VRMMO: The Unrivaled

Chapter 1552: Kiss of the Goddess

Chapter 1552: Kiss of the Goddess

A row of pitch black shields split in half to the Xuanyuan Sword. It was thanks to its Mountain Crush property. The Gold Cavalrymen tried to escape after seeing my power, but, of course, their efforts were futile.

I dropped seven or eight Ancient Seals before throwing the Xuanyuan Sword. Coiling Dragon Revolution cut right through the chests of the low health magic knights and killed them all!


On the horizon, Li Chengfeng was flying at a low altitude and striking down everyone near him with the Cyan Peak Halberd. No one he targeted managed to survive his Reverse Scale Slash, Dragonbone Flurry, Dragonblade Revolution or other skills. Every time he landed on the ground, an empty zone several hundred meters wide in radius would appear. The enemies had suffered one too many times from his Dragonblade Revolution already.

On the other side, High Fighting Spirits spun the Sun madly and transformed into a flaming hurricane. Tangible effects aside, Xiezhi Howl had always had impressive visual and audio effects. When the time was right, he unleashed his Ancient Divine Skill, Xing Tian’s Defiance and penetrated three lines of shielders in one go. Roaring, he and the one thousand Dragonlight Cavalrymen he was leading broke through the enemy encirclement despite enemies’ best attempts to pin him down.


Chaos Moon’s Rock Crush and Eighteen Steeds of You and Yun’s Rock Smash exploded among an enemy group together. Gui Guzi and He Yi were riding their giant dragons and providing cover for the players below them. This meant that Chaotic 27 players’ had to watch out for not just the ground attacks of the Dragonlight Cavalry, but also the aerial attacks of our dragon knights. They were suffering to say the least.

One player was floating about a hundred meters above ground and raining hell upon the enemies. She was none other than Beiming Xue. She was untouchable by the enemy because she was too high up for the magic knights’ Trapping Nets to reach her. Not only that, her attack power was increased by 25% at least due to the height advantage, and the Xuanming Bow made even AoE skills like Skypiercer and Evil Spirit Volley deal over one million damage per hit. The occasional Xuanming Flames were just the icing on the cake.

Even better, our one and only divine mage, Lian Xin was dropping Sea of Flames wherever she went and killing dozens every time she cast a Dimensional Storm, God Devil Break or more. It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say that she single-handedly overturned the invaders’ common sense regarding mages. They had never encountered a mage who could wade through a sea of fighters like they didn’t exist and crush them all!

Even our tactician, Lu Buyi was sweeping the enemy with Dragon Vein Art. If he got injured, he would immediately heal himself with a healing spell. The Tactician class’s excellent self-sufficiency was a good reason to play the class.


"Roar roar…"

Suddenly, a couple of draconic roars erupted from the middle of the 5 million cavalrymen. Then, seven gigantic shadows rose into the air before flying straight for our players. They were the Chaotic 27’s dragon knights! I knew that the ten guild leaders weren’t the strongest players in their midst, but I wasn’t expecting seven dragon knights! I had no doubt that this was their trump card!

"Kill the despicable ambushers, dragon knights!"

A couple of sword auras descended from the sky and killed a dozen or so low-health Dragonlight Cavalrymen instantly. A dragon knight’s Attack was far higher than a standard player’s as a matter of course.

Chaos Moon urged, "Those dragon knights have to be their trump card! We need to take them out as soon as possible!"

I nodded before ordering, "All players who think they’re sufficiently capable, take out these seven dragon knights as quickly as you can!"

I was already flying toward the dragon knights before I even finished giving the order. A couple of magic knights tried to hit me with Barrier Breaks before I took off, but they were way too lte.


I didn’t attempt to hide my aim. I flew straight toward the ghost dragon knight closest to me and channeled Universe Break. One dragon at a time!


The dragon knight let out a snort. He was clearly confident in his skills because he abruptly removed his shield and swung his dragon spear at me. I wasn’t saying that he was bad, but did he seriously think he could parry my Universe Break?


I shouted as I moved my sword 5 cm lower right before it would make contact with the spear. At the same time, I grabbed my sword with both hands to exert even more strength into the blow. Parry shatter!


The dragon knight could only watch in horror as my Universe Break broke through his spear, pierced through his neck, and dealt a shocking amount of damage—


The septuple damage effect of my sword triggered, so the unfortunate fellow had no choice but to be one-shot!

I kicked off the dragon knight’s body right before he and his ghost dragon disappeared and shot toward the green dragon knight behind him. When I was close enough, I swung my sword three times in quick succession—Burning Blade Slash!


The green dragon knight was caught off-guard because he was busy attacking the Dragonlight Cavalrymen below him. He hurriedly raised his shield to block the attack, but of course it wasn’t nearly enough—




To my surprise, the dragon knight actually survived my skill[1]. He must have a lot of HP!

Still, it simply meant that I had to put in a little more effort. I swung my blade across the green dragon knight’s head. The guy was expecting another damage number, but a MISS rose from his head instead. "Huh? MISS? But how? I couldn’t have possibly dodged the attack of China’s number one’s player, could I?"

