VRMMO: The Unrivaled

Chapter 1457: Snow Frog Agent

Chapter 1457: Snow Frog Agent


At around 4 pm or so, I received a message from Lin Yixin. "I have everything, Little Cheat. Come meet me at my Silver Fir City’s territory hall!"

"Right away!"

After I sent the reply, I turned around in excitement and said to He Yi, Beiming Xue and Lian Xin, "Yiyi has finished preparing all the items I asked her to prepare. I’m heading over to Silver Fir City to retrieve them now. I’m most likely going to head to the Purgatory after that, so, be sure to grind hard while I’m gone. I’ll be back very soon, I hope!"

He Yi nodded before saying firmly, "Take Xinran home and become stronger, okay?"

I showed her a fist. "I will. See you all later!"



I teleported back to Dark Moon City first before teleporting to Silver Fir City.


Silver Fir City was just as crowded as our Dark Moon City. As a Rank 9 city, it possessed all the infrastructure a player might and was second only to our Dark Moon City. Beauty Lin must have made a ton of money during this time.

I strode right through the territory hall’s entrance. Lin Yixin had already granted me access, so there were no problems here.

Inside the territory hall, Lin Yixin was sitting at her throne and swaying her legs a little while she waited for me. The Wind Severing Sword was propped against the armrest. The moment she saw me coming in, she immediately jumped to her feet and walked up to me with a smile, "Wow, you came faster than I expected…"

I nodded. "I’m in a hurry after all. Have you prepared all the items?"

"Of course. This is me you’re talking about…"

Lin Yixin stuck her hand into her bag and pulled out 50 golden Magic Repair Oils first. "Here. Each one of these can restore 100% durability. The time window you gave me was short, so I had no choice but to purchase almost all of them at a high price. Can you believe that the most expensive bottle I bought cost 27k gold? Those dickless bastards…"

I chuckled. "Mind your manners, Yiyi…"

"Mn…" My cute little girlfriend blushed before amending her words, "Fine, those shady crooks. Anyway, this purchase costs nearly 1 million in total and definitely more than what I expected at the beginning. How are you going to repay me?"

I replied without hesitation, "There is but one way, isn’t it? Marry me, Yiyi."

"Oh yeah? How much dowry are we talking about?" She tilted her head to one side with an amused expression.

A dead pig doesn't fear scalding water. I spread my arms and argued, "I may not be the most handsome man in the world, but I am still fairly attractive, you know? You should be thanking your lucky stars you've got someone like me, much less ask me to pay you a dowry…"

Lin Yixin slapped my arm repeatedly. "Shameless, shameless! You are the most shameless and vulgar man I’ve ever met in my life!"

I replied while recalling my brief conversation with Shusheng yesterday, "They do exist, though. I know at least one such person…"

Deciding that she was better off ignoring me, Lin Yixin went back to her bag and pulled out a bunch of potions this time. "This is the Rank 14 potion you asked for. It’s freshly made, and I dare say that it’s the very first batch of Rank 14 Health Potions in all the servers. One of its ingredients is the Blood of Snow Frog, and I had to sneak around a Sovereign Rank dragon to gather it at a live volcano deep within Dragonbone Mountain Range this morning. Thank goodness the dragon hadn’t woken up, or I would be dead already…"

I shot it a glance and was astounded by what I saw. Obviously, a Rank 14 Health Potion would be superior to a Rank 13 one, but its exact stats were still quite the shocker—

Snow Frog Agent: Rank 14 Health Potion. Instantly recovers 200k HP, and regenerates 6% HP per second for 25 seconds.


The 200k HP immediate HP recovery alone could one-shot all Rank 1 to 12 potions [1], but this 6% HP regeneration per second was even better. It meant that I could recover a total of 150% HP in 25 seconds. It was the perfect potion for a high-HP-and-Defense player like me!

I watched my girlfriend closely. Her armor was scratched and dented all over the place, and there were bloodstains on both her legs. She must’ve gone through quite the intense battle to gather the ingredients necessary to craft these potions. In fact, I could tell that she just came back from a leveling ground not long ago because the potions felt hot to touch. She probably hadn’t even eaten lunch today because she wanted to make absolutely sure that I would come back from my trip to the Purgatory alive.

Deeply touched by her efforts, I gave Lin Yixin a hug and a long kiss on her cheek before saying, "Yiyi, you are my gift from the heavens…"

Lin Yixin watched me with her beautiful, soulful eyes for a moment before replying, "And you must be my punishment from the heavens. It is the only reason I would fall for someone this hard and shackle myself with all these emotions…"

I burst into laughter at her resentful tone. "Come on!"

Lin Yixin cracked a smile too before pecking me once on the cheek. "Come back alive from the Purgatory. You are not allowed to drop the Xuanyuan Sword or the Cloak of Divine Fervor. You are not allowed to drop the Flying Dragon Wristguards, the Song of Freedom, the Guardian Dragon Armor and the Pity of the Purgatory Gods… Wait a minute. Now that I think about it, nearly everything you’re wearing is something you absolutely cannot afford to drop… so unfair…"

I simply held her tighter and kept quiet.

"Little Cheat, I made 200 stacks or 20k Rank 14 Health Potions for you in total. It should be enough, right? If not, would you like to wait a little longer? Fair warning though, I would have to seek out a new crater first before I can gather more Blood of Snow Frogs. I gathered every ingredient there was at that one volcano, and it will take 15 days for them to respawn…"

"It’s fine, 200 stacks are enough. The Xuanyuan Sword has 50% lifesteal, so I won’t need to use them unless I’m battling against a boss. Plus, I still have plenty of Rank 13 Health Potions in my bag!"

