss here.

Rustle rustle…

Meanwhile, I was climbing out of the pile of ice I had crashed into with my teeth clenched. Murong Mingyue, Moon Dew and Pure Love were already healing me back to full health. The good news was that not even the Great Saint could one-shot me because I had close to 5 million HP with full buffs. It meant that I wasn’t completely powerless.


In the air, Xinran and Binglan were just flying out of their ice walls they had crashed into as well. One of them was gripping the Dragonslaying Sword, and the other the Dragonbone Spear. Binglan wiped away the blood on her lips with a small frown before saying, "Xinran, I noticed that you’re a master of various laws even though your power isn’t as great as the Great Saint’s. Am I right?"

Xinran nodded. "Yes. I’ve mastered the six laws learned by the gods during my cultivation in Heaven Domain."

Binglan smiled. "That’s good to hear. The Great Saint is an entity of pure darkness. I want you to hit him with a forbidden light spell and buy me time to reseal him, or better… kill him outright!"

"Can we really do it though?" Xinran asked, "I heard that you had to exhaust all of your lifeforce to seal the Great Saint 10,000 years ago. If possible, I don’t want you to repeat the same thing a second time."

"I know…"

Binglan nodded before saying in a sorrowful tone, "Ten thousand years have passed, and everything I knew is gone. My beloved is probably just a pile of withered bones, and my loyal subordinates have all become the puppets of the undead. I think I would be happier if I returned to my slumber, wouldn’t I?"

Xinran replied decisively, "If that is how you wish to end your story, then I refuse to follow your plan!"

On the ground, the Dragon Knight Captain Callan also stepped out from behind Karinshan before dropping to one knee. "Lady Binglan, it is true that many things have disappeared forever from this world… but not everything. I have served you 10,000 years ago, and I am willing to serve you for another 10,000 years starting now. If you don’t mind my humble strength, please use me to restore the glory of the Dragon Domain!"


Binglan trembled visibly at the sight of an old face. "Long time no see…"

Karinshan also dropped to one knee and said, "Lady Binglan, on behalf of the humans, the elves and the succubi, I beg you to live and rebuild Dragon Domain. This continent has been lost to chaos for too long, and we need a powerful protector to defend both light and order. Dragon Domain is a laughingstock these days, and you’re the only one who can rebuild it and protect all life on this continent!"

A small smile appeared on Binglan’s face. "Very well. I’ll do my best. Let’s go, Xinran!"

Xinran nodded. "Mn!"


Whoosh whoosh…

Xinran raised her arms and surrounded herself in golden flames. She declared with determination, "Break!"

Bang! The energy broke through the top of the glacier and let in a ray of sunlight. Then, as if it was a physical object, it scattered into tens of thousands of strands of pure light before swirling around the beautiful girl. As Xinran raised the Dragonbone Spear above her head, the light strands joined together and formed countless more Dragonbone Spears of pure light. It was like a mini sun had appeared inside the ice cavern. Even the tens of thousands of players grinding on the upper floors were looking down in astonishment as well.

"Here I come!"

Xinran let out a battle cry before launching the tens of thousands of light spears at the Great Saint. "Taste the power of an ancient forbidden spell, devil! Seven Gods Slash!"

On the ground, the Great Saint looked up in astonishment. "What? The Seven Gods Slash? Dammit, I thought everyone who can execute the Seven Gods Slash in the human realm was dead!"

For the first time, the Great Saint dared not treat his opponents lightly. He summoned a bloody shield in front of himself and cackled. "Come, interesting girl! Let’s see if your Seven Gods Slash is stronger than my Dark Blood Shield!"

Bang bang bang bang…

The light spears crashed against the bloody shield and shook the ground itself!

However, the Dark Blood Shield only cracked a little despite having received hundreds of attacks in one go. There was no way Xinran’s technique would be able to deal a severe blow to the Great Saint if it couldn’t even land a hit on him.



I unsheathed the Chill of the Nine Provinces and rushed toward the Great Saint once more.

Lin Yixin caught up to me while crying, "What are you doing, Lu Chen? Are you trying to commit suicide?"

I uttered through gritted teeth, "I need to help Xinran, or she will die!"

Li Chengfeng and He Yi didn’t hesitate to fly after me as well. In the air, Gui Guzi shouted, "Let’s go! If we’re going to die anyway, we may as well go down fighting!"