That was as far as I allowed him to indulge in his delusion before tossing my sword at him using Coiling Dragon Revolution.

Puchi! The Xuanyuan Sword opened a huge hole in his back and dealt an absolutely ridiculous amount of damage. Pardon + Coiling Dragon Revolution was already a pretty sick combo, but since I triggered the sword’s septuple damage effect the final damage number was—



That was another one biting the dust. The dragon knight dropped a couple of pieces of equipment, but I paid them no heed because another green dragon knight was attacking me from my right flank. He raised his halberd and stabbed me four times!

The invisible shield that was Unusual Physique protecting my body, I turned around and blocked all four attacks with the Dihai Shield. The damage numbers were—





The attacker’s pupils shrank visibly. "What the hell is this Defense!? My Dragonblade Flurry should have dealt a lot more damage than this! God, he has at least 20 million HP, at this rate…"

My figure blurred, and I appeared above the green dragon knight. While overlooking him from above, I said disdainfully, "I hope you don’t think that being a dragon knight makes you almighty. What a childish notion…"

I used my Domain to propel myself and exploded toward the green dragon knight like a lightning bolt. Then, I reversed the grip of my sword and struck his shoulder with all my might. I was in a mounted state even though I wasn’t riding a mount, so my Strength was far higher than the green dragon knight’s. As a result, he could only plunge uncontrollably toward the ground.


Both man and dragon struck the ground like a meteor and crushed many unfortunate cavalrymen who happened to be in the way. A short distance away, High Fighting Spirits let out a cackle. "Kaka, Lu Chen beat the fucker out of the sky! Kill him!"

A group of Dragonlight Cavalrymen immediately surrounded the green dragon knight and hacked away like crazy. While High Fighting Spirits was executing a devastating Xiezhi Howl + Xing Tian’s Defiance combo, our two beautiful Knight Generals, Heaven’s Rain and Diamond Dust, galloped over and cast their Ancient Divine Skills at the same time. The Tiger Wing Slash + Dog God Slash combo easily tore the dragon knights to shreds!


The players of Chaotic 27 couldn’t believe that they had lost three dragon knights in scarcely a minute. They probably thought that seven dragon knights would be enough to bring them hope or even turn the tides against us, but reality was a cruel mistress. They were practically pathetic before the power of our divine players.

At the distance, He Yi was wrecking a dragon knight herself with Stormwind Slash + Stormwind Break combo. Death Combo from Gui Guzi later, the dragon knight drooped his head and died. Li Chengfeng was fighting two dragon knights on his own and seemingly enjoying the time of his life. I was about to lend him a helping hand when he shouted, "Stay out of this, Lu Chen! I’m going to take them out myself! I’ll hate you forever if you interfere, you hear me…"

I shrugged. "Just don’t die again, man. Now that I think about it, there hasn’t been a single Nation War where you survived until the end…"

Li Chengfeng laughed. "Don’t worry, I’ll definitely outlive you in this Nation War!"

Meanwhile, a red dragon knight was trying to chase down Beiming Xue to no avail. Every time it looked like he was about to catch up, he would catch a faceful of CC skills such as Shock Arrows or Mountain Stagger Arrows. As a result, his HP kept dropping, but Beiming Xue was completely unharmed!

He erupted, "I’m going to kill you, you damned woman!"

Beiming Xue simply let out a cold snort, flew higher into the sky, and pepper him some more with Mountain Stagger Arrows!

Thud thud thud…

The red dragon knight’s complexion turned greenish. Despite his best efforts, he couldn’t stop his mount tenacity from falling rapidly. In the end, his giant dragon abruptly vanished his feet, and he started freefalling toward the ground.


Beiming Xue let out a giggle as she descended toward the now-dragonless knight. To his surprise, she pulled out a dagger from her waist and slashed him in the neck for 270k damage…

The dragon knight died. Even in death, he couldn’t believe that he, a powerful dragon knight, had been slashed to death by a female archer. It was a shameful death to say the least!


Again, the red dragon knight dropped a couple of pieces of equipment. I was sure that their equipment was excellent since they were dragon knights, but there were more pressing issues to deal with, namely carving up the enemies. Our foes’ number advantage was real after all. If we couldn’t suppress them to the point where they couldn’t even organize a countercharge, the battle would become harder than expected.

Thankfully, our Holy Mages and Dragonlight Archers were doing exactly that. It was like watching an endless wave of carpet bombing as they mowed down group after group of enemies with their arrows and spells. Since the enemy cavalrymen were only buffed by cards and stratagems, they simply didn’t possess the tankiness to withstand this level of damage.


Everyone who wasn’t our enemy was having a good time when suddenly, a system announcement caught our attention. Someone had ascended to become a god, and the female player was surprisingly one of ours!


System Announcement: Player "Murong Mingyue" (China) has the highest contribution of all priests in this Nation War. They have triggered a hidden condition to ascension and become a Law Divine Throne Guardian! They have obtained: "Unusual Physique", "Flight", "Kiss of the Goddess of Life", and "Mount Armor Transformation"!

1. T/N: who was the guy who said that the days of one-shotting a fellow cavalryman are the distant past? You ☜

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