"That’s good. When are you going to the Purgatory, by the way?"

I thought for a moment before answering, "The sooner, the better. In fact, I would go there right now if I didn’t need to find an entrance to the Purgatory first. I doubt it’ll be easy…"

"Do you have a plan?"

"I’m planning to seek out Sophie. She may be able to advise me on this matter."

"Sounds like a good plan. Can I come with you? I would like to see you off…" she said with a look that caused my heart to ache. It was exactly the same as the eyes I saw when Xinran had fallen into the Purgatory.

I put a finger beneath Lin Yixin’s smooth chin and replied, "It’s fine. Just stay at Silver Fir City, be a good girl, and wait for me to come home, okay? Who knows, maybe I’ll come back with a full set of Ancient Divine Armaments by then…"

Lin Yixin snorted. "What are you doing? Do you think I’m a junior high school girl whom you can trick with your sweet words? All I want is for you to come back safely…"

"And I will. So be patient and wait for me to come home, okay?"



Lin Yixin walked me to the entrance of Snowy Cathaya’s territory hall before I looked toward the eastern sky. Then, I looked back at her and shot her one last smile. "Alright, I’m leaving, Yiyi!"

"Mn. Be careful!"

After that, with Lin Yixin’s gaze affixed to my back, I floated off the ground for a couple of seconds before shooting into the clouds like a lightning bolt. The commotion actually caused quite a number of players to look at the sky and comment—

"Holy shit, who is that guy? He just flew without using Heavenly River Transformation! Who is he?"

"That’s obviously a ninth-promotion player and a Divine Throne Guardian. Man, I wish I could fly too!"

"That’s gotta be Lu Chen. You see that super beauty standing at the entrance of the territory hall? She is none other than the Fruit Knife Goddess herself! She must have been seeing Lu Chen off. Where is Lu Chen going anyway, and what is he planning to do?"

"Who knows? Maybe he’s off to grind another ridiculously difficult map or something."

"Can you cut the gossip and party us already? The S2 instance is waiting for us, and I’ve got no time to waste! My girlfriend told me she would jerk me off if I could grind the full S2 equipment set within the week!"

"Have some fucking shame[2]!!!"


My flight speed was absolutely incredible, but it wasn’t just because of my new ability. I would be a lot slower if it wasn’t for my Ancient Divine Dragon.

Less than twenty minutes later, I arrived at the airspace of Purple Grape City. Every human main city on Heavenblessed succumbed to the Purgatory Legion, but not Sophie’s Purple Grape City. Her title as the second strongest Purgatory Sovereign wasn’t just for show after all. However, it was currently under attack by a ton of Heart Rippers, Corpse Eaters and Frankensteins. It was a battle between NPCs, and not even Sophie was completely secure.


I made a nose dive toward the enemy mobs and executed a devastating Burning Blade Slash. One of the hits triggered the septuple damage effect and one-shot the Corpse Eaters instantly. That was all I did, however. After all, I was here to speak with Sophie, not to defend her city.


I landed on a rampart, and there Sophie was hugging her sword and watching me with a smile. "One doesn't visit a temple without a cause, so what’s your business?"

I returned my sword into its sheath while saying, "Please open an entrance to the Purgatory for me, Sophie. I’m going to find her now!"

Sophie shivered and fell silent for a moment. A long time later, she finally said, "I want to find Xinran too, but… you know just how powerful Lin Na is. I fear that we are only going to add to the body count."


I let out a sigh before replying, "Even so, I must go to the Purgatory to save her. Otherwise, I’m worried that Xinran will… will…"

"I know…"

"Are you aware that this plane and the Purgatory plane are separated by a powerful seal? It takes a divine expert’s full-powered attack to open a crack to the other plane. However, the battle at Sainthelm City has left me seriously wounded and weakened, and I’m still not recovered yet. As a result, I don’t have the strength to create the entrance you ask for. I… I’m sorry, I…"

I raised a palm to stop her. "You don’t need to blame yourself, Sophie. I know you would’ve gone to the Purgatory to save Xinran if it was at all possible. Just answer me this question: Who else besides you can open an entrance to the Purgatory?"

Sophie hummed for a moment before replying, "Right now, there are three divine experts in the human realms, namely me, Karinshan and Binglan. Karinshan is still recovering from her injuries just like me, so she won’t be able to help you either. This means that Binglan is your only remaining hope. She has moved back to Dragon Domain, and she is currently mustering a new force to protect the human realms. Although she was injured just as badly as us, her power is far greater than Karinshan’s or mine. Therefore, Binglan should have enough power to open an entrance for you."

I was overjoyed to hear this. "That’s wonderful! I’ll fly to Dragon Domain and find her now!"


Sophie walked up to me and grabbed my arm. Then, she broke into a smile and said, "I see, you’ve ascended to become a Divine Throne Guardian. Now I understand where your confidence is coming from. In that case… give it your all and bring back my sister, Xinran’s older brother. Lin Na’s strength is growing day by day, and the Purgatory Legion’s strength with him. We need both you and Xinran alive to fight against all that darkness!"

"I know. See you later!"

"Take care!"


I leaped into the air and vanished like a meteor once more. My new objective was the new Dragon Domain, Binglan!

1. T/N: judging from this, I must assume that the Rank 10 potions or above offers some amount of HP regeneration as well. Otherwise, it’s literally a drop in the goddamn bucket ☜

2. E/N: And standards. That you can do yourself. ☜

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