When they arrived in the town, they were stopped by the guards at the gate as per usual.

However, since they were traveling with the Flying Crest Caravan, it was easier for Lin Fan and Mu Bao Bao to enter the city. 

The guards were already familiar with the Flying Crest Merchants since they had already been here several times before, so they knew that they could be trusted. They didn't even bother checking Lin Fan's or the Flying Crest Merchants' caravans because of this.

They were just quickly ushered into the city.

As they went past, the guard captain asked Wang Mu a few questions about where they would be setting up their shop.

It seemed like the guard captain was a customer of Wang Mu's, so that was why it was so easy for them to pass.

Once they were in the city, Wang Mu said to Lin Fan, "This young master, I think that it's time for us to part ways. We need to go to our inn and prepare to do business tomorrow, so I hope that you will not blame us for leaving in a rush."

Lin Fan nodded in response before asking, "Where are you setting up tomorrow? I'll come and see what kind of stuff you have to sell."

Wang Mu entered his merchant mode when he heard this and he quickly took out a piece of paper to draw a map for Lin Fan before promising to give him a good deal if he came.

Since they were already in the town, he wasn't scared that Lin Fan would do anything.

After all, if Lin Fan did anything now, he would be offending the Mu Empire since this was a town under their jurisdiction. He didn't believe that Lin Fan would be that crazy even if he was a powerful cultivator.

The Mu Empire had their own experts after all.

When they were about to leave, Wang Mu couldn't help stopping and turned around to bow to Lin Fan with cupped hands, "Thank you for saving us."

This time, his voice was filled with sincerity, unlike his words from before.

Back when they were out of town, he was worried that Lin Fan would rob them or do something to them. But now that the tension that came with potential danger was gone, he could express his sincerity to Lin Fan.

After all, it was a fact that Lin Fan had saved him.

Lin Fan just waved his hand with a smile in response to this.

Mu Bao Bao went to say goodbye to the kids and during this time, the other adults in the carriage thanked them with guilty looks in their eyes. 

Now that it turned out that they were indeed good people, they couldn't help feeling bad since they had been so distrustful of them.

But in the end, they parted on good terms.

Once the Flying Crest Merchants were gone, Lin Fan and Mu Bao Bao went to their own carriage and…Lin Fan casted the illusion spell on it.

In front of everyone, the carriage seemed to disappear, but no one really cared.

It was as if they had forgotten that there had been a carriage there a few seconds ago.

With this illusion spell around them, they drove into an alley before Lin Fan put the carriage away in his Pet Storage Space.

Mu Bao Bao didn't exactly know how he did it since Storage Rings wouldn't be able to do things like this unless they were very big. But she didn't question it since she knew about the dungeon.

She knew that Lin Fan would have all kinds of mysterious things and she should just trust him.

Once the carriage was gone, Lin Fan turned to her and asked, "Shall we?"

Mu Bao Bao nodded in response.

Then both of them disappeared from the spot.

The two of them quickly moved across the roofs of the town until they arrived at a certain part of the town.

Before arriving in the town, Lin Fan had already learned about the layout of the town from Wang Mu. During the trip, he had asked Wang Mu many questions about this Flowing Mud Town.

Wang Mu was surprised by Lin Fan's questions at first, but he quickly realized why Lin Fan was asking these questions.

It didn't take a genius to tell that Lin Fan was new to the town, so it wasn't strange that he was asking about it.

So Wang Mu answered all of the questions that Lin Fan asked. He basically told him about the layout of the entire town since he had already been here several times and knew most things about this town.

The place that they had just arrived in were the back streets of the town.

It was impossible for a big town like this to not have a back street. Every single town and city in the entire Mu Empire had a back street like this.

Even Dungeon City had a back street, but it was heavily regulated by Yue Lan. So there wasn't much danger from them having a back street like that.

But it was different for this Flowing Mud Town.

In this place, the mayor didn't have enough troops to control this back street, so it was allowed to operate on its own. The ones that ruled this place were the gang leaders of the various gangs.

Two gangs in particular were the ones that had power over this back street.

It was the Drowning Rat Gang and the Steel Head Gang.

These two gangs were equal in power, so neither of them were able to drive the other out of the back streets.

But they were only powerful mortal gangs and they were nothing compared to cultivators. So it would be easy for Lin Fan and Mu Bao Bao to deal with them.

The reason why they had come to these back streets in the first place was to get information.

The whole reason for their trip in the first place was so they could go and gather information about the destruction of the Love Sect. So they were planning on using these two gangs to get information.

Normally, they would be able to use the information network of the Royal Style Store to get the information that they wanted, but this didn't work here. There wasn't a Royal Style Store in this town in the first place.

While Yue Lan had been expanding the business, it was impossible for her to spread it to every single town and city in the Mu Empire since there were just too many of them. The current resources that they had was far from being enough to support this.

They would be able to open some more stores with the resources from the fourth prince, that was still far from being enough to open a store in every city and town.

Right now, the main focus was the cities where they would be able to earn the most profit from.

But in the future, she would want to have a store in every city and town. She even considered sending merchants to trade with small villages as well.

At the same time, that would help them build up a powerful intelligence network across the Mu Empire.

Still, for now, Lin Fan and Mu Bao Bao had no choice but to rely on the local intelligence networks.

There were above ground intelligence networks that they could have gone to. The ones that merchants created that would sell intelligence for money.

However, there was a limit to how much intelligence they would sell and it would often come at a steep price. At the same time, there was the risk of them selling the information that they were looking for this information to the right people for the right amount of money.

In short, it left too many loose ends.

So the best way was to use the underground intelligence network.

In addition to these being more secretive, they were also able to get information that the above ground intelligence networks couldn't get. For these people that operated in the dark, they were able to get information that people normally wouldn't be able to imagine.

The underground intelligence networks were better when comparing the two.

When they arrived in the back streets, they found that there was a commotion going on.

There were many people moving about, making it harder for them to make a move.

But when they listened in to find the reason why there was such a commotion, they were surprised.

Apparently, there was a meeting between the leaders of the Drowning Rat Gang and the Steel Head Gang.

No one knew why this meeting had suddenly been called, but the leaders of both of these gangs had suddenly shown up in the biggest bar on the back streets and went into a back room together.

There were now many people gathering and were already gathered at the bar, waiting to see what the results were.

But for Lin Fan and Mu Bao Bao, there was no need for them to wait.

The thugs in this town were all weak mortals that didn't have strong cultivations.

For someone like Lin Fan, it was easy for him to listen in on the conversation of these two gangs.

All he had to do was send in a few of Greeny's puppets and he could hear and see everything.

But when he did send Greeny's puppets in, he was surprised by the scene that he saw through them.

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