Crack crack crack…

I skidded to a stop right in front of the Great Saint and used Crushing Blow. Let’s see how you can defend against my Xinran without your shield!


It worked. Crushing Blow canceled the Blood Shield and even dealt 412,624 damage to the boss. At the same time, dozens of light spears skewered his chest and dealt around 2 million damage per hit. It looked like Xinran’s light laws were powerful enough to deal massive damage to the Great Saint.

"Damned brat!"

Furious, the Great Saint turned toward me and fired a skill even though he was still being blasted by the Seven Gods Slash. "Blood Roar!"


The so-called Blood Roar was a powerful energy blast condensed into the shape of a lion’s head. It threw me to the back and triggered three damage numbers—




Phew! My Pity of the Purgatory Gods negated one of the three magic attacks!

I rolled across the ground with just barely a sliver of HP left. However, the Great Saint was still chasing after me.

"Stop him!"

He Yi blocked in front of the Great Saint and activated Cave Ice Defense, doubling her Defense instantly!

"Out of my way!"

The Great Saint roared furiously as he struck He Yi twice with his bare hands and left two horrific gashes on her shoulders. The Cave Ice Shield itself looked like it could fall apart at any moment.


The Blue Crystal Dragon’s claw hit the ground. This time, it was Li Chengfeng who blocked in front of He Yi and hit the Great Saint seven times in quick succession. Somehow, he was able to halt the Great Saint’s advance while Gui Guzi healed us all by 75% HP with Shennong Tastes Grass!

The Great Saint went absolutely ballistic when he saw this. He waved his arms again while yelling, "Die! Blood Vortex!"


It was a blast of pure magic. A girl vortex trapped He Yi, Li Chengfeng and Gui Guzi and began siphoning away their HP like crazy. Li Chengfeng especially dropped to less than 5% in just the blink of an eye!


I hurriedly activated Cold of the Nine Provinces. The moment it failed, I tossed my sword at the Great Saint using Coiling Dragon Revolution!


The sword pierced through the Great Saint’s chest but still failed to cancel the Blood Vortex skill. I was despairing when the boss suddenly froze and became stunned. Behind him, Lin Yixin dashed out while yelling, "What are you waiting for? Run!"

She had executed Moon Gaze + Extreme Break + Knockback Slash combo to cancel the Blood Vortex skill! It was a miracle!


While we were pulling back, I raised the Chill of the Nine Provinces again and healed everyone for 50% HP using Xuanyuan Art. Li Chengfeng desperately needed the healing after that close brush with death.

While we were escaping, Candlelight Shadow arrived on his fire dragon and slowed down the boss with a powerful Shattering Sword and Shield. At the same time, he shouted, "What the hell are you guys doing? This is not a boss you can fight head-on!"

I said while I dashed past him. "Thanks!"

The Great Saint cackled and leaped into the air. Then, he sent both Candlelight Shadow and his dragon crashing into a wall with a single punch.

Even Tear Stain and dozens of experts were rushing to our rescue. I heard her saying, "Someone, organize our players and give them suppressive fire, and don’t you dare hold back! No one wins if we fail this event quest!"

After she said this, she fired an Ice Blade Slash at the Great Saint’s head. The archer, Frosty Night also executed a skill called Seven Shots of Dawn that greatly wounded the Great Saint. In retaliation, the boss fired a bloody palm strike that one-shot Frosty Night and the Throne of the Wild players next to him!


"Haven’t you killed enough?"

Suddenly, an icy female voice rang from behind the Great Saint.


Then, a blade burst out of the Great Saint’s chest. It was one other than Binglan’s Dragonslaying Sword!


Although Binglan managed to ambush the Great Saint, and he was still being bombarded by the Seven Gods Slash, he cackled madly, "Don’t you understand yet, Binglan? Your attacks aren’t enough to kill me, and I’m still absorbing death energy through all that killing! You are destined to lose this no matter what you try! It is wrought in the stars!"

"Is that so?"

Binglan smiled and dripped a few drops of blood on the Dragonslaying Sword. Then, she said the words that drained all the blood from the Great Saint’s face—

"I sacrifice my blood so that the souls may rest in peace. May the order reign eternal—Blood Barrier, Seal!"

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